Morality and climate change

Pope Francis has put a moral face on the issue of climate change. Given what we will see this year, I expect before the year is out that other denominational leaders will join him.
The Pope should clean up the pedophiles in his own backyard first, before giving other people advice.

Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.
Pope Francis has put a moral face on the issue of climate change. Given what we will see this year, I expect before the year is out that other denominational leaders will join him.
The Pope should clean up the pedophiles in his own backyard first, before giving other people advice.

Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.

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Pope Francis has put a moral face on the issue of climate change. Given what we will see this year, I expect before the year is out that other denominational leaders will join him.
The Pope should clean up the pedophiles in his own backyard first, before giving other people advice.

Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.

"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.
Pope Francis has put a moral face on the issue of climate change. Given what we will see this year, I expect before the year is out that other denominational leaders will join him.

Global climate warming change is real....cuz the Pope sez so!!!

Pope Francis has put a moral face on the issue of climate change. Given what we will see this year, I expect before the year is out that other denominational leaders will join him.
The Pope should clean up the pedophiles in his own backyard first, before giving other people advice.

Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.

"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.

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The Pope should clean up the pedophiles in his own backyard first, before giving other people advice.

Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.

"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.

The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.
Every 'normal' man in the western world is 25-36 times more dangerous in questions of pedophilia than a priest of the catholic church. What you said here has by the way nothing to do with logic. It shows only that you hate Catholics and you don't like to think about the problem.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.

"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.

The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

Saying that others are worse in no way absolves the Pope from cleaning up pedophiles under his watch. Nothing has been done, so it's safe to say that priest pedophiles are still at it... and that the Pope condones the activity, since he won't do anything about it.

What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.
"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.
The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D
This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short
This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short


What did you not understand what I said? Priests of the catholic church are much less dangerous than any other man - but in case a priest is indeed a pedophile man it's completly clear what "the catholic church" will do.
"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.
The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D

Don't trust in anyone: do something. If you like to know what I did: About 10 years ago I replaced the heating system of my house - it was very expensive to do so - so it is producing not any longer CO2. Since about 5 years I started to reduce the miles im driving with my car so I am in the moment driving about 5000 miles every year with a bike instead of a car. In the moment we try to reduce every month again 200-250 miles. Do something or let it be - your decision. But to tell everyone that people who started to change the climate change are idiots while you are the most intelligent and noble human being of the world is a little absurde. What's wrong with you? Everyone knows for example that the Vatican is using since a longer time now 100% energy from regenerative energies.

And don't forget - even if no one in the whole world is doing anything to help this planet - this doesn't mean that you should also do nothing. You are - like all others - directly responsible in the eyes of the Lord. So don't tell me stupid stories - speak with god and you will know what you are able to do.

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This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short


"what "the catholic church" will do". Which is nothing.

Btw, there are no different degrees of pedophilia. Now you know.

If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.
The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D

Don't trust in anyone: do something. If you like to know what I did: About 10 years ago I replaced the heating system of my house - it was very expensive to do so - so it is producing not any longer CO2. Since about 5 years I started to reduce the miles im driving with my car so I am in the moment driving about 5000 miles every year with a bike instead of a car. In the moment we try to reduce every month again 200-250 miles. Do something or let it be - your decision. But to tell everyone that people who started to change the climate change are idiots while you are the most intelligent and noble human being of the world is a little absurde. What's wrong with you? Everyone knows for example that the Vatican is using since a longer time now 100% energy from regenerative energies.

And don't forget - even if no one in the whole world is doing anything to help this planet - this doesn't mean that you should also do nothing. You are - like all others - directly responsible in the eyes of the Lord. So don't tell me stupid stories - speak with god and you will know what you are able to do.
Wassup with all the douche videos that nobody watches? Just trying to annoy?

We're not talking about me (I own 75 acres of forest around my house, so I do my part), we're talking about the Pope who talks a big game but doesn't do anything. He talked about being nice to gays, then goes and meets with Kim Davis!! Can we really believe anything he says?
This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short


If you don't know what you are speaking about on what reason then let it be. Anticatholicism - like lots of other antipositions - is not an answer on anything. No one forces you to help our planet - but all mankind will suffer the consequences of wrong decisions in this case.
The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D

Don't trust in anyone: do something. If you like to know what I did: About 10 years ago I replaced the heating system of my house - it was very expensive to do so - so it is producing not any longer CO2. Since about 5 years I started to reduce the miles im driving with my car so I am in the moment driving about 5000 miles every year with a bike instead of a car. In the moment we try to reduce every month again 200-250 miles. Do something or let it be - your decision. But to tell everyone that people who started to change the climate change are idiots while you are the most intelligent and noble human being of the world is a little absurde. What's wrong with you? Everyone knows for example that the Vatican is using since a longer time now 100% energy from regenerative energies.

