More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Interesting Article.

The True Story Of How One Man Shut Down American Commerce To Avoid Paying His Workers A Fair Wage ThinkProgress
And yet, for all its beauty, the town was still a mechanism to ensure his dominion over his workers. Though Pullman employees were technically under no obligation to reside in the company town, promotions were often only available to workers residing in company housing, and workers who lived elsewhere were the first to be laid off in difficult economic times. Every square inch of land in Pullman was owned by the company — workers had no option to buy their own homes — and leases permitted the company to evict a resident on just ten days notice. Thus, a worker who displeased their bosses could wind up homeless almost as quickly as they were rendered jobless.
Pullman, Illinois’ layout also reinforced a rigid hierarchy. The residential portion began at Florence Boulevard, named for Pullman’s daughter, where a dozen and a half homes housed corporate executives. Beyond the town’s most expensive residences laid hundreds of two to five family row houses for skilled workers. At the outskirts, Pullman built tenements for unskilled laborers. And overlooking all of this was the Florence Hotel, built at the beginning of Florence Boulevard, where Pullman himself could watch over his domain from a suite built for his use.
It was the closest thing that has ever existed to an American barony, with George Mortimer Pullman ensconced as its lord and master. As Harper’s warned,
the idea of Pullman is un-American. It is a nearer approach than anything the writer has seen to what appears to be the ideal of the great German Chancellor. It is not the American ideal. It is benevolent, well-wishing feudalism, which desires the happiness of the people, but in such way as shall please the authorities. One can not avoid thinking of the late Czar of Russia, Alexander II., to whom the welfare of his subjects was truly a matter of concern. He wanted them to be happy, but desired their happiness to proceed from him, in whom everything should centre.

This is a bedrock of modern conservatism.
You are a lying POS.

Lying about what?

No need to soil your undies over this, either, old man.
You said, "this is a bedrock of modern conservatism." Your statement is a BLATANT LIE.
Interesting Article.

The True Story Of How One Man Shut Down American Commerce To Avoid Paying His Workers A Fair Wage ThinkProgress
And yet, for all its beauty, the town was still a mechanism to ensure his dominion over his workers. Though Pullman employees were technically under no obligation to reside in the company town, promotions were often only available to workers residing in company housing, and workers who lived elsewhere were the first to be laid off in difficult economic times. Every square inch of land in Pullman was owned by the company — workers had no option to buy their own homes — and leases permitted the company to evict a resident on just ten days notice. Thus, a worker who displeased their bosses could wind up homeless almost as quickly as they were rendered jobless.
Pullman, Illinois’ layout also reinforced a rigid hierarchy. The residential portion began at Florence Boulevard, named for Pullman’s daughter, where a dozen and a half homes housed corporate executives. Beyond the town’s most expensive residences laid hundreds of two to five family row houses for skilled workers. At the outskirts, Pullman built tenements for unskilled laborers. And overlooking all of this was the Florence Hotel, built at the beginning of Florence Boulevard, where Pullman himself could watch over his domain from a suite built for his use.
It was the closest thing that has ever existed to an American barony, with George Mortimer Pullman ensconced as its lord and master. As Harper’s warned,
the idea of Pullman is un-American. It is a nearer approach than anything the writer has seen to what appears to be the ideal of the great German Chancellor. It is not the American ideal. It is benevolent, well-wishing feudalism, which desires the happiness of the people, but in such way as shall please the authorities. One can not avoid thinking of the late Czar of Russia, Alexander II., to whom the welfare of his subjects was truly a matter of concern. He wanted them to be happy, but desired their happiness to proceed from him, in whom everything should centre.

This is a bedrock of modern conservatism.
You are a lying POS.

Lying about what?

No need to soil your undies over this, either, old man.
You said, "this is a bedrock of modern conservatism." Your statement is a BLATANT LIE. is not.

Not in the slightest.

Bringing things to a grinding halt to get their way, conservatives in the white house shut down the government.

Conservatives are binary. They want it all.
Hey! Didja hear the good news? The poverty rate in the US fell in 2013. That is the first drop since 2006.

Interesting Article.

The True Story Of How One Man Shut Down American Commerce To Avoid Paying His Workers A Fair Wage ThinkProgress
And yet, for all its beauty, the town was still a mechanism to ensure his dominion over his workers. Though Pullman employees were technically under no obligation to reside in the company town, promotions were often only available to workers residing in company housing, and workers who lived elsewhere were the first to be laid off in difficult economic times. Every square inch of land in Pullman was owned by the company — workers had no option to buy their own homes — and leases permitted the company to evict a resident on just ten days notice. Thus, a worker who displeased their bosses could wind up homeless almost as quickly as they were rendered jobless.
Pullman, Illinois’ layout also reinforced a rigid hierarchy. The residential portion began at Florence Boulevard, named for Pullman’s daughter, where a dozen and a half homes housed corporate executives. Beyond the town’s most expensive residences laid hundreds of two to five family row houses for skilled workers. At the outskirts, Pullman built tenements for unskilled laborers. And overlooking all of this was the Florence Hotel, built at the beginning of Florence Boulevard, where Pullman himself could watch over his domain from a suite built for his use.
It was the closest thing that has ever existed to an American barony, with George Mortimer Pullman ensconced as its lord and master. As Harper’s warned,
the idea of Pullman is un-American. It is a nearer approach than anything the writer has seen to what appears to be the ideal of the great German Chancellor. It is not the American ideal. It is benevolent, well-wishing feudalism, which desires the happiness of the people, but in such way as shall please the authorities. One can not avoid thinking of the late Czar of Russia, Alexander II., to whom the welfare of his subjects was truly a matter of concern. He wanted them to be happy, but desired their happiness to proceed from him, in whom everything should centre.

