Moore: Americans are 'The Dumbest People on the Planet'

there isn't much i would say to this sweatty fat fuck...but i would say, in the words of Monty Python & The Holy Grail...

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Here's some light reading:
June 27th, 2004 11:06 pm
NYT: Fahrenheit 9/11 is Highest Grossing Documentary of All Time!

June 28, 2004

LOS ANGELES -- Michael Moore's anti-Bush "Fahrenheit 9/11" became the highest-grossing documentary of all time on its first weekend in release, taking in $21.8 million as it packed theaters across the country this weekend.

The movie, mocking President Bush and criticizing his decision to go to war in Iraq, was No. 1 at the box office, beating out the popular comedies "White Chicks" and "DodgeBall," which were playing on almost triple the number of screens.

Theater owners in large cities and smaller towns reported sellout crowds over the weekend, with numerous theaters declaring house records.

The phenomenal opening represented a decisive victory for Mr. Moore and for the Miramax movie executives Harvey and Bob Weinstein, who released the film independently after it was rejected by Miramax's corporate parent, the Walt Disney Company, as too political.

"We sold out in Fayetteville, home of Fort Bragg," in North Carolina, Mr. Moore said on Sunday. "We sold out in Army-base towns. We set house records in some of these places. We set single-day records in a number of theaters. We got standing ovations in Greensboro, N.C.

"The biggest news to me this morning is this is a red-state movie," he said, referring to the state whose residents voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 election. "Republican states are embracing the movie, and it's sold out in Republican strongholds all over the country."

Harvey Weinstein said: "It's beyond anybody's expectations. I'd have to say the sky's the limit on this movie. Who knows what territory we're in."

Mr. Moore's 2002 film, "Bowling for Columbine," had held the record for the highest-earning documentary until this weekend, taking in $21.6 million in its domestic run.

Market research leading up to the weekend had shown that the documentary would rank second or third at the box office after the two mainstream comedies. But "White Chicks" took in $19.6 million for the weekend on 2,726 screens, while "DodgeBall" took in $18.5 million on 3,020. "Fahrenheit 9/11," rated R, was released on 868 screens.

Read more here:

Oh, and if anyone is interested:

The truth about Michael Moore
By Gary Strauss, USA TODAY
NEW YORK — Filmmaker Michael Moore isn't into gloating or vindication. But some might not blame him if he were.

Advocate for the kids: Moore served on a Michigan county school board in the early 1970s.
Davison Community Schools

When Bowling For Columbine won the Academy Award for best documentary last year, Moore took tons of heat for abandoning the traditional air-kiss acceptance speech, instead lambasting a "fictitious president" for conducting a "fictitious war."

Five days after the start of the Iraqi war, his caustic comments ("Shame on you, Mr. Bush!") were viewed as treasonous. The backlash left Moore abandoned by skittish Hollywood liberals, vilified by angry conservatives and victimized by hate mail and death threats. Walking from his Upper West Side home to his offices was no longer safe.

"People got right in my face," says Moore, the self-professed champion of the little guy whose films and books have brought him wealth, fame and increasingly rabid scorn. "It was rough. I just thought how easier my life would be had I just thanked my agent."

Fast-forward 15 months. Fahrenheit9/11, his Bush-bashing documentary, opens this week and is stirring incendiary sentiment. Bush supporters are trashing Fahrenheit 9/11's premise. Conservatives mobilized to block theater chains from showing it. And talk show host Bill O'Reilly likened Moore to Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels.

Yet Moore gets lots of well-wishers and apologists thanking him for his anti-war stance. Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Tony Bennett fawn over him. Moreover, swelling hype surrounding Fahrenheit 9/11 almost guarantees ticket sales above Columbine's $21.6 million, a record for a non-concert documentary.

Read more here:
I read an artical in todays Boston Globe (or hearld cannot recall) and there is a bit on this guy -
First, he has a right to say as he thinks (if he does at all) and make films and no fault to him if people want to shell out there hard earned cash on trash...but there are no shortages of fools as MM certainly knows.
He has a barage of liberal leaders who are out to defend him, take the bullets if you will....which says to me that this charector is nothing but a pussy...I mean, if you are going to speak your words then do so and be man enough to take it - don't take the saddam hussein approach and hire a bunch of nuckleheads to stand up for you!

Enough said on this guy.

