More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.
Oh? What code is that?

It was back in the day after he finished helping Jefferson write the Constitution.

RK McBragg then had a short stint breaking the enigma code. After that he hit Hitler in the face with a Boston Crème Pie. Then he toppled the Soviet Union and helped Mrs. Gates give birth to Billy.

Here's some more of RK McBragg's storied life..

Screw you asshole. Writing code and making a few bucks from it, isn't bragging dumb ass. Only in your dumb fuck brain is being a software engineer held to some higher form of life.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.



Get out of Mom's basement then.

And my PC doesn't run on QBASIC.

My mom's dead. My dad lives in a different state. And while I may have done some basic programming when I was 15, I then moved on to Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, ADA, Prolog, Lisp, C, then ASM and C++, I now code mostly in Java, or C++ variants. Your PC runs mostly on compiled code written in C++.
What code is that?
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
In PM I asked you:

Why do you want to know personal specific details about my life? And why should I give them to you? What's your angle?

From this response, I believe I have my answer.

My answer to your question is FUCK YOU.
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
In PM I asked you:

Why do you want to know personal specific details about my life? And why should I give them to you? What's your angle?

From this response, I believe I have my answer.

My answer to your question is FUCK YOU.
No worries, I figured you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming.
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
In PM I asked you:

Why do you want to know personal specific details about my life? And why should I give them to you? What's your angle?

From this response, I believe I have my answer.

My answer to your question is FUCK YOU.
No worries, I figured you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming.
Your a POS liar.. to afraid to have a conversation about personal identification issues in private. Then you declare your cowardly refrain from private discussions as evidence of your accusation about personal identification issues. What a POS coward you are. I'm not an engineer unless I tell you, in public, each and every one of the hundreds of products I wrote and worked on? ROFL This from a person who uses the name "Faun."
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
In PM I asked you:

Why do you want to know personal specific details about my life? And why should I give them to you? What's your angle?

From this response, I believe I have my answer.

My answer to your question is FUCK YOU.
No worries, I figured you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming.
Your a POS liar.. to afraid to have a conversation about personal identification issues in private. Then you declare your cowardly refrain from private discussions as evidence of your accusation about personal identification issues. What a POS coward you are. I'm not an engineer unless I tell you each and every one of the hundreds of products I wrote and worked on? ROFL
I'm not asking you to reveal who you are, just what you contributed to the PC. I work for a company developing DVR's. A DVR you might be watching TV on. I'm not ashamed to say my code is what registers them and facilitates communication between them and the NOC.
DOW feeding frenzy this morning!

S&P 500
+6.72 (0.33%)

+62.38 (0.36%)

+14.56 (0.32%)

Crude Oil 92.67 -0.43% Gold 1,226.50 -0.29% EUR/USD 1.2851 -0.49% 10-Yr Bond 2.61 -0.68% Corn 335.25 -0.89% Copper 3.10 +0.21% Silver 18.42 -0.93% Natural Gas 3.92 -1.41% Russell 2000 1,162.13 +0.25% VIX 11.59 -3.66% BATS 1000 22,146.12 -0.17% GBP/USD 1.6335 -0.66% USD/JPY 108.8650 +0.10%
Do not PM me. If you have something to say, say it here. You made a claim. I'm looking to see if you're full of shit or not. You sound like you're full of shit, but let's see...
In PM I asked you:

Why do you want to know personal specific details about my life? And why should I give them to you? What's your angle?

From this response, I believe I have my answer.

My answer to your question is FUCK YOU.
No worries, I figured you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming.
Your a POS liar.. to afraid to have a conversation about personal identification issues in private. Then you declare your cowardly refrain from private discussions as evidence of your accusation about personal identification issues. What a POS coward you are. I'm not an engineer unless I tell you each and every one of the hundreds of products I wrote and worked on? ROFL
I'm not asking you to reveal who you are, just what you contributed to the PC. I work for a company developing DVR's. A DVR you might be watching TV on. I'm not ashamed to say my code is what registers them and facilitates communication between them and the NOC.
I worked on operating systems all major subsystems, led some OS releases for a couple of the major OSes, I worked on half a dozen web browsers, I worked on all the core components of the first java virtual machines, I've worked on web servers, business integration products, ... and I ran my own software firm where I wrote all the code to get it started, this before I sold it. (this is about 1/4 of what I've worked on)
Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

You believe that, don't you?

Go argue with the Senate budget committee if you choose, they say its over a trillion dollars. Awe your liberal talking point just deflated poor libs have a sad face.

"According to the Census’s American Community Survey, the number of households with incomes below the poverty line in 2011 was 16,807,795," the Senate Budget Committee notes. "If you divide total federal and state spending by the number of households with incomes below the poverty line, the average spending per household in poverty was $61,194 in 2011."

No. I'll argue with you. We don't spend more on welfare than we do on defense. That is an absurd claim. It is one of those claims that only idiots believe.....and then they go out and vote for a person who wants to end Social Security and Medicare. These dummies just don't know what they are talking about.

Ah the old Republicans want to take away your SS and medicare LIE you libs really need to get some new lies I remember this one from probably 25 years ago that's how old it is. Hey why don't you invent another Republican war on something. /sarcasm
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!

Unfortunately, the partisan hacks on this particular thread, are incapable of understanding anything except the stock market went up (which means rich people are getting richer, but that's ok for the argument of the moment), and thus Obama is amazing. Ignorant people on this thread.
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!
You are an idiot & liar. Obama turned around the republican disaster.
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!
Yeah, I'm sure this news had nothing to do with the market crash in the fall of 2008 ....

Greenspan: Economy in 'once-in-a-century' crisis

But sure, it was because Obama was leading in the polls. :eusa_doh:

Oh wait, it couldn't have been because of Obama becoming president ... because not long after becoming president, the market turned around and became one of the bullest markets ever.
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!
You are an idiot & liar. Obama turned around the republican disaster.

Only if you are stupid enough to think the only reason employers employ, and people get jobs, and consumers buy, and stores sell, and manufacturers make..... is only because Obama decreed it on high.

If you are that stupid, then yes. Thanks to almighty Obama for decreeing our success.
Economic recovery under Obama has been extra slow due to his incompetence and policies.

In the Fall of 2008, the SM plunged when it became evident that Obama was going to be elected by the gullible, racist electorate. Investments simply dried up.

Now, we have a surge when it's evident the Rs will take the Senate, and it's looking shaky for Hillary or whoever in 2016. Investors and job creators know what is best for America, and it damn sure is not the dims!
You are an idiot & liar. Obama turned around the republican disaster.

"Kiss My," you are obviously a Kool-Aid drinking liberal dumbass! So what?

The economy was on a downstroke when Clinton left office, and his ineptness as CIC set up 9-11.
B. Hussein Obama has accomplished nothing positive! Nothing!

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