More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Both Sallow and I work for our shit, dummy.

Shit being the operative word.

Here you go. Spend some of that bank on a new Obama Onesie. Your old one is rather stained.

Tiny organizer ndash Organizing for Action
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.
Oh? What code is that?

It was back in the day after he finished helping Jefferson write the Constitution.

RK McBragg then had a short stint breaking the enigma code. After that he hit Hitler in the face with a Boston Crème Pie. Then he toppled the Soviet Union and helped Mrs. Gates give birth to Billy.

Here's some more of RK McBragg's storied life..

Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.

98 pages of updates on these strings of sucker rallies. Clearly there are a lot of gambling addicts here. Here you go:
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.
Obama came into a true disaster.

Is that the Secret Service code name is for Michelle now?
Obama came into a true disaster.

Is that the Secret Service code name is for Michelle now?

Could be.

My fave was "Flaming Faggot". That was Ronald Reagan.

"Flaming Faggot Jr." was his son.

So you're a homophone now, in addition to the rest of your personality disorders.

Good to know!
Obama came into a true disaster.

Is that the Secret Service code name is for Michelle now?
Obama came into a true disaster.

Is that the Secret Service code name is for Michelle now?

Could be.

My fave was "Flaming Faggot". That was Ronald Reagan.

"Flaming Faggot Jr." was his son.

So you're a homophone now, in addition to the rest of your personality disorders.

Good to know!

Not a homophobe.

Don't much like faggots. Like Reagan or his boy.

But if they like(d) it up the bum? No worries. I ain't a scared of them.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

No it doesn't.

And given the choice? Most Americans would probably not spend billions of dollars on exotic weapons systems that generally go to waste.

Which is why we don't have a more direct Democracy.

And conservatives are constantly trying to squelch the vote.
Obama came into a true disaster.

Is that the Secret Service code name is for Michelle now?

Could be.

My fave was "Flaming Faggot". That was Ronald Reagan.

"Flaming Faggot Jr." was his son.
Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men’s art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.

The Bohemian Club’s all-male membership includes artists, particularly musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders, government officials (including many former U.S. presidents), senior media executives, and people of power.

Female and minor guests must be off the property by 9 or 10 p.m.


Ronald Reagan s Blood For Sale

Again... there is ZERO evidence of "insufficient oversight". Where do you even come up with that? Have you look at how many regulations there are on banks? What bank anywhere, didn't have oversight? We have more controls and regulations on our banks than anywhere else in the world.
It comes from Bush, for one, who started asking Congress around 2003 to add oversight of the GSEs to prevent the meltdown we incurred by not having such oversight.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

You appear to me, to be contradicting your previous post. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

In this one you seem to be saying we need more control over GSEs to prevent a future crash... implication... the GSEs caused the prior crash (which I agree with).

Yet in the prior post, you indicated that the GSEs were not the cause. That it was 'greed' that caused the problem.

Perhaps you should clarify your position.

That said, the problem the Bush proposal was designed to deal with, had nothing to do with sub-prime mortgages, or a melt down, and nor could it anyway.

Once a bubble is created, there is no other outcome, but a crash. There is no way to 'deflate' the bubble and prevent a 'pop'.

As the data from the Yale Economist shows, the Bubble started in 1997. By 2003, it was way way way way too late to do anything about it. It was going to grow, and pop, and crash. There is no policy, or alternative regulation that could be created at that point to stop the inevitable.

The problem that the 2003 Bush proposal was supposed to deal with, was something far simpler. Fannie and Freddie were fudging their accounting numbers to trigger bonuses for their management. OFHEO, is the regulatory agency that was designed to do oversight on Freddie and Fannie.

Now there is a question as to whether (depending on what source you believe), the accounting scandal was discovered by the SEC or OFHEO. Regardless the scandal was in fact caught. Suggesting again, that there in fact WAS regulation over the GSEs.