And don't forget - even if no one in the whole world is doing anything to help this planet - this doesn't mean that you should also do nothing. You are - like all others - directly responsible in the eyes of the Lord. So don't tell me stupid stories - speak with god and you will know what you are able to do.
Wassup with all the douche videos that nobody watches? Just trying to annoy?

We're not talking about me (I own 75 acres of forest around my house, so I do my part), we're talking about the Pope who talks a big game but doesn't do anything. He talked about being nice to gays, then goes and meets with Kim Davis!! Can we really believe anything he says?

There's nothing in the mind what was not in the senses - except the mind itselve. I don't know what's in your mind. It seems to me you hate Catholics on no reason to do so. This means I am not able to give you any orientation because I'm a Catholic. Also the Pope is not able to give you any orientation. Ask god and/or the people you love what to do. I don't know what or who is able to touch you.

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This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short


The Pope's lack of action on his pedophiles destroys any credibility he thinks he has to tell others what actions they should take on anything else.

No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D

Don't trust in anyone: do something. If you like to know what I did: About 10 years ago I replaced the heating system of my house - it was very expensive to do so - so it is producing not any longer CO2. Since about 5 years I started to reduce the miles im driving with my car so I am in the moment driving about 5000 miles every year with a bike instead of a car. In the moment we try to reduce every month again 200-250 miles. Do something or let it be - your decision. But to tell everyone that people who started to change the climate change are idiots while you are the most intelligent and noble human being of the world is a little absurde. What's wrong with you? Everyone knows for example that the Vatican is using since a longer time now 100% energy from regenerative energies.

And don't forget - even if no one in the whole world is doing anything to help this planet - this doesn't mean that you should also do nothing. You are - like all others - directly responsible in the eyes of the Lord. So don't tell me stupid stories - speak with god and you will know what you are able to do.
Wassup with all the douche videos that nobody watches? Just trying to annoy?

We're not talking about me (I own 75 acres of forest around my house, so I do my part), we're talking about the Pope who talks a big game but doesn't do anything. He talked about being nice to gays, then goes and meets with Kim Davis!! Can we really believe anything he says?

There's nothing in the mind what was not in the senses - except the mind itselve. I don't know what's in your mind. It seems to me you hate Catholics on no reason to do so. This means I am not able to give you any orientation because I'm a Catholic. Also the Pope is not able to give you any orientation. Ask god and/or the people you love what to do. I don't know what or who is able to touch you.

I have nothing against Catholics in general, I just don't like hypocrites.
This is how desperate the Warmers have become: they have to add the imaginary "warming" from the deep oceans to make their numbers work and now, "It's warming because the Pope says so"

I wish I could sell the AGWCult short


No one has any problem if you don't trust in Catholics. Now move on and help this planet or let it be. Your decision. But don't force anyone in this world to have to fight against you. That's a waste of ressources.

So if the Pope doesn't deal with his own problems, how can we trust the he and all catholics will do something about climate change and that it's not just more lip service? :D

Don't trust in anyone: do something. If you like to know what I did: About 10 years ago I replaced the heating system of my house - it was very expensive to do so - so it is producing not any longer CO2. Since about 5 years I started to reduce the miles im driving with my car so I am in the moment driving about 5000 miles every year with a bike instead of a car. In the moment we try to reduce every month again 200-250 miles. Do something or let it be - your decision. But to tell everyone that people who started to change the climate change are idiots while you are the most intelligent and noble human being of the world is a little absurde. What's wrong with you? Everyone knows for example that the Vatican is using since a longer time now 100% energy from regenerative energies.

And don't forget - even if no one in the whole world is doing anything to help this planet - this doesn't mean that you should also do nothing. You are - like all others - directly responsible in the eyes of the Lord. So don't tell me stupid stories - speak with god and you will know what you are able to do.
Wassup with all the douche videos that nobody watches? Just trying to annoy?

We're not talking about me (I own 75 acres of forest around my house, so I do my part), we're talking about the Pope who talks a big game but doesn't do anything. He talked about being nice to gays, then goes and meets with Kim Davis!! Can we really believe anything he says?

There's nothing in the mind what was not in the senses - except the mind itselve. I don't know what's in your mind. It seems to me you hate Catholics on no reason to do so. This means I am not able to give you any orientation because I'm a Catholic. Also the Pope is not able to give you any orientation. Ask god and/or the people you love what to do. I don't know what or who is able to touch you.

I have nothing against Catholics in general, I just don't like hypocrites.

... hmmm ... hypocritism is a sin ... that's why you will start now to fight against the manmade climate change. Good idea.


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