More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

then again the democrats had the power when obama was elected and did nothing to fix it. not one policy they claimed the republicans were resposible for was reveresed. hell obama even extended the patriot act whic during his campaign he warned us if you elect mccain you will have to continue to live with the patriot act.

the market is up because corporate profits are up. i thought that was a bad thing? these evil corporations and 1%'rs the democrats warned us about are doing better then ever. in fact they are the only ones doing better. all of a sudden an over inflated marked is good, because democrats are in control. wow, what a reversal of opinion from the unsutainable bubble it was called when republicans were in control

Wait what?

What do you think Dodd/Frank and the Consumer Protection board were all about?

As for the Patriot Act? Yeah..he should of jettisoned that would have really made him a one term President.

The rest of your just that.

if it was an issue that would have made him a one term president he never would have been elected in the first place.

now help me out. what bush legislation the destroyed the economy did the dodd/frank consumer protection board overturn? you claim the collapse was bushes fault, you claim the democrats fixed it. so tell me how. you should know, you work on wall street


Kinda hard to explain.

You know anything about broker ALGOs? SEC? FINRA? STOCKWATCH?
Read it & weep statist neo-cons





looks to me like jobs and the economy ebb and flow with who controls congress and has nothing to do with who is in the whitehouse.

That's ridiculous.

Who do you think the biggest consumer for private industry is, exactly?

Those super duper billion dollar jet fighters don't build themselves you know.

Wait what?

What do you think Dodd/Frank and the Consumer Protection board were all about?

As for the Patriot Act? Yeah..he should of jettisoned that would have really made him a one term President.

The rest of your just that.

if it was an issue that would have made him a one term president he never would have been elected in the first place.

now help me out. what bush legislation the destroyed the economy did the dodd/frank consumer protection board overturn? you claim the collapse was bushes fault, you claim the democrats fixed it. so tell me how. you should know, you work on wall street


Kinda hard to explain.

You know anything about broker ALGOs? SEC? FINRA? STOCKWATCH?

no it's really not hard to expalin at all. all you have to do is tell me what bush policies that you libs claim crashed the economy did they overturn or reverse. you like to put blame on the republicans for breaking it. you love to give the democrats credit for fixing it, even though we know it isn't fixed. so just tell me, what the democrats did and what republican action it corrected.
Read it & weep statist neo-cons





looks to me like jobs and the economy ebb and flow with who controls congress and has nothing to do with who is in the whitehouse.

That's ridiculous.

Who do you think the biggest consumer for private industry is, exactly?

Those super duper billion dollar jet fighters don't build themselves you know.


so you are trying to tell me obama has cut defense spending?
This thread is further proof that the far left has no clue about the stock market and even further proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything.

I worked at the NYSE for 13.5 years..and I now work at another big financial outfit.


Doing what might I ask? IT work right?
I loved it when the Market hit 14K during the Bush administration and the right was crowing about what a miracle that was..


The Market isn't a big deal.

Oh..and it WAS a big deal during the Reagan administration.

It just gets so confusing.

(Not really)


Never saw a better market than under Clinton
Got to give credit to Al Gore for inventing the internet!

record welfare and food stamps isnt a good economy; now matter what profits companies on the DOW are making

idiots and hypocrites
I loved it when the Market hit 14K during the Bush administration and the right was crowing about what a miracle that was..


The Market isn't a big deal.

Oh..and it WAS a big deal during the Reagan administration.

It just gets so confusing.

(Not really)


Never saw a better market than under Clinton
Got to give credit to Al Gore for inventing the internet!

Well the people that actually "invented it" (Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn) did give Al Gore an award.

2012 awards and honors

2012 Inaugural member of the Internet Hall of Fame given by the Internet Society (Global Connectors: "Recognizing individuals from around the world who have made significant contributions to the global growth and use of the Internet")[1]

List of awards received by Al Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ain't that a peach? :D
Never saw a better market than under Clinton
Got to give credit to Al Gore for inventing the internet!

Well the people that actually "invented it" (Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn) did give Al Gore an award.

2012 awards and honors

2012 Inaugural member of the Internet Hall of Fame given by the Internet Society (Global Connectors: "Recognizing individuals from around the world who have made significant contributions to the global growth and use of the Internet")[1]

List of awards received by Al Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ain't that a peach? :D

So what are you saying? Al Gore or Clinton was somehow responsible for the internet boom?
Doing what might I ask? IT work right?


I'm not trying to insult you, Sallow, but how is working in IT supposed to constitute anything in terms of financial markets experience? You job has nothing to do with finance.

Oh really now?

You mean pouring through FIX and Application logs to look for queues. Making sure that the various fields had the correct data. Constantly monitoring LRPs for any tripping. None of those things gives you any insight into market trends, eh?

Last edited:
Got to give credit to Al Gore for inventing the internet!

Well the people that actually "invented it" (Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn) did give Al Gore an award.

2012 awards and honors

2012 Inaugural member of the Internet Hall of Fame given by the Internet Society (Global Connectors: "Recognizing individuals from around the world who have made significant contributions to the global growth and use of the Internet")[1]

List of awards received by Al Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ain't that a peach? :D

So what are you saying? Al Gore or Clinton was somehow responsible for the internet boom?
Boom? No.

Getting it into the public sphere?


I'm not trying to insult you, Sallow, but how is working in IT supposed to constitute anything in terms of financial markets experience? You job has nothing to do with finance.

Oh really now?

You mean pouring through FIX and Application logs to look for queues. Making sure that the various fields had the correct data. Constantly monitoring LRPs for any tripping. None of those things gives you any insight into market trends, eh?


I worked as a trader. I know IT guys don't know dick about the market. They're not supposed to. It's not their job.
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Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


The artificially inflated stock market. What happens when the Fed stops doing that?
I loved it when the Market hit 14K during the Bush administration and the right was crowing about what a miracle that was..


The Market isn't a big deal.

Oh..and it WAS a big deal during the Reagan administration.

It just gets so confusing.

(Not really)


Never saw a better market than under Clinton
Got to give credit to Al Gore for inventing the internet!

Stimulus only needs to hit once to change the economy & the world.


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