More efforts to suppress the voting rights by the GOP

Looks like this thread has blown up in Rye’s face. Three weeks to get to a polling station or put your ballot in the mail is not voter suppression. Voting has never been easier unless you are Rye who sees conspiracies all over the place.
Up front and impossible to deny:

There ought to be a law, and the SoS in Georgia needs to go to court to force the opening of all 11 polling places shut down for the June 5th Election. How dishonest and so sure are the Republicans that they can't win unless they cheat.

That was deboonked.
Never been easier to vote
In WHITE counties in GOP states.
In black counties in GOP states we see minority voters lined up for hours and hours to TRY to vote While White voter in the same states are in and out in minutes.
It's all they have left to stay in power.
Exactly, without voter suppression the GOP would NEVER win an election, and they know it!!!!!
You’re so delusion it would be comical, aside from the fact that you are roaming free and voting.
Report: 198K+ Georgia voters 'wrongly purged' from rolls
According to the report, of the 313,243 Georgia voters purged from the rolls a year ago, 198,351 had not moved from their addresses and should not have been purged.
It's all they have left to stay in power.
Its the dems that lost power all over the nation...look at the down ballot races...all won by the GOP....all state house races went to the GOP...the only one up in the air right now is the presidential race...but the steal won't was too massive of a cheat to pass muster in the supreme court.....
It's all they have left to stay in power.
Exactly, without voter suppression the GOP would NEVER win an election, and they know it!!!!!
You’re so delusion it would be comical, aside from the fact that you are roaming free and voting.
Report: 198K+ Georgia voters 'wrongly purged' from rolls
According to the report, of the 313,243 Georgia voters purged from the rolls a year ago, 198,351 had not moved from their addresses and should not have been purged.
My mistake, I posted on the wrong thread.
Up front and impossible to deny:

There ought to be a law, and the SoS in Georgia needs to go to court to force the opening of all 11 polling places shut down for the June 5th Election. How dishonest and so sure are the Republicans that they can't win unless they cheat.

That was deboonked.
Fucking de-bonked!!!
Its the dems that lost power all over the nation...look at the down ballot races...all won by the GOP....all state house races went to the GOP..

Because old school Republican's just couldn't bring themselves to vote for old Trumpybear but they voted down ballaot for the GOP.

Democrats shot themselves in the foot with their messaging, Repubicans are going to run "Defund the Police" attack ads for the foreseeable future.[/QUOTE]
Never been easier to vote
In WHITE counties in GOP states.
In black counties in GOP states we see minority voters lined up for hours and hours to TRY to vote While White voter in the same states are in and out in minutes.

Three weeks to either deposit your vote or drop it in the mail. How tough is that?
Here are instructions to vote in Georgia. Please point out anyone is disenfranchised?
  1. Request your mail-in ballot with a mail ballot application. You can also request a ballot online. We encourage you to request and return ballots as early as possible.
  2. Fill out the application completely.
  3. Submit the request to your local election office. You should request your ballot as far in advance of the election as possible. The deadline to request a ballot by mail is (received by) Friday, January 1, 2021.
  4. When your ballot arrives, read it carefully and follow the instructions to complete it and return it.
  5. Your ballot must be received by Tuesday, January 5, 2021 by 7:00 p.m. You may also return your ballot in person by Tuesday, January 5, 2021 by 7:00 p.m. You can find ballot tracking information here.
Up front and impossible to deny:

There ought to be a law, and the SoS in Georgia needs to go to court to force the opening of all 11 polling places shut down for the June 5th Election. How dishonest and so sure are the Republicans that they can't win unless they cheat.
/——/ You sound like the SS guard who swore Jews gassed themselves in spite of your heroic efforts to save them.
Never been easier to vote
In WHITE counties in GOP states.
In black counties in GOP states we see minority voters lined up for hours and hours to TRY to vote While White voter in the same states are in and out in minutes.

black counties are urban.....

replace black with urban and you will realize why sometimes their polling places are busy while less densely populated areas are not.

never been easier to vote.

Yes surprise if you're mostly in an urban area with hundreds of thousands of people within walking distance it's not going to be as easy as it is in the suburbs.

You realize telling people it's hard to vote without any substantive proof it's true for anyone outside urban georgia has a chance of making them less likely to do it/ They might just take your word for it lol
The Corrupt Democratic Party is against the Right to Vote

You're nuts. Why do you post? Nothing you post is substantive or thoughtful! I suppose you are desperate for attention. There, I gave you some.
well it is just a fact
when Democrats count ballots in secret, when they back date ballots, when they throw out Trump ballots and replace them with Biden ballots it denies people their Right to Vote.
We know that you are a Democrat Cultist so it is almost impossible to enlighten you.
Your link in no way shows that the measure in any way way impedes or denies anyone's right to vote much less that it impedes one parties voters more than another's.

You comment does not disprove the fact that polling places are being eliminated. Voter suppression is voter suppression; if I had to bet, the polls closed will impede those who voted for Biden.
Early voting places are being eliminated. That is not suppression. That doesn't stop anyone who wishes to vote from doing so. Feel free to show how Biden voters are even inconvenienced more than anyone else. And be advised that Biden is not even in that race. If he was he would probably lose that one too.
Never been easier to vote
In WHITE counties in GOP states.
In black counties in GOP states we see minority voters lined up for hours and hours to TRY to vote While White voter in the same states are in and out in minutes.
Feel free to try to back up that statement. There are no black are white counties-there are only American counties- nor are Americans required to vote a certain way because of race or sex. Your prejudice is showing.
Your link in no way shows that the measure in any way way impedes or denies anyone's right to vote much less that it impedes one parties voters more than another's.
Democrats are just a bunch of liars and cheaters.
They think they can get away with calling us what they are....accusing us of what they're guilty of.
This tactic only works in the corrupt media.
The country is wise to their tricks.

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