Moore is a sleaze, but not a rapist. Story has more holes than swiss cheeze

a loss for words

VIP Member
Oct 20, 2017
The story that Moore raped the girl has too many holes to be credible.

That does not mean he is not a jerk, just not a total asshole.

Why does she have her yearbook with her in December? This is the weakest point, but it does work to discredit the signature.

The accuser says she was working at the restaurant at 15. State law and restaurant policy prohibited workers under 16.

her description of the restaurant does not tally with other employees in placement of doors, lighting, dumpsters.

Hours of operation also does not tally with other employees. She said restaurant closed at 10. Other employees say it was open till 11 to get the late crowd at the nearby tire factory.

Without a credible rape story, Moore is guilty of nothing worse than what Biden and Franken do with impunity. I don't think that is at all acceptable, and I wish someone else were running, but if you say what Franken and Biden do is acceptable, then what Moore did 40 years ago is acceptable.
Thoughts. He had thoughts. He should have his nuts cut off so think the Democrats. Meanwhile they elected Clinton to the presidency, supported Ted Kennedy. Support a Franken and Conyers! This is why we call them libtards.
Moore has denied dating under aged girls. Has anyone asked him what age is under aged and what age is old enough.

I am kind of on the fence with Moore. I believe he dated girls at an age that is kind of creepy to me. I don’t know if he perused girls that were legally underage for him to date at the time. (Note, DATE does not mean HAVE SEX WITH, although a thin line separates the two).

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