The issue was that OFHEO couldn't do anything without congressional help, which wasn't fourth coming until the congressional investigation of 2004. And the reason of course, was that Franklin Raines, was appointed by Clinton over Fannie, and the Democrats were avid supporters (and profit takers from Fannie), and defended Fannie until the bitter end. To that end, they hindered OFHEO at every turn.

Bush wanted a more powerful oversight on the GSEs. But the key there is, this oversight wasn't over the rest of the entire banking system, just as OFHEO wasn't over the rest of the banks either. It was just a regulatory agency over only the two GSEs, Freddie and Fannie.

My point to you is this... More regulations, more oversight, would not have stopped anything, and nor will it in the future.

Why? Because Freddie and Fannie were specifically directed to promote more home ownership, by lowering their standards. The scandal, and congressional investigation of 2004, didn't even mention the increase in defaulting loans, or the sub-prime loans, or the Alt-A loans, or the AAA rated bad loans. Their issue was the accounting errors and cooked numbers, that gave Raines and other executives big bonuses.

Again, if there was a lack of oversight, then how did they find those cooked books and bad accounting? Because there was oversight. There was always oversight.
You're completely off base again. I included GSEs as part of the equation for why the system crashed. And yes, more oversight was absolutely needed. That's why, as indicated above, Bush was asking Congress for more.

Yes, but as I said, the oversight there were asking for, was not the kind to stop the crash.

The oversight Bush and Republicans wanted, was to prevent the accounting scandal.

Had nothing to do with sub-prime loans, which even at that time, Bush and Congress believed was 'good'.

Besides that, the price bubble already existed by 2004. There was no possibility of them preventing a bubble that already existed, and existed specifically because the government pushed increased home ownership.
Again... there is ZERO evidence of "insufficient oversight". Where do you even come up with that? Have you look at how many regulations there are on banks? What bank anywhere, didn't have oversight? We have more controls and regulations on our banks than anywhere else in the world.
It comes from Bush, for one, who started asking Congress around 2003 to add oversight of the GSEs to prevent the meltdown we incurred by not having such oversight.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

You appear to me, to be contradicting your previous post. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

In this one you seem to be saying we need more control over GSEs to prevent a future crash... implication... the GSEs caused the prior crash (which I agree with).

Yet in the prior post, you indicated that the GSEs were not the cause. That it was 'greed' that caused the problem.

Perhaps you should clarify your position.

That said, the problem the Bush proposal was designed to deal with, had nothing to do with sub-prime mortgages, or a melt down, and nor could it anyway.

Once a bubble is created, there is no other outcome, but a crash. There is no way to 'deflate' the bubble and prevent a 'pop'.

As the data from the Yale Economist shows, the Bubble started in 1997. By 2003, it was way way way way too late to do anything about it. It was going to grow, and pop, and crash. There is no policy, or alternative regulation that could be created at that point to stop the inevitable.

The problem that the 2003 Bush proposal was supposed to deal with, was something far simpler. Fannie and Freddie were fudging their accounting numbers to trigger bonuses for their management. OFHEO, is the regulatory agency that was designed to do oversight on Freddie and Fannie.

Now there is a question as to whether (depending on what source you believe), the accounting scandal was discovered by the SEC or OFHEO. Regardless the scandal was in fact caught. Suggesting again, that there in fact WAS regulation over the GSEs.

The issue was that OFHEO couldn't do anything without congressional help, which wasn't fourth coming until the congressional investigation of 2004. And the reason of course, was that Franklin Raines, was appointed by Clinton over Fannie, and the Democrats were avid supporters (and profit takers from Fannie), and defended Fannie until the bitter end. To that end, they hindered OFHEO at every turn.

Bush wanted a more powerful oversight on the GSEs. But the key there is, this oversight wasn't over the rest of the entire banking system, just as OFHEO wasn't over the rest of the banks either. It was just a regulatory agency over only the two GSEs, Freddie and Fannie.

My point to you is this... More regulations, more oversight, would not have stopped anything, and nor will it in the future.

