More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

So Steelplate wants to pick on one female? I gave him an answer to his question but that wasn't good enough.....presumably cause I'm not perceived as a weak female.


It has nothing to do with her being female...only a misogynist would think that. gave an answer...I acknowledged it. I'm fine with it actually... however, you didn't call me a baby killer in the process, and to do so now would be you being a douche.

Truthfully, I feel that men are the weaker sex.
So Steelplate wants to pick on one female? I gave him an answer to his question but that wasn't good enough.....presumably cause I'm not perceived as a weak female.


It has nothing to do with her being female...only a misogynist would think that. gave an answer...I acknowledged it. I'm fine with it actually... however, you didn't call me a baby killer in the process, and to do so now would be you being a douche.

Truthfully, I feel that men are the weaker sex.

Baby killer?

Not even I n my vocabulary. Having said that you've been gone awhile and on your first day back you obsessively focus on one poster, a female.

Math isnt difficult. Now maybe she drew you out directly. Either way you are being rather shallow by obsrssing over her or her positions.

Call it whatever you like but don't excuse it for being a man
So Steelplate wants to pick on one female? I gave him an answer to his question but that wasn't good enough.....presumably cause I'm not perceived as a weak female.


It has nothing to do with her being female...only a misogynist would think that. gave an answer...I acknowledged it. I'm fine with it actually... however, you didn't call me a baby killer in the process, and to do so now would be you being a douche.

Truthfully, I feel that men are the weaker sex.

Baby killer?

Not even I n my vocabulary. Having said that you've been gone awhile and on your first day back you obsessively focus on one poster, a female.

Math isnt difficult. Now maybe she drew you out directly. Either way you are being rather shallow by obsrssing over her or her positions.

Call it whatever you like but don't excuse it for being a man

Been back about a week or so...was fighting with bigreb and kornac...sp? About guns most of the time...

So...I think you're mistaken.

I have ZERO problem with her positions... it's the nastiness in which she delivers it.

She's entitled to her opinion. But I won't tolerate being called a baby is as offensive to me as a woman being called the "c" word.
It has nothing to do with her being female...only a misogynist would think that. gave an answer...I acknowledged it. I'm fine with it actually... however, you didn't call me a baby killer in the process, and to do so now would be you being a douche.

Truthfully, I feel that men are the weaker sex.

Baby killer?

Not even I n my vocabulary. Having said that you've been gone awhile and on your first day back you obsessively focus on one poster, a female.

Math isnt difficult. Now maybe she drew you out directly. Either way you are being rather shallow by obsrssing over her or her positions.

Call it whatever you like but don't excuse it for being a man

Been back about a week or so...was fighting with bigreb and kornac...sp? About guns most of the time...

So...I think you're mistaken.

I have ZERO problem with her positions... it's the nastiness in which she delivers it.

She's entitled to her opinion. But I won't tolerate being called a baby is as offensive to me as a woman being called the "c" word.

You'll get no argument out of me there. Welcome back.....chump lol
I don't care if you're offended by it. Your stance is that you're not pro-abortion, either. But by definition, to be pro-choice is to be pro-abortion.

If you don't like the way these titles sound, perhaps you should rethink your position. Because it is your position regarding abortion that demands these titles be assigned to you.

Progressives do this all the time. They determine that if something they want to do or approves of is associated with certain words, they change the word. Iit is no longer known by the name it has always been called. Abortion is a horrible word. To kill a baby is unthinkable. To engage in practices that the most abhorrent felons have engaged in to their eternal shame....but you think it's a "necessary" evil. So you change the name.

Baby becomes fetus, abortion becomes choice...and those who approve of the judicious and sparing application of abortion become pro-choice, instead of pro-abortion. It isn't a baby that dies, but a fetus. Except it is a baby that just think it's okay in some circumstance. And it is abortion.

But that won't keep you from getting REALLY huffy if someone calls it what it is. Because you think it's the WORDS that are bad..not your disgusting belief that human life does't matter.
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Baby killer?

Not even I n my vocabulary. Having said that you've been gone awhile and on your first day back you obsessively focus on one poster, a female.

Math isnt difficult. Now maybe she drew you out directly. Either way you are being rather shallow by obsrssing over her or her positions.

Call it whatever you like but don't excuse it for being a man

Been back about a week or so...was fighting with bigreb and kornac...sp? About guns most of the time...

So...I think you're mistaken.

I have ZERO problem with her positions... it's the nastiness in which she delivers it.

