More About Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Just because things happen in 30 minutes on TV doesn't mean that's how real life works. You need to get out more.

Non-answer from a person with no real answers.

Run away with your tail between your legs now, you've been called out, and its not pretty.

Guy, I know people who have family in PR. They will all tell you Trump fucked this up. Maybe you need to hang out with more people of color.

Trump fucked this up. Good thing for him the shooter showed up to distract attention.

yeah, "you know people".

Lol, you have the credibility of a junkie looking for their next fix.
yeah, "you know people".

Lol, you have the credibility of a junkie looking for their next fix

Getting weak, Marty...

I know that you guys probably know on some level Trump has no business being president, but you all just can't admit to yourself that you fucked up.

So tell me, how many people have to die before you admit you made a mistake? Please give me a number.
yeah, "you know people".

Lol, you have the credibility of a junkie looking for their next fix

Getting weak, Marty...

I know that you guys probably know on some level Trump has no business being president, but you all just can't admit to yourself that you fucked up.

So tell me, how many people have to die before you admit you made a mistake? Please give me a number.

Again, where is this proof of all these people dying, besides a T-shirt by some local political hack?

The recovery has been botched only in the minds of tired hacks such as yourself, and it's getting actually comical.
Again, where is this proof of all these people dying, besides a T-shirt by some local political hack?

The recovery has been botched only in the minds of tired hacks such as yourself, and it's getting actually comical.

It's been almost three weeks since the Hurricane hit, and a lot of the place doesn't have food or clean water.

Puerto Ricans accuse Trump of treating them 'like dogs' during disaster visit

Mr Trump visited the Caribbean US territory on Tuesday and was widely criticised after he threw packs of paper towels at residents, insulted local leaders and suggested the category 4 Hurricane Maria that wreaked havoc on the island was not a “real catastrophe”.

Puerto Ricans were among those to join the condemnation of the US President, suggesting he had treated them like animals.

Mr Trump also provoked anger after suggesting there is a difference between the situation in Puerto Rico and that following “a real catastrophe like [Hurricane] Katrina”, which devastated many of the southern US states in 2005.

Hurricane Maria killed 34 people in Puerto Rico and caused damage costing up to $85bn (£65bn) after hitting last month. Many people on the island fear they could be left without power for months.

Sweet Evil Jesus, he makes me miss Bush and "Heckuva Job, Brownie!"
Again, where is this proof of all these people dying, besides a T-shirt by some local political hack?

The recovery has been botched only in the minds of tired hacks such as yourself, and it's getting actually comical.

It's been almost three weeks since the Hurricane hit, and a lot of the place doesn't have food or clean water.

Puerto Ricans accuse Trump of treating them 'like dogs' during disaster visit

Mr Trump visited the Caribbean US territory on Tuesday and was widely criticised after he threw packs of paper towels at residents, insulted local leaders and suggested the category 4 Hurricane Maria that wreaked havoc on the island was not a “real catastrophe”.

Puerto Ricans were among those to join the condemnation of the US President, suggesting he had treated them like animals.

Mr Trump also provoked anger after suggesting there is a difference between the situation in Puerto Rico and that following “a real catastrophe like [Hurricane] Katrina”, which devastated many of the southern US states in 2005.

Hurricane Maria killed 34 people in Puerto Rico and caused damage costing up to $85bn (£65bn) after hitting last month. Many people on the island fear they could be left without power for months.

Sweet Evil Jesus, he makes me miss Bush and "Heckuva Job, Brownie!"

So its basically his usual bluster and off the cuff blathering, and you are trying to somehow make it a criminal case....

And I have a feeling the people complaining about him, like you, didn't like him from the get go.

Just like you can't trust PETA for BBQ chicken recipes you can't trust trump hating hacks for information with regards to things like this.
So its basically his usual bluster and off the cuff blathering, and you are trying to somehow make it a criminal case....

And I have a feeling the people complaining about him, like you, didn't like him from the get go.

Just like you can't trust PETA for BBQ chicken recipes you can't trust trump hating hacks for information with regards to things like this.

Guy, the proof is in the pudding. There's a way to handle these things well, and there is a way to fuck them up.

Trump has fucked this one up. He did kind of Okay with the first two hurricanes - see I'll give him credit - but his response to this was fouled up beyond belief not only in terms of results, but in terms of optics.

As bad as Bush's response to Katrina was, he didn't get into a pissing match with Ray Nagin about stuff, or throw shit at people, or call the victims of the hurricane "lazy".
So its basically his usual bluster and off the cuff blathering, and you are trying to somehow make it a criminal case....

And I have a feeling the people complaining about him, like you, didn't like him from the get go.

Just like you can't trust PETA for BBQ chicken recipes you can't trust trump hating hacks for information with regards to things like this.

Guy, the proof is in the pudding. There's a way to handle these things well, and there is a way to fuck them up.

Trump has fucked this one up. He did kind of Okay with the first two hurricanes - see I'll give him credit - but his response to this was fouled up beyond belief not only in terms of results, but in terms of optics.

As bad as Bush's response to Katrina was, he didn't get into a pissing match with Ray Nagin about stuff, or throw shit at people, or call the victims of the hurricane "lazy".

The problem with Puerto Rico is largely due to the crappy state their power grid was in in the first place. Plus the usual method of recovering a local electrical system, "send in the trucks" doesn't work when you first have to embark the trucks on a ship, get them to a port, then disembark them.