As for the photo - he looks like an average 'dumb' American (his own words I suppose)

Winston Churchill has spoken.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
"We sold out in Fayetteville, home of Fort Bragg," in North Carolina, Mr. Moore said on Sunday. "We sold out in Army-base towns. We set house records in some of these places. We set single-day records in a number of theaters. We got standing ovations in Greensboro, N.C.
What a DUMBASS!! I love how he slanted this.
In Fayetteville, Mr. Dumbass, your film is only playing in ONE theater at ONE time. So, is it really a surprise that on Sunday, at 7:30pm (ONLY) at one theatre (ONLY), it sold out?
This is how they use the "Army-base towns" and it pisses me off!!
One thing thats bugging me about the reports that its the highest grossing movie this weekend. it was only released in 400 theatres nationwide. Since it has such limited release, how is it number 1? is it just me? cause its not making sense at all.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
One thing thats bugging me about the reports that its the highest grossing movie this weekend. it was only released in 400 theatres nationwide. Since it has such limited release, how is it number 1? is it just me? cause its not making sense at all.

If I didn't know you better, I would think you were being skeptical of the reports. That couldn't be? Could it? :p:
Originally posted by Kathianne
If I didn't know you better, I would think you were being skeptical of the reports. That couldn't be? Could it? :p:

It could. Im not saying they arent accurate. I just want to know how a movie thats opening in limited theatres is number 1 this week. It doesnt make sense.

I hope he enjoys it while it last. it ends at 12am tomorrow night beaten by our friendly neighborhood spiderman. What a stupid time to release the movie. I would have done it in october.

I still want to know how it qualifies as a documentary as well.
Originally posted by insein
You have to put it in Perspective though...

In the grand scheme of opening weekend turnouts, Moore's 9/11 finished 242 overall. Right smack in Between Legally Blonde 2: Red, white and Blonde and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Time. Yep breaking some records there.

In a prepared statement Moore addressed the core theme of the film by saying, “The soul of this movie is that it stands up for our soldiers on the ground in Iraq by asking the question the majority of Americans want answered: Why are our soldiers there? This is a question that should have been asked over a year ago and that is why I believe the movie is doing so well and why I am so proud of it.”

The film is setting records on a regular basis in its march to the top of the pile, including: The highest opening weekend ever for a documentary of any type, including IMAX and concert films; the highest opening ever for a wide release under 1,000 screens, beating previous record holder Rocky III in 1982, and the highest opening ever for a Palm d’Or winner, beating previous record holder Pulp Fiction which opened with a relatively paltry $9,311,882 on almost 500 more theaters.

Astonishing numbers which, if the usual pattern holds true, could amount to opening weekend grosses of more than $30,000,000, putting it the number one documentary of all time in its first 5 days of release (excluding large format, concert, compilation and reality TV movies). Moore’s previous film, Bowling For Columbine, took more than 11 months to reach its eventual domestic total of $21,575,958.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
NYT: Fahrenheit 9/11 is Highest Grossing Documentary of All Time!

June 28, 2004

LOS ANGELES -- Michael Moore's anti-Bush "Fahrenheit 9/11" became the highest-grossing documentary of all time on its first weekend in release, taking in $21.8 million as it packed theaters across the country this weekend.

More spin by the NYT... this movie is about as much a documentary as Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

(Apologies to Mel Brooks for associating his works of art with a Michael Moore film.)
Originally posted by gop_jeff
More spin by the NYT... this movie is about as much a documentary as Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

(Apologies to Mel Brooks for associating his works of art with a Michael Moore film.)

You better or Mel Brooks might sue!
Originally posted by gop_jeff
More spin by the NYT... this movie is about as much a documentary as Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

That needed saying again.
Like i said on another board. I already saw Shrek 2. Why do i need to see 2 fantasy movies in one summer?
Originally posted by insein
Like i said on another board. I already saw Shrek 2. Why do i need to see 2 fantasy movies in one summer?

Because Spiderman 2 is out tonight at midnight.
Spiderman 2 is a documentary though. IT chronicles the life in times of a "Spider-like" man living in Manhatten. :p:
Originally posted by insein
Spiderman 2 is a documentary though. IT chronicles the life in times of a "Spider-like" man living in Manhatten. :p:

Well it deffinately fits the deffinition of a documentary better than F911.
From the oh so conservative, The New Republic:

It's easy enough to see why Republicans hated the movie before they ever saw it, why they used their influence to try to stop its production and distribution, and why, having failed at that, they are calling on theater owners not to show it.

I'm aware of only a handful of fringe Republicans who tried to prevent screening of this movie. The only real threats to it were Miramax, a liberal Hollywood outfit that passed on distribution over a year ago; and the McCain-Feingold law, which might affect its anti-Bush promotional ads. Sorry, Mr. Raspberry, this particular conspiracy of yours is about as valid as any one of Michael Moore's.

