More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

Why on earth would I do that?

When I see pregnant women I congratulate them on their pregnancy and offer them encouragement and resources.

I don't pull a depressed face and say, "Omg, I'm so sorry, quick kill it before the little monster kills you!" like you and the other baby killers do.

What is she brings up the idea of termination?
I don't work in the abortion industry. Ask joe what he says when one of his stable gets knocked up.
I don't work in the abortion industry. Ask joe what he says when one of his stable gets knocked up.

Answer the question. If a scared, pregnant tern is on your docket and you are counseling her and the girl brings up aborting the pregnancy...what do you tell her?
It has never come up.

Generally scared, pregnant teens only exist on the arm of some domineering adult.

Those adults are the ones who hit the system for services. When teens get services, it's because they're KEEPING the babies.
It has never come up.

Generally scared, pregnant teens only exist on the arm of some domineering adult.

Those adults are the ones who hit the system for services. When teens get services, it's because they're KEEPING the babies.

What WOULD you tell her? Assuming you're telling the truth that it's never came up.
Has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but okay.

Here's the thing. We are the only major industrialized country that doesn't have single payer health coverage for all our citizens.

And not surprisingly, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world and higher than a lot of third world countries as well.

Yes, well, that's not what the report is about, and the results have absolutely nothing to do with single payer coverage. This is not an indictment of the US healthcare system, but of the social structure which encourages teen pregnancies which lead to premature, low birthweight babies at much greater risk for mortality.

From your link:

“Many babies in the United States are born too early. The U.S. preterm birth rate (1 in 8 births) is one of the highest in the industrialized world (second only to Cyprus). In fact, 130 countries from all across the world have lower preterm birth rates than the United States,” the report reads. Teen births are partly to blame, the report says – echoing other research that has shown this. The U.S. has the highest teenage birth rate of any industrialized country.
Family disintegration is a major driver of these results. And as far as the statement "A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says", these two sentences should be separated. Yes, 11,000 American newborns die as stated, but not as a result of "fairly cheap interventions"; that statement in the context of this report is referring to third world infant deaths, not first world. The major issue in the industrialized world is preterm, underweight babies.

But I know it's more fun to push an agenda with these kinds of reports and to deride the "evil, uncaring" US, a favorite pastime of the left.

Of course it is an indictment of the health care system you fucking idiot. Ever hear of prenatal care?

And before you leap to the conclusion I support Obamacare or Obama, stick that up your nutball ass. I am a real fiscal conservative, something most of you nutball scum have no clue about.

Well, you're good with pejoratives. The major difference in prenatal care use is based upon age, not ability to pay.

Differences by Age

Young women in their teens are by far the least likely to receive timely prenatal care. In 2010, 22 percent of births to females under age 15, and 11 percent of births to teens ages 15 to 19, were to those receiving late or no prenatal care. This proportion drops with increasing age, reaching a low of four percent for women in their thirties, and then increases slightly to five percent among older women. (Figure 3)

Late or No Prenatal Care | Child Trends Databank

By the way, low or no cost prenatal care in the US is available through Medicaid and Planned Parenthood, among many others. The fact that some do not seek prenatal care appears to be a function of age; older women almost universally find available prenatal services.
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It has never come up.

Generally scared, pregnant teens only exist on the arm of some domineering adult.

Those adults are the ones who hit the system for services. When teens get services, it's because they're KEEPING the babies.

What WOULD you tell her? Assuming you're telling the truth that it's never came up.

Bumping this for an answer. What would you tell her? I know what you would tell her. may show her other options like adoption....but at the end of the day, if the girl was would refer her to Family Planning.

It's called doing your job.

And no....I don't consider you a "baby killer" for it. You offer services and options to people who need allow them to make their choices. You don't condone abortion, but your job puts you in that position.

I don't condone abortion either...but I do believe that choice should remain you probably do at work, but available nonetheless.

What do you know....neither of us are baby killers.
I would tell them to carry the baby and offer it up for adoption if they don't want it. Killing a baby is not the way to rectify your poor decisions of the past.
It has never come up.

Generally scared, pregnant teens only exist on the arm of some domineering adult.

Those adults are the ones who hit the system for services. When teens get services, it's because they're KEEPING the babies.

What WOULD you tell her? Assuming you're telling the truth that it's never came up.

If I had a pregnant, scared teenager in my office, I would call CSD. I would provide her with all the resources I have at my disposal and and get as much information about the circumstances as possible, in order to identify her particular needs and issues. It would entirely depend on what her siutation is and what her needs are.

But when I have SCARED people in my office, we address that first and foremost. I don't address terror by suggesting a trip to the abortion clinic. I would never be in a job where I did that, and I would never in a million years do it if someone told me to.
It has never come up.

Generally scared, pregnant teens only exist on the arm of some domineering adult.

Those adults are the ones who hit the system for services. When teens get services, it's because they're KEEPING the babies.

What WOULD you tell her? Assuming you're telling the truth that it's never came up.

