More brutal ads from VoteVets!

I'm a veteran and these ads do not sway my vote in the least. I wouldn't piss on Biden (or any other leftard), if they were set full ablaze in a steel belted radial necklace.

Well, that settles it. Your vote will overcome a substantial deficit in 6 swing states your Donald won last time.
We can all just stay home, or toss those mail in ballots in the circular file! :laugh:
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Duckworth is a quota hiring military pilot who screwed up. Her abilities are limited compared to those who could be better. We lowered the standards for her and denied a white guy a job for it. Millions of white guys are now impoverished for the agendas we have used the last half century.

Don't understand why Vets are starting to realize that the Republicans/trump supporters are NOT their friends.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

You're a lying sack of shit

Reb, who would have ever thought a US President would acquiesce to turkey and russia asking him to pull back our troop to allow the turks to invade and attack people that had be fighting with us? Who would have thought a US president would attack gold star family on twitter? How about misdirecting congressional funds, approved, budgeted, signed off by both houses of congress and him signing in an take credit for the bill, only to later illegally obscond with the money and spend it on his pet project that congress would not fund. Who does that kind of crap? Why should they support him?

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