But why did the mostly liberal crowd at last week's Washington premiere--people who like to think of themselves as thoughtful and fair-minded--applaud so unrestrainedly?

They applauded, I suspect, for much the same reason so many members of the black Christian middle-class applaud the harangues of Black Muslim minister Louis Farrakhan. Some of his facts may be wrong and some of his connections strained, but his attitude is right. What's more, he'll say in plain language what nice, educated people cannot bring themselves to say: The man is a devil.

This is an astonishing assertion. What matters is not veracity, good faith, cinematic excellence, but attitude. And Raspberry even invokes anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan as the model! And who exactly is the "devil" in Farrakhan's "discourse"? The Jews! And this, according to Raspberry, is a valid model for Michael Moore to follow. Hello?
Here's a op-ed article:

Is there any doubt left in America about the shamelessness on the right? I have read all week long about Michael Moore’s new film Fahrenheit 911. I read about how there was a Republican PR machine behind a bogus grass roots website that was making threats to theater owners. I read, and responded to, a ridiculous hatchet job by Christopher Hitchens. I read about how there is now a documentary being made called “Michael Moore Hates America”. I thought, wow, there is really going to be a split in this country over this documentary. Now that I have seen it I am left wondering only one thing. How in the world can any reasonable thinking person see this movie and not be completely stirred, and wish to move toward changing the road we have gone down over the past three years?

I have heard the arguments and they simply do not fly in the face of the realities of this picture. Is this propaganda? The dictionary defines propaganda as “information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause”. Michael Moore has made it abundantly clear that his goal is to enlighten people to the corruption of this administration, in the hopes of regime change, starting at home. To that end, this movie is, no doubt, propaganda. However, so are the attempts to smear him, the attempts to use McCain-Feingold to shut down the advertisement of this film, and all of the rhetoric coming out from the right, who despicably are using the soldiers for their political benefit. Propaganda is at the heart of all things political. Does that mean the movie loses value? Of course not, that would be silly.

The issue then becomes, is the movie accurate? Do the Saudis own 7% of this country? Does the President’s family have deep ties to the Bin Laden family? Did the President arrange for the Bin Laden family to be flown out of this country on 09/13, while there was a ban on flights, and then lie about it for two years? Have they made the billions of dollars from the Saudis that Moore asserts? Did the Taliban meet with GW Bush in the late 90s to discuss a pipeline through Afghanistan? Did GW Bush sit in that classroom reading My Pet Goat while we were under attack? Did he use macho tag lines, while soldiers were dying, such as bring em on and we’re gonna smoke em out? Did the White House really turn over the President’s military records with the name of James Bath crossed out with marker? Did the Patriot Act get passed without being read? Did that mother lose her son in Iraq? Did those children die, and are they still dying in Iraq? Did Halliburton make billions upon billions of dollars in no-bid contracts from this war? Did Dick Cheney used to run Halliburton? Is that profiting, from a war, which some are calling war profiteering? Was the man GW Bush named to run Afghanistan, Hamid Karzi, a consultant for Unocal, the same company that wanted that infamous pipeline? Is there more than one Senator who has a kid in Iraq right now? Did Bush spend 42% of his first year on vacation? Did he not read the intelligence briefings, which may have tipped him off to 9-11? Were the soldiers lied to about how long they would be in Iraq? Is the predatory nature of recruitment for the armed services aimed at minorities and the poor? These are just some of the facts asserted in this movie and I challenge anyone to actually prove any of these wrong. I understand that the right desperately wants to prevent the American people to connect the dots, but that does not take away from the credibility of the film. They can parse words and confuse the issues but at the end of the day, these are facts and they are not disputable.

Read more here:
Even though you're polite and charming brweyes, I can't help but think what kind of a dough head you truely must be to believe the lies of that rotten lying greasy turd mickey moore, when the majority of what he's done has been consistantly shot full of holes time and time again proving it to be distortions and outright made up lies.

I guess that kind of ignorance comes naturally with being a liberal. Anything anti-Bush and you guys lap it up like a junk yard dog.
You know what they say about assuming right PR? ;)

The people who have shot holes through Moore's stuff have been the right-wing. I have read all the links that have been posted about Moore that you and others have posted, and all of them have been from right-wing sites. Not to say that they are wrong, but you can't just listen to one side all the time.

As for anything anti-Bush, I don't lap up everything. I personally thought it was going a little too far comparing Bush and Hitler. There was even a joke about that situation that I thought was inappropriate.

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