More "Electric Car" Stupidity at Taxpayer Expense

What's a hundred eighteen million dollars between friends, anyway. The little ole, inconsequential, taxpayer got away cheap on that 'un at a measly 118 mill.
Did you catch Larry Summers notes surreptitiously released a day or so ago, written during the early days of the Obama Administration? The Dems wanted to go for a trillion dollar stimulus but were afraid to do so because it might have spooked the markets. Most of the economists at work in the administration during the early days agreed that even at 787 billion, there was no way they were going to be able to spend all that money. Mr Summers must have taken a look around at what was going on during the Obama haydays, with scores of Democrats behaving like the Disney character Scrooge McDuck busily swimming around and through the piles of stimulus dollars available to them, realized what the consequences to his own career would be like if he hung around any longer, and got the 'frog' out.
Granny says dem politicians is always wastin' taxpayer's money...
House Republican Says ‘Three Is A Trend’ in Another Stimulus-Funded Green Company Bankruptcy
January 27, 2012 – The third federally subsidized green energy company to declare bankruptcy seems to indicate a pattern, said Rep. Cliff Stearns, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight and investigations.
“One bankruptcy may be a fluke, two could be coincidence, but three is a trend,” Stearns said in a written statement. “Our investigation continues, and we are working to ensure taxpayers never are never again stuck paying hundreds of millions of dollars because of the administration’s risky bets.” Ener1, which makes batteries for electric vehicles, announced Thursday it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company had been awarded a $118.5 million from the Energy Department through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus. The Obama administration has already been under fire for a $535 million stimulus-funded loan it made to California-based solar panel company Solyndra, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last fall before being raided by the FBI. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been investigating the Solyndra loan.Also late last fall, the Massachusetts-based Beacon Power, green energy storage plant that got $43 million in stimulus funds, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Ener1 announced the Chapter 11 filing one year to the day that Vice President Joe Biden visited a Greenville, Ind. plant on Jan. 26, 2011. “President Obama was prophetic this week during his State of the Union address when he casually remarked, ‘Some technologies don’t pan out; some companies fail,’” Stearns said. In his 2011 State of the Union address, Obama pledged to put 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. The next day, Biden visited an Ener1 plant in Greenville, Ind., where he said, “Well, ladies and gentlemen, here at Ener1, we’re going to harness electricity and bring it to the world like Edison did more than a century ago,” said Biden. “We're going to reshape the way Americans drive, the way Americans consume, the way Americans power their lives.”

Ener1 makes at least the third company that received money from the Recovery Act to file for bankruptcy protection. “Unfortunately, you can now add Ener1 to the growing list of failed companies that went belly up after hundreds of millions of dollars in administration backing,” Stearns continued. “Sadly, the Department of Energy’s jobs record seems to grow worse by the day -- first Solyndra, then Beacon Power, and now Ener1 -- and it is American taxpayers who are paying the price.” first reported Thursday that the bankruptcy announcement came a year after the Biden visit.

Ener1 spokesman Guy Westermeyer told the Chapter 11 filing would not effect the federal grant. He said the grant specifically went to Ener1 subsidiary EnderDel. "EnerDel plans to continue working with the DOE to complete the project for which it received funding through the ARRA grant it was awarded in August, 2009," Westermeyer told in a written statement. He added, "EnerDel proactively applied for a grant from the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) to help create a lithium-ion battery market industry in the U.S, where one did not previously exist."

It's idiocy! We need a bigger electrial system to power these....Hundreds of more miles of solar or wind or a dozen more nuclear, coal plants. Obama favors solar and wind. Obama is a fool.
For the most part these are scams some get rich over, at our expense. We should be looking at natural gas.
It's idiocy! We need a bigger electrial system to power these....Hundreds of more miles of solar or wind or a dozen more nuclear, coal plants. Obama favors solar and wind. Obama is a fool.
Well, he bought into the hot air society--er, global warming scam--so he sees a way to make his political constituents happy, the only trouble is, it costs us half a billion for every vote he buys.

That's a little crazy.

Hurry November, and let's heave-ho the nonsense.
Purely electrial cars are not viable yet. They should go the diesel-electric (substitute gas for diesel here, same idea) that trains use.

That way you get the distance of a fuel, but the modularity to drop in anything that can produce electricity.
Here's a novel idea (ok, it's not novel, it's basic common sense).... let the private sector fund and develop new technologies. They are better at it than Obama Inc.
They should be called coal cars...

4 more years and we will be driving Flinstone Powered cars. :D

Here's a novel idea (ok, it's not novel, it's basic common sense).... let the private sector fund and develop new technologies. They are better at it than Obama Inc.

The private sector is often good at grasping relatively low hanging fruit... but I doubt we would have ever developed atomic energy or space travel without government research and programs.

Not that I think the government should be into electric cars...
Here's a novel idea (ok, it's not novel, it's basic common sense).... let the private sector fund and develop new technologies. They are better at it than Obama Inc.

The private sector is often good at grasping relatively low hanging fruit... but I doubt we would have ever developed atomic energy or space travel without government research and programs.

Not that I think the government should be into electric cars...

So part of your argument then is that the world would have been safer then? :D
Purely electrial cars are not viable yet. They should go the diesel-electric (substitute gas for diesel here, same idea) that trains use.

That way you get the distance of a fuel, but the modularity to drop in anything that can produce electricity.

Better yet, go with the small displacement turbo diesels. They can get up to 70 mpg RIGHT NOW! And, they're a hell of a lot cheaper to buy and to feed.

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