Morality Returns To The White House: LGBT Rights Page Deleted From White House Website

USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
I was thinking he's a typical Republican.
Well see that's the reason dems lost the 2016 election and power in nearly every area in the US. Because they failed to see that rejection of the LGBT cult value system was by all walks left of middle, middle and to the right of middle...none of which are "typical Republicans"..

Gee and I thought it was because the Donald Trump lied and lied and lied, and idiots believed his every word.
The name "Trump" wasn't important in election 2016. "Not a democrat" was the important part of the stale cheese sandwich the GOP ran to victory.

Yeah, but that's cutting off your nose to spite your face. Republicans didn't get elected for you little man. They got elected for the people Trump is packing his cabinet with - trust fund babies, and Wall Street bankers.

In your zeal to stick to Democrats, you shot yourself in the foot. I see TrumbleThinSkin is cutting out the Export Development office, and other government departments which help businesses succeed around the world. Such departments show a net return on investment. For every dollar they spend, their clients bring in increased tax revenue to more than cover the costs. Some of these types of programs in Canada have been found to return as much as $2.50 to government coffers for every $1 of investment.

But then the Donald doesn't know how to make a business successful, he only knows how to make money from screwing people over for their work and declaring bankruptcy. I prefer working with businessmen who don't go bankrupt.
We agree on Trump. What we don't agree on is how he got into power. I say it's the cult of LGBT's fault. If you doubt me, look at the "anything but a democrat" down-ballot results.

Actually, Trump rose to power for two reasons:

1. The cult of LGBT surgically attached to the word "democrat". and

2. The failure of the GOP to have a more stringent vetting process for potential candidates when they sign up to run. "Have you passed a thorough psychiatric exam and have at least two years of college?" The answer to both should be "yes" or they cannot run.

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