If I had a pregnant, scared teenager in my office, I would call CSD. I would provide her with all the resources I have at my disposal and and get as much information about the circumstances as possible, in order to identify her particular needs and issues. It would entirely depend on what her siutation is and what her needs are.

But when I have SCARED people in my office, we address that first and foremost. I don't address terror by suggesting a trip to the abortion clinic. I would never be in a job where I did that, and I would never in a million years do it if someone told me to.

So...if this girl told you in the process of your evaluation that she wanted to abort her pregnancy. You wouldn't give her all her options, including abortion?

I understand addressing the fear...but if that fear is the result of the pregnancy...which is what I was talking about....I suppose I should have elaborated...sorry.

And Gramps...I am talking to a Professional here....your opinion, while irrelevant in this conversation.
I don't work in the abortion industry. Ask joe what he says when one of his stable gets knocked up.

I have a stable now? Do I get the big p

What WOULD you tell her? Assuming you're telling the truth that it's never came up.

If I had a pregnant, scared teenager in my office, I would call CSD. I would provide her with all the resources I have at my disposal and and get as much information about the circumstances as possible, in order to identify her particular needs and issues. It would entirely depend on what her siutation is and what her needs are.

But when I have SCARED people in my office, we address that first and foremost. I don't address terror by suggesting a trip to the abortion clinic. I would never be in a job where I did that, and I would never in a million years do it if someone told me to.

So...if this girl told you in the process of your evaluation that she wanted to abort her pregnancy. You wouldn't give her all her options, including abortion?

I understand addressing the fear...but if that fear is the result of the pregnancy...which is what I was talking about....I suppose I should have elaborated...sorry.

And Gramps...I am talking to a Professional here....your opinion, while irrelevant in this conversation.

If she was a scared teenaged girl in my office, I would not direct her to an abortion office. That is in no way my job, and I wouldn't work in a job where it was.

I would contact child welfare, tell them I had a frightened, pregnant, underaged girl in my office. That's what's called "mandatory reporting" and it's what ALL human service workers are supposed to do...including doctors, nurses, school counselors and clinic workers.

But they don't.
Then child welfare would open a case on her, find out the particulars of her situation, find her a guardian and set up her medical. They would help her navigate the decision. They would also find out who the hell got her pregnant, and immediately start investigating that situation.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

What about helping babies AFTER they are born. How come Republicans never think of that?

House Republicans Cut Child-Care Budget Again

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women and families - The Hill's Congress

Oh, that's right, I forgot. They did think about it. They only care about children BEFORE they are born.
Then child welfare would open a case on her, find out the particulars of her situation, find her a guardian and set up her medical. They would help her navigate the decision. They would also find out who the hell got her pregnant, and immediately start investigating that situation.

Which the ending result could wind up being? An abortion...or an adoption...or she keeps it and tries to live her life as a single mom. You's her choice. Obviously...IMO, abortion should be the last option

Let's suppose she chooses that option for a second...Does that make the child protective services person, who laid out all her options to her...a baby killer? If so....does that in turn make you one as well, knowing that the child protective services person is going to show her ALL the options? Of course not. That would be ridiculous.

The only person who could possibly be characterized in such a manner is the girl/woman who makes that decision, and the doctor who performs the procedure.
I find it hard to buy that Carrie's Mom runs into all these pregnant girls, and not a ONE of them asks about abortion.

Statistically, that's kind of hard to believe.

Well...she does what she's trained to can't fault her for that.

Maybe I shouldn't have used a teenager as an example...maybe I should have chosen an undereducated, young woman of 22. Who already has two kids and is pregnant with a third, the man skipped out on her and she wants to abort the third pregnancy.

What would you do in that situation KG?

And no....I'm really not trying to set you up...I'm just showing that your use of the phrase "baby killer" is really's borderline "c" word to people who don't like abortion, but leave it up to the individual to decide.
So Steelplate wants to pick on one female? I gave him an answer to his question but that wasn't good enough.....presumably cause I'm not perceived as a weak female.

KG if the moon were going to crash into the earth what advice would you give this dumbass who won't stop drillin you?

Personally I think he is a pathetic excuse for a so called believer and he should just end it all.
Has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but okay.

Here's the thing. We are the only major industrialized country that doesn't have single payer health coverage for all our citizens.

And not surprisingly, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world and higher than a lot of third world countries as well.
Has NOTHING to do with an insurance bill.

Partisan hack science aside......if you cannot think for yourself, it is going to be difficult to discuss the fact that how you live determines when you will die. And never has an insurance bill altered that.

No...but proper health care does. Health care that deals in positive outcomes, not how many tests we can pad the bill with. Salaried doctors instead of businessmen with MD behind their names....Pharmaceutical Companies that charge the same for their drugs no matter what country you live in,

Once we start having HEALTH care instead of ILLNESS care, the cost of care will come down.

Except that's not true. The study of Oregon Medicaid shows it most definitely. Health care costs skyrocket, with absolutely no increase in health.

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