More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

So the first death was Feb 29th but you would start doing what?


Would you like me to post it 100000 more times till you figure it out?

Then I would have gotten companies to start mass producing PPE gear so that two months later our healthcare workers would not be reusing one time use items for 3 days straight.

While that was happening I would have started mass producing testing kits so as soon as people started too feel sick we could test them and have them self isolate if positive.

And while that was going on I would have started working on a contact tracing program to help contain the spread

Captain vagueness.

There is nothing vague about telling the truth. The fact you think there is speaks more about you than anything I could ever post.

Would you like me to post it 100000 more times till you figure it out?

Then I would have gotten companies to start mass producing PPE gear so that two months later our healthcare workers would not be reusing one time use items for 3 days straight.

While that was happening I would have started mass producing testing kits so as soon as people started too feel sick we could test them and have them self isolate if positive.

And while that was going on I would have started working on a contact tracing program to help contain the spread

There is nothing vague about telling the truth. The fact you think there is speaks more about you than anything I could ever post.
Truth is subjective. If you went down your path you would have to lockdown immediately as you would cause massive panic and the markets would tank. You d have to start the govt assistance aka PPP program immediately.
Truth is subjective.

Do not take this personally, but damn I feel sorry for your wife if you feel that way about the truth in your marriage.

If you went down your path you would have to lockdown immediately as you would cause massive panic and the markets would tank.

If we went down my path we could have avoided lockdowns all together except for maybe small pockets here and there. All you are doing is parroting Trump's reason for lying to us. I say fuck that, we the people could have handled the truth.
Do not take this personally, but damn I feel sorry for your wife if you feel that way about the truth in your marriage.

If we went down my path we could have avoided lockdowns all together except for maybe small pockets here and there. All you are doing is parroting Trump's reason for lying to us. I say fuck that, we the people could have handled the truth.
You’re deranged. Your truth would be subjective because you would be guessing at how bad it may be and if you created panic the markets would crash due to the uncertainty. You brought my family into this? See kaz is smarter. You’re a weak person.
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You’re deranged. Your truth would be subjective because you would be guessing at how bad it may be and if you created panic the markets would crash due to the uncertainty.

Sad when people think lies are better than the truth. I can see why you are a Trumper.

You brought my family into this?

you have been talking about them for the last 4 pages. Don't whine to me.
Sad when people think lies are better than the truth. I can see why you are a Trumper.

you have been talking about them for the last 4 pages. Don't whine to me.
It’s not lies. It’s not saying anything until you have a full plan in place otherwise you’re creating panic. Man you’re one stupid person. You criticize and then show how stupid you are.
It’s not lies. It’s not saying anything until you have a full plan in place otherwise you’re creating panic.

But they did say thing, they told lies. Then when they tried to tell us how bad it was going to be, nobody wanted to believe them because we had been getting mixed message for 3 months. All you are doing is parroting Trump's reason for not telling the truth, and then you pretend you are not a Trumper

You criticize and then show how stupid you are.

Keep attacking me to hide your fucking dishonesty.
A restriction that does not allow flights from Wuhan is a BAN.

Biden led Democrat opposition to the Travel Ban.

A restriction that does not stop flights from anywhere else in China is not a ban. Or do you think that people could not from from Wuhan to any other fucking city in China?
Biden continues to blame the Unvaccinated Americans while having and continues to Import thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED illegals, trafficking and dumping them ALL over the country, exempting THEM from getting to vaccines, and putting Americans' lives at risk.

President 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden has blamed Trump, the unvaccinated, and everyone else he can think of besides his Billion dollar benefactors who created the virus & Unleashed it on the test of the world.
A restriction that does not stop flights from anywhere else in China is not a ban. Or do you think that people could not from from Wuhan to any other fucking city in China?
A restriction that stops flight from Wuhan to the US is a Travel Ban against Wuhan, which is more than thd Democrats had done at that point..

BIDEN called it a Travel Ban.

DEMOCRATS called it a Travel Ban.

