More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Repubtards are huge deficit spenders causing massive inflation price hikes, repressed wages & job loss. Clinton & Obama reduce deficits, lower prices, increase employment & wages.


Notice the quick topic change. Can't argue with anything I said, so let's just flip over to a totally unrelated topic.

Typical Leftard deflection

Anyway, the answer to your stupidity, is that Congress has the control of the budget, not the president. Once again, every brain dead idiot should have been taught this in high school at the latest.

Of course, Leftards don't learn anything ever. Harms their ideology, so all that 'learning' crap is ignored.

If you look at who had control of congress, you can see who was spending out of control, and who was now. Reagan specifically complained that congress over spent every budget he proposed. Equally Clinton in his first 6 years in office, never once, at any time, even suggested or proposed cutting the budget. In fact, his 1993, and 1994 budgets both proposed $200+ Billion dollar deficits up through 2005.

It was the Republicans in 2005, and the contract with America, that started cutting the deficit, and even then Clinton still proposed deficit spending non-stop into the 2000s. But the Republicans under cut his budget every single year.

Just like Republicans forced him to sign the welfare reform bill that forced millions off welfare, and into getting jobs, and boosting the economy. Not Clinton who veto'd it twice, until his polls numbers fells so bad he had no choice but to sign.... even while pretending he'd 'fix welfare later'.

But of course this requires critical thinking, and logical assessment, connecting effects to their actual causes. Leftards are too much like Forest Gump 'stupid is as stupid does' level thinking to ever pull their heads out of their ideological butts to see anything else.

Hey Kissbutt.... you want to be insulting? I'll throw it right back in your face every single time. And unlike you... I'm right. Sucks to be you, huh?
I did not change the topic. You are so clueless that you can't comprehend what drives oil price or any other prices. Clinton & the Democrat congress cut deficit spending ratio in 1993. Facts prove you lie. The chart I posted is factually accurate. You can't handle the truth. Bill Clinton had a budget surpluss to build up the SS trust fund. Bush & the repubtards gave all the SS money away to their billionaire friends.

Clinton didn't do anything to Social Security. The Social Security surplus was from before his presidency.

The surplus started in the 1980s... oh wait... that's right... leftard here. Can't see data that doesn't fit your ideology.
Bill Clinton & Democrat congress reversed Bush's job losses in 1993. They had the fastest employment rate rise of the working age population. Then Repubtards took congress & slowed the employment rate rise in 1995, but Clinton still managed to create the highest working age employment ratio in the history of the USA. Obama reversed the second Bush's job loss disaster. Obama has a faster rise in employment ratio of the working age population than either of the Bush's & Repubtards ever did.

Bill Clinton & Democrat congress reversed Bush's job losses in 1993. They had the fastest employment rate rise of the working age population. Then Repubtards took congress & slowed the employment rate rise in 1995, but Clinton still managed to create the highest working age employment ratio in the history of the USA. Obama reversed the second Bush's job loss disaster. Obama has a faster rise in employment ratio of the working age population than either of the Bush's & Repubtards ever did.


What a shock, another quick topic change when confronted by the real facts.
Now who knows nothing of economics? Unbelievably dumb statement.

Do you not understand that during a recession, the GDP per capita falls naturally, and after the recession is over, the GDP per capita typically..... naturally, should rise quickly back up to where it was on the curve, resulting in a super fast increase.... not because of policy.... but just because the recession is over?

Economics 101 stupid.

You are just so incredibly dumb on this topic. Normally I'd be nice and just explain how economics works, but you are not only ignorant, but you are arrogantly ignorant. Most people when they are ignorant, don't act arrogant at the same time. Didn't you have parents??
Repubtards Reagan, Bush & Bush Exploded the size of Government, Spending, Employment & Pay Compensation. Obama is the first president since Carter who cut the size of Government, Spending, Employment & Pay Compensation, while private sector grows.



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Bush destroyed the US Dollar causing commodity prices to soar. Obama has restored faith in the US Dollar causing commodity prices to fall. Yes Food & Energy prices are going down. Remember to be thankful for $2 Gasoline this Christmas.

All Commodities Prices

Obama crushed all the Stagflation Bush created.

Stagflation Rate

Marketwatch - Obama spending binge never happened

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"If I had just lost the debate multiple times, what I would do is spam dozens of graphs, to cover a half dozen unrelated topics, to distract from the fact I just lost, in the hopes other people wouldn't bother to respond to my dozen unrelated, irrelevant to the topic, graphs."

- Leftard debate tactics 101.
Repubtards are huge deficit spenders causing massive inflation price hikes, repressed wages & job loss. Clinton & Obama reduce deficits, lower prices, increase employment & wages.

The Facts & Data prove you are full of shit. You are all hat & no cattle & need your leaders to tell you what you think & believe. Nothing you say has any basis in reality.
You're an idiot.

