Morality of Wealth Redistribution

Business owners aren't stupid - they know when the government spends trillions it wont be the crack head in the projects covering it.... They will respond by laying off workers to save themselves.

OK... WTF does this have to do with the Mortgage problem?

You think that Billionaires are "Worthy" of the bailout and Homeowners who have seen their once affordable homes become a fucking Albatross around their necks aren't?

As far as the layoffs... If they wouldn't have played Casino with other people's money, this wouldn't have happened. That's why there needs to be regulation so that it never happens again. Maybe the next time... we should hold the fuckers responsible and take their private assets and let THEM live in the projects with the crackheads.

Well if you don't have a job you cant pay your mortgage...

Another problem is that fools bought homes they couldn't afford ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT FORCED CREDITORS TO LEND TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE...
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they were sold a bill of goods....

they were told that when the loan kicked in to the adjustable stage, they could refinance with a conventional mortgage and for a while they did get the refinancing....but when the time came on the later groups of subprime adj mortgages, the banks were not lending out for too many conventional mortgages for these people....they could not get the refinancing in to a conventional mortgage as they were told they was all downhill from there....prices stopped going up on home values with the foreclosures, less money avail to loan, more and more foreclosures....bubble bust, Pyramid scheme by the banks came to its end, homeowners screwed, banks bailed out by homeowner's and our taxes.

They bought the bill of goods.
They were sold a lottery ticket, and they jumped at it eagerly. They thought they were going to be set for life with the increased value of their home over the course of the first few years. They bought into a chance to make lots of money, they ignored the chance of losing lots of money.

Did the banks do things wrong? Absolutely, but so did the buyers. Lets not let any of them off the hook.

We should have let the banks and the homeowners live with the contracts they signed...

No one thinks they will be "set for life". that's ridiculous. They just thought that they wouldn't get the rules changed on them midstream and have no way out. That is profiteering and some of us think they did it on purpose... they KNEW they'd get the bailout AND the properties... which they will hold onto until they can profit ONCE AGAIN on them.

Yes... both sides fucked up... but only one has to pay.
Stealing wealth, labor and wages from people is immoral

so is Democrat baby killing, illegally Bombing Libyans, forcing homo sex on children in school and basically everything liberal.

Wow... baby killing? I've never seen infants on pikes or anything like that... Forcing Homo Sex on Children? OHHHH... you're talking about Catholic Priests!!!! Well.. I think that most of our Catholics and their clergy are upstanding people... but there are a few bad apples out there.

If you're talking about Abortion... well, I am don't approve of abortion myself and I would hope my daughter would not choose such an option if she became pregnant. But you know what? It's her soul, isn't it? Who are you to dictate another's morality?

As far as "Forcing Homo sex on Children in School"... If you can make a case for Actually forcing Homo sex in schools(like literally having sex with school kids), I think you should contact the authorities.. because I do believe that in all 50 states, sex with minors(homo OR hetero) is quite illegal.

I'll take the "everything liberal" part as the ridiculous pigshit that it is, thank you very much.

I never said liberals were bright

That's your best attempt at a comeback? You don't want the "Gubmint" to legislate your "Freedom" away when it comes to your taxes... but you want to legislate other people's morality? What am I missing?
So stupidity... especially when Salesmen try to spin it so it makes good sense... is worthy of kicking families out of their homes while the people that had already made a fortune on this crazy ponzi scheme get bailed out by US taxpayers.

You guys are all heart.

Make no mistake- I did not support the bailout, TARP, or the economic stimulus, but yes, people who sign contracts without reading the fine print are neglecting their own responsibility as buyers. It doesn't matter how good it looks, what a slick salesman tells you, or how much you think you need it. When you sign a contract for a variable rate mortgage, you're screwing yourself.

The fucking government forced the lending in the first place.

Lenders were strict before Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson claimed lending bias against the poor was pure racism.

Creditors were forced to lend to anyone - credit was turned into a right via the community reinvestment act..

Thats the fucking problem... Thats the root cause...
Wow... baby killing? I've never seen infants on pikes or anything like that... Forcing Homo Sex on Children? OHHHH... you're talking about Catholic Priests!!!! Well.. I think that most of our Catholics and their clergy are upstanding people... but there are a few bad apples out there.