The fake news media called it a Travel Ban.

I guess you are declaring Biden, Democrats, and the fake news media are liars and / or stupid as Fuck... while I agree with you on that, it has nothing to do with Trump's Travel Ban.
A restriction that stops flight from Wuhan to the US is a Travel Ban against Wuhan, which is more than thd Democrats had done at that point..

It is not travel ban, it is restrictions...people still came and went.

BIDEN called it a Travel Ban.

DEMOCRATS called it a Travel Ban.

The fake news media called it a Travel Ban.

You base your views off of waht your side and your god tells you, I do not. I do not give a fuck what a bunch of liars called it

I guess you are declaring Biden, Democrats, and the fake news media are liars and / or stupid as Fuck... while I agree with you on that, it has nothing to do with Trump's Travel Ban.

Yes, they are liars that lied for political reasons...just like Trump and all those you worship.

Maybe one day you will figure out they are all the same.
It is not travel ban, it is restrictions...people still came and went.

Not from wuhan...besides, no matter what you call Trump's attempt to keep Americans safe, Biden & the Democrats opposed it and fought against it.

Trump fought the CCWP & WHO. Democrats from the start have fought and blamed Trump, are blaming Americans, and have yet to fault & attempt to hold accountable the CCP responsible for creating and unleashing the pandemic. That's fucked up.


So you ARE calling Biden, Democrats, & the fake news media LIARS.

Welcome to the team, snowflake.
But they did say thing, they told lies. Then when they tried to tell us how bad it was going to be, nobody wanted to believe them because we had been getting mixed message for 3 months. All you are doing is parroting Trump's reason for not telling the truth, and then you pretend you are not a Trumper

Keep attacking me to hide your fucking dishonesty.
They didn’t say anything. Until they had us lock down. It’s was a mystery to all for months. Still is. It’s fine if you were to say you would lock down on Valentines Day but telling people a plague is coming but I am getting as many masks as I can is idiotic. So you’re a moron. It has zero to do with DJT. You truly are one dumb person. OMG. And you brought my family into this. What a pathetic chicken shit you are. Trump is 10x smarter than you and so is kaz

And so am I, little man.
Not from wuhan...besides, no matter what you call Trump's attempt to keep Americans safe, Biden & the Democrats oppose it and fought against it.
Trump fought the CCW & WHO. Democrats from the start have fought and blamed Trump, are blaming Americans, and have yet to fault & attempt to hold accountable tge CCP responsible for creating and unleashing the pandemic. That's fucked up.


So you ARE calling Biden, Democrats, & the fake news media LIARS.

Welcome to the team, snowflake.
100% right. I used to respect Golfing Gator now I see that he is a moron like the rest of the leftists on this site. He can criticize but when push comes to shove he has no solutions to offer. What a waste of life.
They didn’t say anything.

Quit lying for Trump. Fucking Trumpers, all you do is lie for your god.

“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… the Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

“We're going very substantially down, not up.”

And that was just in Jan and Feb.

It’s fine if you were to say you would lock down on Valentines Day but telling people a plague is coming but I am getting as many masks as I can is idiotic.

You keep lying about my position. My way does not lead to lockdowns, it gives us the chance to do the right things in Jan and Feb instead of in late March. If all you are going to do is lie about me, why even bother to respond?

And you brought my family into this.

You brought them into this thread. not me. Just more lies from you.

Time for you to stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points memo
100% right. I used to respect Golfing Gator now I see that he is a moron like the rest of the leftists on this site. He can criticize but when push comes to shove he has no solutions to offer. What a waste of life.

I am crushed a Trumper has no respect for me. How will I make it though the day?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
There was no covid pandemic then.
Nope. There wasn't a true pandemic. If there was a true pandemic, you wouldn't be here posting. You'd be meeting your maker, and voting "D" from the grave.

There was only your fear pandemic and mass hysteria.

How often did you shit your panties and change your tampons the last two years? Did you cry every time the mean man on the news told you that you were going to die if you didn't take the jabz?
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