Why? Because Freddie and Fannie were specifically directed to promote more home ownership, by lowering their standards. The scandal, and congressional investigation of 2004, didn't even mention the increase in defaulting loans, or the sub-prime loans, or the Alt-A loans, or the AAA rated bad loans. Their issue was the accounting errors and cooked numbers, that gave Raines and other executives big bonuses.

Again, if there was a lack of oversight, then how did they find those cooked books and bad accounting? Because there was oversight. There was always oversight.
You're completely off base again. I included GSEs as part of the equation for why the system crashed. And yes, more oversight was absolutely needed. That's why, as indicated above, Bush was asking Congress for more.

Yes, but as I said, the oversight there were asking for, was not the kind to stop the crash.

The oversight Bush and Republicans wanted, was to prevent the accounting scandal.

Had nothing to do with sub-prime loans, which even at that time, Bush and Congress believed was 'good'.

Besides that, the price bubble already existed by 2004. There was no possibility of them preventing a bubble that already existed, and existed specifically because the government pushed increased home ownership.
Your timeframe is off. Bush started pushing to increase home ownership during his first year in office. In 2001, Bush was already asking for more oversight and reform of the GSE's.

And who's to blame? I blame the folks taking credit for the boom before the bust ...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." ~ George Bush, 9.2.2004, RNC acceptance speech
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

You believe that, don't you?
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

No it doesn't.

And given the choice? Most Americans would probably not spend billions of dollars on exotic weapons systems that generally go to waste.

Which is why we don't have a more direct Democracy.

And conservatives are constantly trying to squelch the vote.

Ahahaha so basically you don't know what you are talking about got it.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

You believe that, don't you?

Go argue with the Senate budget committee if you choose, they say its over a trillion dollars. Awe your liberal talking point just deflated poor libs have a sad face.

"According to the Census’s American Community Survey, the number of households with incomes below the poverty line in 2011 was 16,807,795," the Senate Budget Committee notes. "If you divide total federal and state spending by the number of households with incomes below the poverty line, the average spending per household in poverty was $61,194 in 2011."
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Awesome news, now you can lower my taxes so I can keep more of MY money and give less to the deadbeat welfare vamps.

I'd prefer a line item tax return.

That way you could chose to starve people.

And I could chose to starve the arm of the government that kills people. The military.

We both win.


The amount we spend on welfare dwarfs the amount we spend on defense, you will run out of defense cuts long before I run out of welfare cuts.

You believe that, don't you?

Go argue with the Senate budget committee if you choose, they say its over a trillion dollars. Awe your liberal talking point just deflated poor libs have a sad face.

"According to the Census’s American Community Survey, the number of households with incomes below the poverty line in 2011 was 16,807,795," the Senate Budget Committee notes. "If you divide total federal and state spending by the number of households with incomes below the poverty line, the average spending per household in poverty was $61,194 in 2011."

No. I'll argue with you. We don't spend more on welfare than we do on defense. That is an absurd claim. It is one of those claims that only idiots believe.....and then they go out and vote for a person who wants to end Social Security and Medicare. These dummies just don't know what they are talking about.
I'm pretty sure Sallow has his own shit. You must be in need. You sure do worry about others gettin' some of yours.

Why should I work for free so you and Sallow can live high off the hog on my efforts? Screw that.

Your kiddie code couldn't pay for the bubblegum you chew every day.

I live in NYC pal. That's where the men who make money live.
I don't chew bubble gum dumb ass. My code is running on your computer dumb ass. My code has made me millions.

NYC... ROFL I turned down tons of offers to work there. Not my cup of sludge. I prefer TX. As for location... I work from home, I can live anywhere I damn well please.



Get out of Mom's basement then.

And my PC doesn't run on QBASIC.

My mom's dead. My dad lives in a different state. And while I may have done some basic programming when I was 15, I then moved on to Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, ADA, Prolog, Lisp, C, then ASM and C++, I now code mostly in Java, or C++ variants. Your PC runs mostly on compiled code written in C++.

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