When NYC was recovering from Sandy you saw Power company trucks from as far away as Missouri and even Quebec within a week of the storm ending. The companies sent their extra crews and they just drove to NY. Can't do that in Puerto Rico.

Again, where is the proof of starving people? Where is the proof of dying people?

If all you have on paper is trump saying dumb things, well he's done that for the past 2 years.
Just because things happen in 30 minutes on TV doesn't mean that's how real life works. You need to get out more.

Non-answer from a person with no real answers.

Run away with your tail between your legs now, you've been called out, and its not pretty.

Guy, I know people who have family in PR. They will all tell you Trump fucked this up. Maybe you need to hang out with more people of color.

Trump fucked this up. Good thing for him the shooter showed up to distract attention.

How exactly Trump fucked this up?
The problem with Puerto Rico is largely due to the crappy state their power grid was in in the first place. Plus the usual method of recovering a local electrical system, "send in the trucks" doesn't work when you first have to embark the trucks on a ship, get them to a port, then disembark them.

When NYC was recovering from Sandy you saw Power company trucks from as far away as Missouri and even Quebec within a week of the storm ending. The companies sent their extra crews and they just drove to NY. Can't do that in Puerto Rico.

Again, three weeks since the disaster hit, the power is still out in most of the Island. There's really no excuse for that.
The problem with Puerto Rico is largely due to the crappy state their power grid was in in the first place. Plus the usual method of recovering a local electrical system, "send in the trucks" doesn't work when you first have to embark the trucks on a ship, get them to a port, then disembark them.

When NYC was recovering from Sandy you saw Power company trucks from as far away as Missouri and even Quebec within a week of the storm ending. The companies sent their extra crews and they just drove to NY. Can't do that in Puerto Rico.

Again, three weeks since the disaster hit, the power is still out in most of the Island. There's really no excuse for that.

I just gave you the reason for the problem, not the excuse.

You have to get the right people there, and those people have been working for weeks on the other hurricane areas. You can't get soldiers to re-run power lines, you need experts there, and those experts have been working since Houston went under water. Add in the sorry original state of the power grid and there you are.

If you read the FEMA website many areas have at least critical locations on generator. They are doing standard disaster triage. Hospitals, gas stations, roads, and then commercial operations involved in the repair work.
Pssst.... It seems you missed the memo where Democrats gave up on Russia narrative. Russia is out, racist is in.

Mueller hasn't closed up shop yet. I know you want to pretend it went away, but it hasn't.

Correct, shop is still open, with no goods to support any of the leftists claims.

Trump-Russia collusion? Still investigating, senators say

"The committee continues to look at all evidence to see if there was any hint of collusion," Burr said, adding that "I am not going to even discuss initial findings, because we haven't any."
I just gave you the reason for the problem, not the excuse.

You have to get the right people there, and those people have been working for weeks on the other hurricane areas. You can't get soldiers to re-run power lines, you need experts there, and those experts have been working since Houston went under water. Add in the sorry original state of the power grid and there you are.

If you read the FEMA website many areas have at least critical locations on generator. They are doing standard disaster triage. Hospitals, gas stations, roads, and then commercial operations involved in the repair work.

I'm not sure it's worth the time and effort to teach facts to the happily ignorant...but kudos for your patience. One little mentioned fact is that FEMA was already on the ground in Puerto Rico when Maria hit. They had urban SAR crews who had been working in areas damaged by Irma...and who had to weather Maria in hotels in San Juan.

Some estimates are it will be months before electricity is restored to the entire island. The response has been timely and appropriate. It's called a disaster because that's exactly what it is - and it will take the island a long time to recover.

Bush's response to Katrina was not the fiasco the media made it out to be...but that myth was so successful, it has become their default position...reason be damned. :)
How exactly Trump fucked this up?

Three weeks, the all he's managed to do is throw some paper towels at people.

Evidence shows otherwise.
September 27 Aid Update for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands


Don’t let the Trump haters fool ya. The administration is doing an amazing job under nearly impossible conditions.

Check it out for yourselves @ September 27 Aid Update for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands – Research and Commentary which appears to be a good daily source of news.

Three star army general to be or is on the ground to take complete control of all relief efforts.

Well, the problem isn't that the people who's job it is to get stuff fixed wouldn't be able to fix it. The problem was Trump's attitude towards Puerto Rico. The only reason he changed his view on it was because he was getting roasted in the media. Without that, Puerto Rico wouldn't be doing so well.
Apparently a big difference is that Haiti, for example, isn't the US so they didn't have the red tape to slog through that PR does.

For your information, slug, Haiti is no better now than before the Clintons stole tens of millions of dollars in relief funds.
The closest either of the Clinton's have ever got to Haiti is when they flew over on their way to 'Lolita Island'.
Word had it that Hillary was a 'bigger dog' than Bill when it came to the twelve year old 'Lolitas'.
Its a damn crime the way pino trump has handled this. All those shipping crates, still sitting there, instead of being off loaded and supplies distributed. No excuse for lifting the Jones Act for Texass and Florida but waiting more than a week to do the same for PR. How dare he congratulate himself while doing so little for so long. And then the lies about having votes to screw over the country on healthcare except that someone was in the hospital. The lie - and crime - of deleting tweets. Its as though he believes no one keeps track or reads the news. This man is a total disaster. And an embarrassment.
To be fair, I believe it's the local government that's more responsible for those crates still being there at the docks.

However, that doesn't excuse Trump's lack of response in the whole matter on Puerto Rico.
Detail what SPECIFIC "lack of response"?
You can't asshole!
You are just parroting some Trump hating politician.

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