You cry and scream that the republicans won't let you spend what you want to spend... then you try to take credit for the cuts. You're a joke.
Repubtards are huge deficit spenders causing massive inflation price hikes, repressed wages & job loss. Clinton & Obama reduce deficits, lower prices, increase employment & wages.

The Facts & Data prove you are full of shit. You are all hat & no cattle & need your leaders to tell you what you think & believe. Nothing you say has any basis in reality.
You're an idiot.

You cry and scream that the republicans won't let you spend what you want to spend... then you try to take credit for the cuts. You're a joke.
You are a total idiot. I never cried & screamed for republicans to let anyone spend more. I showed you the truth & you can't handle the truth. Republicans lower wages, force workers onto the government dole, spend more, grow government, create inflation, payroll tax workers more, killing US jobs all in order to subsidize entitled trust-fund billionaires.
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Bush destroyed the US Dollar causing commodity prices to soar. Obama has restored faith in the US Dollar causing commodity prices to fall. Yes Food & Energy prices are going down. Remember to be thankful for $2 Gasoline this Christmas.

All Commodities Prices

Obama crushed all the Stagflation Bush created.

Stagflation Rate

Marketwatch - Obama spending binge never happened


Wow...look at what the GOP congress did !
Anyone who thinks this administration has anything to do with sinking gas prices is a fool.

New fields are coming on stream and pipelines are being added.

It has nothing to do with Obama.

In fact, he and his EPA along with state EPA's is making it tougher to operate refineries than ever before.
Repubtards are huge deficit spenders causing massive inflation price hikes, repressed wages & job loss. Clinton & Obama reduce deficits, lower prices, increase employment & wages.

The Facts & Data prove you are full of shit. You are all hat & no cattle & need your leaders to tell you what you think & believe. Nothing you say has any basis in reality.
You're an idiot.

You cry and scream that the republicans won't let you spend what you want to spend... then you try to take credit for the cuts. You're a joke.
You are a total idiot. I never cried & screamed for republicans to let anyone spend more. I showed you the truth & you can't handle the truth. Republicans lower wages, force workers onto the government dole, spend more, grow government, create inflation, payroll tax workers more, killing US jobs all in order to subsidize billionaires.

If you think Democrats are not doing the same are a fool.
Repubtards are huge deficit spenders causing massive inflation price hikes, repressed wages & job loss. Clinton & Obama reduce deficits, lower prices, increase employment & wages.

The Facts & Data prove you are full of shit. You are all hat & no cattle & need your leaders to tell you what you think & believe. Nothing you say has any basis in reality.
You're an idiot.

You cry and scream that the republicans won't let you spend what you want to spend... then you try to take credit for the cuts. You're a joke.
You are a total idiot. I never cried & screamed for republicans to let anyone spend more. I showed you the truth & you can't handle the truth. Republicans lower wages, force workers onto the government dole, spend more, grow government, create inflation, payroll tax workers more, killing US jobs all in order to subsidize entitled trust-fund billionaires.
You're so full of shit it comes out your mouth.
prob not... it's
Stocks slump bonds rally as global growth fears mount - Yahoo Finance

Stocks slump, bonds rally as global growth fears mount

I wonder if this give the Republicans a couple of more Senate seats?
Stocks are falling because the Republicans are now certain to take the Senate. GDP will tank & the 10 million jobs gained by Obama will be destroyed.
The only job Obuma ever created was to hire people to sit on their asses all day pretending that they are signing people up for taxpayer funded subsidies. That ass hole can't even give money away without burning more. You libtards make me want to puke.
Stocks slump bonds rally as global growth fears mount - Yahoo Finance

Stocks slump, bonds rally as global growth fears mount

I wonder if this give the Republicans a couple of more Senate seats?
Stocks are falling because the Republicans are now certain to take the Senate. GDP will tank & the 10 million jobs gained by Obama will be destroyed.

Or they're falling because Obama can't stop ISIS and can't stop ebola.
Ebola & ISIS have nothing to do with Jobs, Earnings, GDP & Stocks. But flipping the senate to Republicans will really damage the economy.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


April was a long time ago. Time to come back to reality, Sallow. The DOW has plunged nearly 600 points in two days. It would have been 1,000 if there hadn't been a 400 point rally yesterday. Now the DJIA is primed to slip back below 16,000. Sallow, I feel very sorry for you.
Stocks slump bonds rally as global growth fears mount - Yahoo Finance

Stocks slump, bonds rally as global growth fears mount

I wonder if this give the Republicans a couple of more Senate seats?
Stocks are falling because the Republicans are now certain to take the Senate. GDP will tank & the 10 million jobs gained by Obama will be destroyed.

Or they're falling because Obama can't stop ISIS and can't stop ebola.
Ebola & ISIS have nothing to do with Jobs, Earnings, GDP & Stocks. But flipping the senate to Republicans will really damage the economy.

But flipping the senate to Republicans will really damage the economy.

Obviously. Just like in the 90s.
Wait, what?

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