She's entitled to her opinion. But I won't tolerate being called a baby is as offensive to me as a woman being called the "c" word.

You'll get no argument out of me there. Welcome back.....chump lol

Case in point gramps.
Those countrie spend less, their citizens live longer and yes... their infant mortality rate is lower.


...and you suggest that socialism is the reason for their success? LMAO!!! How stupid are you?

How about instead of denying his post with nervous laughter and and a personal dig...put your money where your mouth is and actually debate?

Nervous laughter? Really?

Debate what? It isn't as if he can support his arguement...

He started this thread with some ambiguous article that, itself, wasn't supported --- and every statement he made is simply untrue.

Gov't run anything is a failure. Show me one gov't program in the US that really works...

You can't!

Social Security - you would be better saving yourself
US mail - been a loser for years.
Education - Private is SOOO much more effective
Medicare - ineffective
Obamacare - taking heat from the very people who supported it.

Bottom line is that if you put the US gov't in charge of something it will fail in comparrison to the private counterpart. The only incentive for politicians to offer any of this is to get elected. It isn't as if their livelyhood is tied to the success of any of these programs. They have no incentive to make sure the things they propose work... In a private setting, if their "program" fails, they fail to earn an income.

If he could even tie ANY of his bogus claims to socialism in medicine we may be able to have a discussion on that, but he can't --- because even if his claims were true, it wouldn't be a direct result of socialized healthcare.

So - first he would have to prove that is claims (living longer, infant mortality, etc.) were true by comparing apples to apples. Then, he would have to show that gov't run healthcare was directly responsible. Finally he would have to prove that OUR gov't with failed record after failed record would have the ability to outperform American, er... privatized, solutions even though the gov't compares poorly to private solutions in every endeavor they have taken up.
...and you suggest that socialism is the reason for their success? LMAO!!! How stupid are you?

How about instead of denying his post with nervous laughter and and a personal dig...put your money where your mouth is and actually debate?

Nervous laughter? Really?

Debate what? It isn't as if he can support his arguement...

He started this thread with some ambiguous article that, itself, wasn't supported --- and every statement he made is simply untrue.

Gov't run anything is a failure. Show me one gov't program in the US that really works...

You can't!

Social Security - you would be better saving yourself
US mail - been a loser for years.
Education - Private is SOOO much more effective
Medicare - ineffective
Obamacare - taking heat from the very people who supported it.

Bottom line is that if you put the US gov't in charge of something it will fail in comparrison to the private counterpart. The only incentive for politicians to offer any of this is to get elected. It isn't as if their livelyhood is tied to the success of any of these programs. They have no incentive to make sure the things they propose work... In a private setting, if their "program" fails, they fail to earn an income.

If he could even tie ANY of his bogus claims to socialism in medicine we may be able to have a discussion on that, but he can't --- because even if his claims were true, it wouldn't be a direct result of socialized healthcare.

So - first he would have to prove that is claims (living longer, infant mortality, etc.) were true by comparing apples to apples. Then, he would have to show that gov't run healthcare was directly responsible. Finally he would have to prove that OUR gov't with failed record after failed record would have the ability to outperform American, er... privatized, solutions even though the gov't compares poorly to private solutions in every endeavor they have taken up.'re telling me that some BS about a baby being dead for 15 minutes is the reason for the discrepancy? Dead is dead...period. if 68 other countries do better than us, and we spend more than any other country for our health care a long shot....then something is horrifically wrong... we are getting ripped off as consumers and as citizens.
How about instead of denying his post with nervous laughter and and a personal dig...put your money where your mouth is and actually debate?

Nervous laughter? Really?

Debate what? It isn't as if he can support his arguement...

He started this thread with some ambiguous article that, itself, wasn't supported --- and every statement he made is simply untrue.

Gov't run anything is a failure. Show me one gov't program in the US that really works...

You can't!

Social Security - you would be better saving yourself
US mail - been a loser for years.
Education - Private is SOOO much more effective
Medicare - ineffective
Obamacare - taking heat from the very people who supported it.

Bottom line is that if you put the US gov't in charge of something it will fail in comparrison to the private counterpart. The only incentive for politicians to offer any of this is to get elected. It isn't as if their livelyhood is tied to the success of any of these programs. They have no incentive to make sure the things they propose work... In a private setting, if their "program" fails, they fail to earn an income.

If he could even tie ANY of his bogus claims to socialism in medicine we may be able to have a discussion on that, but he can't --- because even if his claims were true, it wouldn't be a direct result of socialized healthcare.

