More Empirical Evidence That Recent Climate Change Warming Is Not A Threat

Sun spots?

Dude, hard pass
The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. Which leaves the sun and albedo as the only possible causes.

10000 years of temperature.gif

δ18O from the GISP2 ice core for the past 10,000 years

Claire Parkinson, climatologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, who believes in AGW would disagree with you.

"many scientists who don’t buy into the “mainstream” position on climate change are reluctant to voice their opinions" Claire Parkinson
Still not present is a scientific organization which backs the climate denier position.
Dude, you graph measures temp in thousands of years.

Just stop posting bullshit.
You do realize we are in the middle of an ice age, right? Please tell me that you at least understand that about the earth's climate.
Still not present is a scientific organization which backs the climate denier position.
And yet there are many published papers that disagree with the IPCC so the matter is far from settled. Science is NEVER settled.
And yet there are many published papers that disagree with the IPCC so the matter is far from settled. Science is NEVER settled.

Papers please....still not a scientific organization.
I respect and agree with experts in the field and their conclusions.

No papers and opinions of idiots.
So are we in the middle of an ice age? Did they tell you to believe that or not to believe that?
You do realize that no one disputes the planet was 2C warmer with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2, right?
The doesn't prove your opinion the AGW is not happening now.

Nor does the graph present why that was, does it.

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