If you're talking about Abortion... well, I am don't approve of abortion myself and I would hope my daughter would not choose such an option if she became pregnant. But you know what? It's her soul, isn't it? Who are you to dictate another's morality?

As far as "Forcing Homo sex on Children in School"... If you can make a case for Actually forcing Homo sex in schools(like literally having sex with school kids), I think you should contact the authorities.. because I do believe that in all 50 states, sex with minors(homo OR hetero) is quite illegal.

I'll take the "everything liberal" part as the ridiculous pigshit that it is, thank you very much.

I never said liberals were bright

That's your best attempt at a comeback? You don't want the "Gubmint" to legislate your "Freedom" away when it comes to your taxes... but you want to legislate other people's morality? What am I missing?

Sir, I am not interested if you take it in the ass from other democrats. I just do not want your pervertions forced into the school system

Go figure

Freedom to keep my wages

Freedom to tell you that you are a filthy pervert.

America rules
The fucking government forced the lending in the first place.

Lenders were strict before Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson claimed lending bias against the poor was pure racism.

Creditors were forced to lend to anyone - credit was turned into a right via the community reinvestment act..

Thats the fucking problem... Thats the root cause...

"The guy in charge 10 years ago did it" "This is the fault of the (democrats/republicans)!"

So? Blaming it on politicians who are no longer in power really does not do anything.
Sir, I am not interested if you take it in the ass from other democrats. I just do not want your pervertions forced into the school system

Go figure

Freedom to keep my wages

Freedom to tell you that you are a filthy pervert.

America rules

wow... nice intelligent response... but, alas... it's what I can expect these days.
Freedom often confuses Democrats

I am circumsized without SF Democrat approval and have lightbulbs that cause hurricanes btw.....
So stupidity... especially when Salesmen try to spin it so it makes good sense... is worthy of kicking families out of their homes while the people that had already made a fortune on this crazy ponzi scheme get bailed out by US taxpayers.

You guys are all heart.

Make no mistake- I did not support the bailout, TARP, or the economic stimulus, but yes, people who sign contracts without reading the fine print are neglecting their own responsibility as buyers. It doesn't matter how good it looks, what a slick salesman tells you, or how much you think you need it. When you sign a contract for a variable rate mortgage, you're screwing yourself.

The fucking government forced the lending in the first place.

Lenders were strict before Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson claimed lending bias against the poor was pure racism.

Creditors were forced to lend to anyone - credit was turned into a right via the community reinvestment act..

Thats the fucking problem... Thats the root cause...

Simply not true.

90% of the loans foreclosed are NOT CRA area loans....they were loans to people not protected or covered by the Community Reinvestment Act

the banks CHOSE to lower their own standards to keep their ponzi scheme going.... had NOTHING to do with CRA.
Freedom? We'll see how free you are if you idiots get your way and your kids are starving because they abolished the minimum wage and alll those wages above that drop accordingly.... and then the bank comes and takes your house...and then your company decides that they'd be better off moving their operations to China because they'll work for fish heads and that's even better than paying you a US wage(even with minimum wage gone), and of course you can't fight for anything better because they took your collective bargaining rights away too...

Then maybe your kid gets sick and now not only is he malnourished, but you can't afford to take him to the doctor because of the "it's your own responsibility" Health Care Plan that we went to.

So you decide that desperate times call for desperate measures and you break out on of your 35 guns you own and rob someone.... but you're not a REAL criminal, so you get caught. You go to prison(which we never seem to run out of money for), your kid dies due to a treatable illness, and the wealthy Elite sit and blame you for being such a scumbag.

Congratulations. You're free.
they were sold a bill of goods....

they were told that when the loan kicked in to the adjustable stage, they could refinance with a conventional mortgage and for a while they did get the refinancing....but when the time came on the later groups of subprime adj mortgages, the banks were not lending out for too many conventional mortgages for these people....they could not get the refinancing in to a conventional mortgage as they were told they was all downhill from there....prices stopped going up on home values with the foreclosures, less money avail to loan, more and more foreclosures....bubble bust, Pyramid scheme by the banks came to its end, homeowners screwed, banks bailed out by homeowner's and our taxes.

They bought the bill of goods.

