More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

And if some day, you develop a method to move an unwanted fetus from a poor woman into your body, and you deal with the economic and medical problems, then you'll have a say in the matter.

I get a vote and I have a voice. Same as everyone else...

Just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right!

Gov't run anything is a failure. Show me one gov't program in the US that really works...

You can't!

Social Security - you would be better saving yourself

Simply not true, given how many folks we have eating dog food in their old age. How many people had their life-savings wiped out in teh crashes of 2001 or 2008?

US mail - been a loser for years.

Really? I get my mail every day. Now, true, with the advent of e-mail, they have to rethink their program, but the USPS is making enough to cover expenses. The reason why it's having money problems is the GOP Congress insisted that they fund their pension fund 75 years out. Put that requirement on UPS or FedEx, they'd be out of business.

Education - Private is SOOO much more effective

Yes, you can be VERY effective if you can legally throw out the retards and the trouble-makers and just keep the kids who can be taught.

So - first he would have to prove that is claims (living longer, infant mortality, etc.) were true by comparing apples to apples. Then, he would have to show that gov't run healthcare was directly responsible. Finally he would have to prove that OUR gov't with failed record after failed record would have the ability to outperform American, er... privatized, solutions even though the gov't compares poorly to private solutions in every endeavor they have taken up.

So first, you have to ignore the rest of the world.
Then you have to ignore the failings of our system by chanting "USA! USA! USA!"
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Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

And if some day, you develop a method to move an unwanted fetus from a poor woman into your body, and you deal with the economic and medical problems, then you'll have a say in the matter.

I get a vote and I have a voice. Same as everyone else...

Just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right!

Your vote gives you NO say in the matter. The courts have found that a woman has a right to control her own body. Sorry.

As a practical matter, women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is.. because they always have.
Please provide the stats on teh old folks that were wiped out as you say, and the stats of old folks eating dog food.

Because you are lying about this, as you lie about everything else.
Please provide the stats on teh old folks that were wiped out as you say, and the stats of old folks eating dog food.

Because you are lying about this, as you lie about everything else.

Provide you with more facts you can't get your tiny brain around?

$2 trillion wiped out of retirement funds -

The financial meltdown has demolished Americans' retirement savings, wiping out $2 trillion — or about 20% of value — in the past 15 months, Congress' top budget analyst said Tuesday.

This estimate probably comes as no surprise to millions of Americans who have reviewed their 401(k) statements in recent weeks.

"This is a financial panic right now, and one reason it feels so bad is that everything is going down," says Kurt Brouwer, a financial planner in San Francisco.

The sharp drop in savings has led Americans to postpone contributing and, in some cases, delay retirement, Peter Orszag, head of the Congressional Budget Office, told the House Education and Labor Committee.

Well, we always have this alternative...

Why We'll All Be Eating Cat Food In Retirement
Uh, yeah. Neither one of those articles supports your idiotic statements, liar.
And in fact one is just whimsical musings by the HuffPo about what they hope will happen in the future. People like you take particular pleasure not only in killing babies, but threatening and terrifying old people.

Cuz that's the stand-up sort of people you are.
If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Ok so you're a raging it

Raging atheist? Not a chance. I am an atheist though, and I was conditioned against Christianity by my fellow Christians when I was a Christian. People can be SO NASTY in the name of religion.
If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

Who wants them?


Sorry, but you can't throw out some hippy "everybody wants them man..." bullshit when we have a crazy number of unadopted children in this country, and all of those fetuses, if they weren't aborted, would add dramatically to the number.
If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

Who wants them?


Sorry, but you can't throw out some hippy "everybody wants them man..." bullshit when we have a crazy number of unadopted children in this country, and all of those fetuses, if they weren't aborted, would add dramatically to the number.


Complete fantasy of the baby killers. There's zero evidence that this is true, and in fact the accepted fact is that legalized abortion leads to more child abuse, more single parents, and more abused children...not fewer.

The *unadopted* children I presume you're referencing are foster children that have had parental rights terminated. They are typically the children of single, criminal parents. The set that you people encourage to fuck like bunnies, based on the myth that between birth control and abortion, they will NEVER get pregnant. You don't care, you have your porn and your pool of promiscuous bar hoppers to abuse.....and you never have to worry about it, cuz if one gets knocked up, you will be able, like joe famously stated, to "drag her dumb ass" to the abortion clinic.
A much more impressive number would be the children that were able to survive premature births or with other serious health problems because of our advanced neonatal care,that would other wise die.

Why do some zero in on negativity as if its some badge of honer.

While so many spend countless hours and monies saving the most precious and weak,while others look at them just some trash to be disposed of.
And in fact one is just whimsical musings by the HuffPo about what they hope will happen in the future. People like you take particular pleasure not only in killing babies, but threatening and terrifying old people.

Cuz that's the stand-up sort of people you are.

Old people should be scared.

Middle aged people should be fucking terrified.

I'm just glad we dodged teh bullet and didn't let that retard Dubya shoot our whole wad on the Wall Street Casino.
And in fact one is just whimsical musings by the HuffPo about what they hope will happen in the future. People like you take particular pleasure not only in killing babies, but threatening and terrifying old people.

Cuz that's the stand-up sort of people you are.

Old people should be scared.

Middle aged people should be fucking terrified.

I'm just glad we dodged teh bullet and didn't let that retard Dubya shoot our whole wad on the Wall Street Casino.

I'm 48...I'm not terrified. First off, I work for the state, so after 25 years of service, my medical is included when I more year to hit that milestone on my way to 35.

But even if I didn't have that...I'd be long as they give me enough narcotics to keep me pain free on my way out. I'm not afraid of's bound to happen sooner or later...It's the way you die that's important...for me, that would be pain free, but lucid enough to say goodbye and tell the people closest to me that I love them, and to apologize for any pain I may have caused throughout my life to them.

But my luck? I'll have a massive coronary and won't get to say shit.
Ah, this is where you push your concept of a perfect world, where babies are butchered before birth and old people are quietly and painlessly offed at age 62.
Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

Who wants them?


Sorry, but you can't throw out some hippy "everybody wants them man..." bullshit when we have a crazy number of unadopted children in this country, and all of those fetuses, if they weren't aborted, would add dramatically to the number.


Complete fantasy of the baby killers. There's zero evidence that this is true, and in fact the accepted fact is that legalized abortion leads to more child abuse, more single parents, and more abused children...not fewer.

The *unadopted* children I presume you're referencing are foster children that have had parental rights terminated. They are typically the children of single, criminal parents. The set that you people encourage to fuck like bunnies, based on the myth that between birth control and abortion, they will NEVER get pregnant. You don't care, you have your porn and your pool of promiscuous bar hoppers to abuse.....and you never have to worry about it, cuz if one gets knocked up, you will be able, like joe famously stated, to "drag her dumb ass" to the abortion clinic.

Accepted fact? Accepted by who, you?

Show me a peer reviewed study that demonstrates these "facts".
Ah, this is where you push your concept of a perfect world, where babies are butchered before birth and old people are quietly and painlessly offed at age 62.

What old people are being offed at age 62 or any age?

If you're talking about assisted suicide, it's SUICIDE, you fucking idiot. They want it... and you're forcing them to stay in the world when you pass laws to object to it.

Of course laws against suicide are good to have, but for people who are so old or in pain?

You'd shoot a horse to put it out of its misery sooner than you would let a horribly pained person who wants to die, die. And that's very telling.

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