This is a bedrock of modern conservatism.
You are a lying POS.

Lying about what?

No need to soil your undies over this, either, old man.
You said, "this is a bedrock of modern conservatism." Your statement is a BLATANT LIE. is not.

Not in the slightest.

Bringing things to a grinding halt to get their way, conservatives in the white house shut down the government.

Conservatives are binary. They want it all.

You're just a bull shit liar. You just can't stand it that some conservatives won't give you all of their shit. You're idea of compromise is conservatives agree to give you a larger piece of their shit every day.... this presumably to get closer to getting all their shit. Any refusal to give you what you want is being binary, or racist.
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Lying about what?

No need to soil your undies over this, either, old man.
You said, "this is a bedrock of modern conservatism." Your statement is a BLATANT LIE. is not.

Not in the slightest.

Bringing things to a grinding halt to get their way, conservatives in the white house shut down the government.

Conservatives are binary. They want it all.

You're just a bull shit liar. You just can't stand it that some conservatives won't give you all of their shit. You're a POS.

I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.
Hey, libs, if you haven't smashed the kids piggy banks and bought into the market at today's prices you'll miss the opportunity for a marvelously thrilling ride when the fed stops printing funny money!

Hurry, time's running out!
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
In other news:

Thu, Sep 18, 2014, 9:58 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 6 hrs 2 mins
S&P 500
+6.88 (0.34%)

+60.22 (0.35%)

+21.26 (0.47%)

Crude Oil 94.64 +0.23% Gold 1,223.50 -1.27% EUR/USD 1.2887 +0.36% 10-Yr Bond 2.62 +0.96% Corn 339.75 -0.59% Copper 3.10 -1.43% Silver 18.44 -1.54% Natural Gas 4.07 -0.05% Russell 2000 1,157.30 +0.30% VIX 12.50 -1.19% BATS 1000 22,146.12 -0.17% GBP/USD 1.6380 +0.69% USD/JPY 108.7850 +0.28%

Looks like another record folks.

If this keeps up, we'll need a new thread on track to 18K! That will really get these whiny righties crying. LOL
If this keeps up, we'll need a new thread on track to 18K! That will really get these whiny righties crying. LOL

Well, QE ends next month, but personally, I can't see any reason we can't hit 18K. Unless of course the GOP shuts down the government again over the budget.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.
Oh? What code is that?
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.
Oh? What code is that?

Yeah! He's a millionaire. All millionaires are easily duped like him.

Well there's a shocker. Reagan came into office on a downward swing. Obama came in just as it bottomed out.

Mark Twain - "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Try this.... start your calculation, not from the start of taking officer, regardless of economic conditions, but rather take it from the point the economy bottomed. Determine the rate of recovery, from the lowest point. Thus gauging the effects of economic policy.

Of course... no one is going to do that are they? Why? Because It wouldn't look nearly as good for BHO.

Well there's a shocker. Reagan came into office on a downward swing. Obama came in just as it bottomed out.

Mark Twain - "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Try this.... start your calculation, not from the start of taking officer, regardless of economic conditions, but rather take it from the point the economy bottomed. Determine the rate of recovery, from the lowest point. Thus gauging the effects of economic policy.

Of course... no one is going to do that are they? Why? Because It wouldn't look nearly as good for BHO.
What utter nonsense.

Interest rates were ridiculously high at 14.9% and rising. But that's about the only thing that was getting worse when Reagan became president.

GDP in Carter's final quarter was +7.6%, which was an increase over the previous quarter, so that was growing. Unemployment was 7.5% and dropping. Inflation, while insane at 11.5%, was dropping.

Now stop making shit up.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.



Get out of Mom's basement then.

And my PC doesn't run on QBASIC.

Well there's a shocker. Reagan came into office on a downward swing. Obama came in just as it bottomed out.

Mark Twain - "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Try this.... start your calculation, not from the start of taking officer, regardless of economic conditions, but rather take it from the point the economy bottomed. Determine the rate of recovery, from the lowest point. Thus gauging the effects of economic policy.

Of course... no one is going to do that are they? Why? Because It wouldn't look nearly as good for BHO.

Which just goes to show how clueless you are...

Reagan came in after Volcker fixed Stagflation. The Country was on an upswing economically. Reagan's policies REALLY did hold back economic growth.

Obama came into a true disaster.

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