Lot's of people get fooled in to Ponzi happens all the time, especially with senior citizens or the uneducated....but guess what? They are the victims....
The fucking government forced the lending in the first place.

Lenders were strict before Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson claimed lending bias against the poor was pure racism.

Creditors were forced to lend to anyone - credit was turned into a right via the community reinvestment act..

Thats the fucking problem... Thats the root cause...

"The guy in charge 10 years ago did it" "This is the fault of the (democrats/republicans)!"

So? Blaming it on politicians who are no longer in power really does not do anything.

I'm merely seeking truth...

If it makes you feel any better the republicans signed the fucking thing.

That has to be one of the more fucked up pieces of legislation the republicans signed that pisses me off.

The democrats pretty much said "if you don't support this bill you are all racists" so they sign it and several years later TARP is born...

I'm just stating the facts here..

I have zero problem blaming republicans when they're guilty.... Especially the RINO's (republican in name only) that passed that community reinvestment act bullshit...
...helped along with Pub deregulation and lack of enforcement...10 years of "Deregulation!!" and "Corporations know best!" gets you this EVERY TIME!! Ay caramba...Keating Five, S+L Crisis, huge deficits, fraud, bubbles, and a great recession. The myth of Pub business sense is a farce...
Make no mistake- I did not support the bailout, TARP, or the economic stimulus, but yes, people who sign contracts without reading the fine print are neglecting their own responsibility as buyers. It doesn't matter how good it looks, what a slick salesman tells you, or how much you think you need it. When you sign a contract for a variable rate mortgage, you're screwing yourself.

The fucking government forced the lending in the first place.

Lenders were strict before Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson claimed lending bias against the poor was pure racism.

Creditors were forced to lend to anyone - credit was turned into a right via the community reinvestment act..

Thats the fucking problem... Thats the root cause...

Simply not true.

90% of the loans foreclosed are NOT CRA area loans....they were loans to people not protected or covered by the Community Reinvestment Act

the banks CHOSE to lower their own standards to keep their ponzi scheme going.... had NOTHING to do with CRA.

But you dont understand...

CRA loans are 90% home loans, however people used their home ownership status to get CREDIT CARDS and other loans...

Understand now???

You get a CRA loan for a home, you then take that home and use it as some kind of collateral or proof that you can pay back a loan and then rack up 60-70k in debt...
So stupidity... especially when Salesmen try to spin it so it makes good sense... is worthy of kicking families out of their homes while the people that had already made a fortune on this crazy ponzi scheme get bailed out by US taxpayers.

You guys are all heart.

Make no mistake- I did not support the bailout, TARP, or the economic stimulus, but yes, people who sign contracts without reading the fine print are neglecting their own responsibility as buyers. It doesn't matter how good it looks, what a slick salesman tells you, or how much you think you need it. When you sign a contract for a variable rate mortgage, you're screwing yourself.

it did not matter if they read the fine print....teven if they knew the fine print inside out....THEY WERE ASSURED and told by everyone involved, from the mortgage brokers to the banks to the real estate agents, that when their loans came to become adjustable, they could refinance in to a conventional mortgage... it was a scam and the scam worked for several years, luring more and more people in to the pyramid worked well....until it didn't.

and this is not for all the people who took out the loans and the second mortgages on their homes....clearly there were many in the middle class who had to have understood the least you would think they would have......but I ask, how could THEY know when every executive in every bank and mortgage company and insurance company ALL THOUGHT that the scheme would go on forever and prices would continue to rise forever....they said so themselves in hearings....I know, how absurd is that?

so, the uneducated and the educated seemed to have been fooled.
Back to loaning money to WORTHY poor again. NOT to unemployed and overleveraged Pub yuppies again...

Who in their right mind would borrow money anyways?

No one needs a late model car, no one needs a boat, no one needs to have the newest cell phone or Ipod..

I can understand using credit for necessities but for junk??

Most people live beyond their means.
What's your opinion on the morality of taking money from those who earned it and giving it to people who haven't? Not talking about people who cannot earn their own money but rather those who choose not to.


That's called theft which is immoral.

So you'd agree that underpaying workers is immoral?

:lol: Just saw this. :lol:

Thanks for the laugh. I'm drinking a warm glass of milk before bed and I almost laughed it through my nose.

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