So - first he would have to prove that is claims (living longer, infant mortality, etc.) were true by comparing apples to apples. Then, he would have to show that gov't run healthcare was directly responsible. Finally he would have to prove that OUR gov't with failed record after failed record would have the ability to outperform American, er... privatized, solutions even though the gov't compares poorly to private solutions in every endeavor they have taken up.'re telling me that some BS about a baby being dead for 15 minutes is the reason for the discrepancy? Dead is dead...period. if 68 other countries do better than us, and we spend more than any other country for our health care a long shot....then something is horrifically wrong... we are getting ripped off as consumers and as citizens.

What are you even talking about? 15 minutes?

The MAJOR point of my post is that you want to put people in charge of medicine who have no interest in the success of medicine. It will be every bit as ineffective as every other challange our gov't has taken up!

If you want to fix the cost of medicine you need to ensure a LEGITIMATE FREE MARKET!! Not have the morons in Washington TAKE IT OVER!

We have not had a fair free market in healthcare. Sensible regulations to ensure a free market may help - and that would be something for the gov't to look at.

You must understand that the reasons our healthcare cost more is because there is more money to spend on healhtcare. That is why comparing our cost to other nations will never be an apple to apple comparrison.

The truth is that you message board liberals don't even understand the big picture of healthcare in the US --- and that is what your sheeple-hearders are counting on. They sell you on the faulty dream of socialism and you are mesmerized by the shiny object --- forget that it isn't even real --- just a holograph --- and bbbbaaaaahhhh the liberal sheeples eat it up!!!

We've established that the bible does address abortion.

And great civilizations fall after sinking into depravity, including the devaluation and butchery of children.

Do I need to set you straight on anything else?

Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.
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Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...
Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Did I mention a biblical reason?

And yes, they're babies. Just like you're a cretin. Nobody wants you, either. Yet here you are. A person's humanity exists independent of the opinion of other people.
More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

that just tells me there are 68 other countries value life more than the abortion crazed U.S. liberals who want to go out a fuck their brains out then when they are pregnant....., cut that "abnormal growth" from their body.

what a country.., huh ? when a murdering doctor (?) and a pregnant female collude to murder a baby because she can not keep her knees together.

you abortion on demand sickos make me want to perform retroactive abortion !! :up:

Most of those countries not only have legal abortion, but the government PAYS for them.

But they also have family and medical leave and universal health coverage, so women aren't winging it, trying to get in that last paycheck before dropping the kid.

And most importantly, those countries have more equitable education systems--proper education being the greatest negative correlation to unwanted pregnancy.

Births to unmarried women - Data Across States - KIDS COUNT Data Center
Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Ok so you're a raging it

Now what makes them babies then?
that just tells me there are 68 other countries value life more than the abortion crazed U.S. liberals who want to go out a fuck their brains out then when they are pregnant....., cut that "abnormal growth" from their body.

what a country.., huh ? when a murdering doctor (?) and a pregnant female collude to murder a baby because she can not keep her knees together.

you abortion on demand sickos make me want to perform retroactive abortion !! :up:

Most of those countries not only have legal abortion, but the government PAYS for them.

But they also have family and medical leave and universal health coverage, so women aren't winging it, trying to get in that last paycheck before dropping the kid.

And most importantly, those countries have more equitable education systems--proper education being the greatest negative correlation to unwanted pregnancy.

Births to unmarried women - Data Across States - KIDS COUNT Data Center

well then the NEA has a lot of blood on their hands
So Steelplate wants to pick on one female? I gave him an answer to his question but that wasn't good enough.....presumably cause I'm not perceived as a weak female.


No, he was asking someone who claims to be a social worker a question about how she does her job.

If he wanted advice on how to shank someone in a shower, we know where you are.
If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

If we were talking about babies, I'd be right there with you sister.

But we're fucking not talking about babies.

We're talking about unwanted fetuses.

Nobody cares about your biblical reasons, Churchy.

Actually --- they are wanted.... Just not by immoral, selfish, irresponsible, unaccountable people...

And if some day, you develop a method to move an unwanted fetus from a poor woman into your body, and you deal with the economic and medical problems, then you'll have a say in the matter.
It's not true.

But you'd rather believe that it is, so really, there's nothing to be done.

Except every study says that it is...


When you have 1 out of 6 Americans with no insurance, and another 25 million on top of that with inadequate insurance, you are going to have bad results.

That's the problem when you treat what SHOULD be a public service like a profit business.

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