Morality Returns To The White House: LGBT Rights Page Deleted From White House Website

Good riddance. The NAMBLA fans of course are distressed and sad about it, as we can see here.
I'm pretty sure the Civil Rights Act is still in place. Oh, you mean "civil rights for just some deviant sex behaviors". Yes, well, they never were civil rights in the first place, were they? Not in a democracy that regulates behaviors. You understand inborn race and adopted deviant sex addictions are intrinsically different things, right?

The 7th circuit federal court of appeals can help you understand that in Hively v Ivy Tech (2016).
They were archived, not deleted.

I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?
I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?

Again, get back to us here with a link "when" the Pence administration puts up their version of an "LGBT rights" page on the Whitehouse website, OK? :lmao:
I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?

Again, get back to us here with a link "when" the Pence administration puts up their version of an "LGBT rights" page on the Whitehouse website, OK? :lmao:
I see you are still deluded. There is no Pence admin. And no fag rights.
I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?

Again, get back to us here with a link "when" the Pence administration puts up their version of an "LGBT rights" page on the Whitehouse website, OK? :lmao:

Whose is us? Get back to me when there is a Pence Administration.
The Groper in Chief is not a moral man.
I don't know if two wrongs make a right. I'm pretty sure they don't. Trump is morally bankrupt. Yes. LGBT is morally bankrupt, yes. If Trump seeks to end another form of moral bankruptcy then he's only half as bad as I first thought he was..
The Groper in Chief is not a moral man.
I don't know if two wrongs make a right. I'm pretty sure they don't. Trump is morally bankrupt. Yes. LGBT is morally bankrupt, yes. If Trump seeks to end another form of moral bankruptcy then he's only half as bad as I first thought he was..

I have no problem with Libertines. I just have a problem with the groper in chief's rationale for his ability to grab...... That borders on being a sexual predator.
Yes but both topics are strawmen. Doesn't that concern you? Or was it your intent to derail the topic?
I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?

Hey mdk, I haven't seen a new page for the Whitehouse website on "Lgbt rights"? Maybe they're just taking their time getting the graphics right? Pence probably wants it to look really good for his friend Rachael Maddow before they put it up as official.
I provided a whole slew of links that show the pages for homeland security, civil rights, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also archived as well. That is standard operating procedure for new incoming administrations. You said that was lie; however, you were wrong, but why should now be different?

Hey mdk, I haven't seen a new page for the Whitehouse website on "Lgbt rights"? Maybe they're just taking their time getting the graphics right? Pence probably wants it to look really good for his friend Rachael Maddow before they put it up as official.

I doubt he is having any of Maddow's input. Not with that incitement investigation in the mail. lol
USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
I was thinking he's a typical Republican.
Well see that's the reason dems lost the 2016 election and power in nearly every area in the US. Because they failed to see that rejection of the LGBT cult value system was by all walks left of middle, middle and to the right of middle...none of which are "typical Republicans"..

Gee and I thought it was because the Donald Trump lied and lied and lied, and idiots believed his every word.
USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
I was thinking he's a typical Republican.
Well see that's the reason dems lost the 2016 election and power in nearly every area in the US. Because they failed to see that rejection of the LGBT cult value system was by all walks left of middle, middle and to the right of middle...none of which are "typical Republicans"..

Gee and I thought it was because the Donald Trump lied and lied and lied, and idiots believed his every word.
The name "Trump" wasn't important in election 2016. "Not a democrat" was the important part of the stale cheese sandwich the GOP ran to victory.

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