More Arkansas Kids Are Getting COVID-19, And They Are Getting Sicker

Yes, stupidity and selfishness for many trump people. But I think the problem is scarier than simple stupidity. They have been seriously gaslighted which is a mild word for brainwashed.

They join the ranks of scientologists, those who firmly believe the moon landings were fake, the earth is 6000 years old, Democrats who ate babies, Jim Jones and his Kool-Aid, flat-earthers, etc.

Even with intelligent people the human brain has an ingrained intellectual "defect" where beliefs short circuit the logic centers, so logical arguments simply don't work.

These ideas of foibles of the brain are covered in a great book,
The Believing Brain by Michael Shermer.


I agree with you. The problem is that this time their stupidity has forced literally hundreds of thousands of people to die.

From the very beginning their selfishness caused people to not wear masks, not social distance and to cause the virus to spread. Now their selfishness has caused the delta variant to take hold in the United States and will cause new variants with even higher viral loads that render existing vaccines useless.

Their selfishness and stupidity causes them to be able to be gaslighted and brainwashed. Which is their choice but in this situation their stupidity and selfish choices are killing people, destroying our economy and could create a variant that is immune to vaccines.

If their stupidity and selfishness was contained to just themselves, I could careless.

The problem is that it isn't contained to just them.
^^^ To me, there is always the chance that one vaccination after another will be thought of once certain people think that what is already out there isn't enough anymore.

God bless you always!!!

Don't sweat it. I have been getting an annual flu shot for most of my life, at least since I was young in the military.
I agree with you. The problem is that this time their stupidity has forced literally hundreds of thousands of people to die.

From the very beginning their selfishness caused people to not wear masks, not social distance and to cause the virus to spread. Now their selfishness has caused the delta variant to take hold in the United States and will cause new variants with even higher viral loads that render existing vaccines useless.

Their selfishness and stupidity causes them to be able to be gaslighted and brainwashed. Which is their choice but in this situation their stupidity and selfish choices are killing people, destroying our economy and could create a variant that is immune to vaccines.

If their stupidity and selfishness was contained to just themselves, I could careless.

The problem is that it isn't contained to just them.
According to the book I mentioned, even intelligent people can be brainwashed and not even realize that they've been had. But I agree when it comes to trying to deprogram these people with facts they stupidly become very defensive and cling to confirmation bias. They take some facts and make more out of them than valid. Out of context "facts" are persuasive to people who don't want to see the full picture. The post of irishlass and whitehall above this post is an example of attempting to relate two unrelated statistics. Sometimes it's hard to know if they really believe themselves (ie. stupid) or are simply lying to press their bias.

Don't sweat it. I have been getting an annual flu shot for most of my life, at least since I was young in the military.
What you already get is one thing, but according to certain people, other things are now out there and if the final word ends up on their plates, how many injection will we be demanded to get then and at the end of the day, how safe is each one going to be really?

God bless you always!!!

Statistics? Lol, left loons don't know the definition.

They struggle on percentage also
Here are some stats. Madison Country TN is one of the 3 most vaccinated counties in Tennessee, yet emergency room visits for Covid have more than doubled since last month. Largest region hospital here is over 96% bed capacity, due to the influx of Covid Patients. Average wait at the filled to capacity ER waiting room night before last was 4-1/2 hous plus. Hospital admistrator said, this morning that most of the new Covid patients (by far) were unvaccinated, and that the influx over the last few days has force them to decline transfers from other hospital in the region (even ones they owned) as the just did not have the capacity.
You do yourself, your community and your country railing against vaccines and precautions and whining your pitiful reasons to avoid dealing with the situation at your level, personally. You are not much of an American, in my book.
What you already get is one thing, but according to certain people, other things are now out there and if the final word ends up on their plates, how many injection will we be demanded to get then and at the end of the day, how safe is each one going to be really?

God bless you always!!!

I understand, but just because something is a possibility does not mean it is a probability. You have no doubt had a tetanus shot, and occasionally you have had a booster. You probably had a measles shot as a kid to attend school, never needing another, until possibly now to avoid shingles. I have been getting a flu shot annually since the mid 1970s. Each one boosts my immunity to the most probable form of the virus expected in the new flu season. I figure it will be more like that, though, you are correct, we just don't know, yet. Still, I cannot work up much dread for the worst possibilities without seeing them. Good luck to you both. :) Oh, and by all means, Good Health!
What you already get is one thing, but according to certain people, other things are now out there and if the final word ends up on their plates, how many injection will we be demanded to get then and at the end of the day, how safe is each one going to be really?

God bless you always!!!



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The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

This is madness.

With safe and effective vaccines available this suffering and death could have been easily avoided – it’s a pandemic of willful ignorance and stupidity.
This is madness.

With safe and effective vaccines available this suffering and death could have been easily avoided – it’s a pandemic of willful ignorance and stupidity.
Not even good sport down here as biggest group of new cases appears to be between the 20s through the 50s age group. You can't even take advantage of estate sales as it leaves kids, widows with dependent children and old people at the moment.
The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

The Federal Government continues to use illegals to spread ALL variants of the Faucci Virus across the Country.

Only a DUMBASS would think this is only going to effect Arkansas .....
Yep, the virus is mutating because the shit fior brains adults won't get vaccinated. So we will have this problem for the forseeable future. Covid is now part of our everyday lives, when it could have been stamped down in just a year.
nope the lab virus that leftist created in china is here to stay .... covid is a leftist created virus !
yep ...covid was funded by leftist democrat Fauci and created by the leftist Chincom gov .
And, intentionally released .....

As intentional as spreading illegals with Faucci's virus all over America
And, intentionally released .....

As intentional as spreading illegals with Faucci's virus all over America
when China restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan during the early days of the out break but allowed international travel they were deliberately spreading covid ! its really that obvious and simple but you will never get a leftist to admit it !
How many infected hordes of illegals has this demonic Biden Administration sent to Arkansas?
krichton I get what you are trying to point out with that parachute picture and I know that a back up chute is to be a part of a parachute should the original chute not open, but what if the back up shoot doesn't work either? And yes, I am aware that the back chute is called the lollipop.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Do keep in mind that when a person goes skydiving, they are only setting themselves up for the chance of getting tangled up in power lines on their way down and even if they do make it down, they could always land where Rottweilers live which could always end up being worse.
Yep, the virus is mutating because the shit fior brains adults won't get vaccinated. So we will have this problem for the forseeable future. Covid is now part of our everyday lives, when it could have been stamped down in just a year.
Not what others are saying

The left hasn't been right about anything why people even listen to you morons is beyond belief

BTW you're about two months behind Isreal


The vaxxed are dangerous walking bio fucking weapons

The horse dewormer is apparently sold out all over the country shit

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