more bad cops,,

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
I dont know how cops expect us to even consider trusting or liking them when they do shit like this,,,

we need good cops out there,, what we dont need is these bullies in uniform,,

if youre a dog lover beware,, you will be pissed at the end,,

As with Chauvin, police officers are working on pushing the limits on how much murder and brutality they can get away with.

Their jobs have become far too risky when they have to follow the rules.

And the body cameras are seen by police officees as sticking a message on their chests that say, 'you can't kill us for fun anymore'.
I dont know how cops expect us to even consider trusting or liking them when they do shit like this,,,

we need good cops out there,, what we dont need is these bullies in uniform,,

if youre a dog lover beware,, you will be pissed at the end,,

I go back when the brown turd Obammy's DOJ lowered the standards for police exams so more uneducated black men and white could be on the force. Even the NAALCP saw that as a problem.

DOJ Forces Cities to Lower Police Exam Standards to Aid Minority Applicants - The New American

DOJ Forces Cities to Lower Police Exam Standards to Aid Minority Applicants​

As with Chauvin, police officers are working on pushing the limits on how much murder and brutality they can get away with.

Their jobs have become far too risky when they have to follow the rules.

And the body cameras are seen by police officees as sticking a message on their chests that say, 'you can't kill us for fun anymore'.
And all it would of taken was George Floyd, who was dying of a Fentanyl Overdose, to sit in the squad car, be he kept kicking the police till they dragged his dead ass onto the street, where he still couldnt breath while Office Chauvin kept him subdued till an ambulance showed up. The police have feelings too, dont want to get the shit beat out of you, dont be a stupid fuck like George or any other loser. Civil people are treated civilly.
this problem goes further back than that,,,
Interesting, how far back does it go? I was pulled over by a cop after my tire spun in the curb after it rained. I was polite saying "Sir" all the time, while the police wrote me a ticket for excessive acceleration. There was no way i was going to back talk the police and when i went to court i pled "no Contest". I paid 25 dollar court fee and made sure never to push hard on the accelerator...
Interesting, how far back does it go? I was pulled over by a cop after my tire spun in the curb after it rained. I was polite saying "Sir" all the time, while the police wrote me a ticket for excessive acceleration. There was no way i was going to back talk the police and when i went to court i pled "no Contest". I paid 25 dollar court fee and made sure never to push hard on the accelerator...
lets start with wyatt earp,, but that was a different time,,

for now what we dont need are bullies being bullies for no reason like is shown in the video,,
As with Chauvin, police officers are working on pushing the limits on how much murder and brutality they can get away with.

Their jobs have become far too risky when they have to follow the rules.

And the body cameras are seen by police officees as sticking a message on their chests that say, 'you can't kill us for fun anymore'.
Don, that may be the case where you live in Canada. But, there are tens of thousands good hard working LE
in the US. So when you read about the onesies and twosies, just remember there are thousands that counter those outliers.
Also, remember the creed of msm in the US...."If it bleeds, it leads".
The beginning of the police's concerted effort was with the Rittenhouse performance and then allowing him to walk.

What was an over anxious police officer to think, if a chubby kid could get away with it?
What the fuck. I would ask if you really are a stupid fuck, but you need not answer because you are. While minority businesses burned and looted and people were being killed by the thugs of ANTIFA/BLM Rittenhouse was there to help defend his friends business from said riots. Now when stupid fucks like you decide to go after the kid, of course he can defend himself, just like i would, except that i know better and put a bullet in the head of anyone who gets close to me. (yeah, i know i talk tough, but that is what the military teaches you, shoot to kill).

But i have an idea, next time you are in trouble because some thug wants to beat the shit out you, DONT call the police, do what you think you should do....

lets start with wyatt earp,, but that was a different time,,

for now what we dont need are bullies being bullies for no reason like is shown in the video,,
I got a better idea, have the idiot criminals stop being criminals so the police dont have to do police work....What a brilliant idea.
Don, that may be the case where you live in Canada. But, there are tens of thousands good hard working LE
in the US. So when you read about the onesies and twosies, just remember there are thousands that counter those outliers.
Also, remember the creed of msm in the US...."If it bleeds, it leads".
Ah, now i understand. Fidels offspring Trudeau wants to be so much like his daddy, of course he will have jack booted thugs beating up anyone who looks like they should be beat up, that is the Marxist way.
I got a better idea, have the idiot criminals stop being criminals so the police dont have to do police work....What a brilliant idea.
itsnot their job to attack a veteran and taze his dog and get his dog killed for not breaking the law,,

did you bother to watch the video??
so you didnt watch the video and have no idea what the discussion is about,,

thanks for stopping by,,
Yes, i watched it. Where i am at, the panhandlers are given green jackets so can be identified(Duval County) and can be seen at street corners all the time. I will say though that the guy should of at the beginning just given his ID said thank you very much, and deescalated the whole situation. But i guess he had some mental issues which then i blame on the family for allowing him to be out and abused.
What the fuck. I would ask if you really are a stupid fuck, but you need not answer because you are. While minority businesses burned and looted and people were being killed by the thugs of ANTIFA/BLM Rittenhouse was there to help defend his friends business from said riots. Now when stupid fucks like you decide to go after the kid, of course he can defend himself, just like i would, except that i know better and put a bullet in the head of anyone who gets close to me. (yeah, i know i talk tough, but that is what the military teaches you, shoot to kill).

But i have an idea, next time you are in trouble because some thug wants to beat the shit out you, DONT call the police, do what you think you should do....

Glad to get even your attention, potty mouth!
Don, that may be the case where you live in Canada. But, there are tens of thousands good hard working LE
in the US. So when you read about the onesies and twosies, just remember there are thousands that counter those outliers.
Also, remember the creed of msm in the US...."If it bleeds, it leads".
And a hundred thousand more just like Chauvin.

If you want to compare Canada then maybe we can work something out where we can exchange ideas?
And all it would of taken was George Floyd, who was dying of a Fentanyl Overdose, to sit in the squad car, be he kept kicking the police till they dragged his dead ass onto the street, where he still couldnt breath while Office Chauvin kept him subdued till an ambulance showed up. The police have feelings too, dont want to get the shit beat out of you, dont be a stupid fuck like George or any other loser. Civil people are treated civilly.
You're wrong, the law has decided you're wrong, Chauvin is doing long hard time, and there's no way to tell you politely to gfy.

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