Moore: Americans are 'The Dumbest People on the Planet'

Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
You know what they say about assuming right PR? ;)

The people who have shot holes through Moore's stuff have been the right-wing. I have read all the links that have been posted about Moore that you and others have posted, and all of them have been from right-wing sites. Not to say that they are wrong, but you can't just listen to one side all the time.

As for anything anti-Bush, I don't lap up everything. I personally thought it was going a little too far comparing Bush and Hitler. There was even a joke about that situation that I thought was inappropriate.

NO SHIT!! :eek2:

Here's the deal brwneyes... it doesn't matter what "side" information comes from, just recognize it as the TRUTH when it is!
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
Do the Saudis own 7% of this country? Does the President’s family have deep ties to the Bin Laden family? Did the President arrange for the Bin Laden family to be flown out of this country on 09/13, while there was a ban on flights, and then lie about it for two years? Have they made the billions of dollars from the Saudis that Moore asserts? Did the Taliban meet with GW Bush in the late 90s to discuss a pipeline through Afghanistan? Did GW Bush sit in that classroom reading My Pet Goat while we were under attack? Did he use macho tag lines, while soldiers were dying, such as bring em on and we’re gonna smoke em out? Did the White House really turn over the President’s military records with the name of James Bath crossed out with marker? Did the Patriot Act get passed without being read? Did that mother lose her son in Iraq? Did those children die, and are they still dying in Iraq? Did Halliburton make billions upon billions of dollars in no-bid contracts from this war? Did Dick Cheney used to run Halliburton? Is that profiting, from a war, which some are calling war profiteering? Was the man GW Bush named to run Afghanistan, Hamid Karzi, a consultant for Unocal, the same company that wanted that infamous pipeline? Is there more than one Senator who has a kid in Iraq right now? Did Bush spend 42% of his first year on vacation? Did he not read the intelligence briefings, which may have tipped him off to 9-11? Were the soldiers lied to about how long they would be in Iraq? Is the predatory nature of recruitment for the armed services aimed at minorities and the poor?
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
The people who have shot holes through Moore's stuff have been the right-wing. I have read all the links that have been posted about Moore that you and others have posted, and all of them have been from right-wing sites. Not to say that they are wrong, but you can't just listen to one side all the time.

So anything does not agree with Moore is "right-wing"? So facts are "right-wing"? Much of what Moore says has been proven wrong yet the left acts as if it is the gospel and anybody that points out facts that prove Moore wrong are labeled "right-wing". WOW! Such a sad statement coming from a side of the political isle that considers themselves "open minded". I guess they are only "open minded" when it comes to bashing Bush.
Okay freeandfun1 (I got it right this time :rolleyes: ) let's analyze what I said here.

I have read all the links that have been posted about Moore that you and others have posted, and all of them have been from right-wing sites. Not to say that they are wrong, but you can't just listen to one side all the time

All the links that have been posted on this board have been from right-wing sites so far that have "shot holes" through Moore's stuff. Not to say that there isn't some left-wing site that hasn't done the same, but so far, none have been posted, at least none that I am aware of.

And I do consider myself a bit more open-minded than most. I also consider my post to be open-minded as well. If you read towards the end of my post you'll see that I wrote this:
and all of them have been from right-wing sites. Not to say that they are wrong,
Now how is that not open-minded? I'm leaving the possibility that they may be right.

What ever else you wrote is just filler, IMO.

PR said it best:
Here's the deal brwneyes... it doesn't matter what "side" information comes from, just recognize it as the TRUTH when it is!

I'm leaving it at that.
So you admit there are many facts discrediting michael moore. Why are you still so supportive of a proven liar?
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80

All the links that have been posted on this board have been from right-wing sites so far that have "shot holes" through Moore's stuff. Not to say that there isn't some left-wing site that hasn't done the same, but so far, none have been posted, at least none that I am aware of.

Slate is not a right wing site and Christopher Hitchens a moderate left at best.
You know as well as I that the only thing I admitted was the possibility that the right-wing may be right.

Possibility is different from actuality. ;)

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