More evidence CNN is the king of fake news.

Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
Presumably a network like CNN would not just INVITE a random person into their studio to be part of a panel without, you know, doing their job and investigating the background of the people they are going to be focusing on.

So either way they were complicit or negligent of their journalistic duty.
So your evidence is your presumption. I'm shocked, shocked.
There’s plenty on Fox. How about when Bret Bair reported that the FBI was going to indict Hillary just before the election?

Hillary was under investigation and the FBI concluded and anounced days prior to the election that no prosecutor would indict.

Is that seriously your example ?
He made a report that they found new evidence and were going to indict her. He had to retract the story and apologize after it was debunked. This was a fake story about a presidential candidate just before the election. You think having a panel member who falsely claimed he voted for Trump is a bigger deal? Really?!
and of course there is FOX news and their fake Seth Rich story...

And FOX's fake SPYgate story that Gowdy debunked....

and their ''releasethememo'' hyped story, debunked....

should we compare CNN's record with Fox News?
Yes an example of CNN setting up a fake panelist has been provided.

Your turn to post similar acts of rigged broadcasting by FOX.....your move.

Bet you don't come back with anything.
I am not the one special pleading and claiming CNN, is fak
e news.

Should we ask CNN why they interviewed people who did not vote for Trump?
Who really cares what CNN does or does not do anymore they left the barn a long time ago.
Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
one of 2 things had to happen:

1) CNN planted the guy
2) CNN vets no one and that's a huge issue for a panel like this

take your pick.
Well there is no evidence that they planted the guy so it’s likely something like you number 2 example. So this thread is as fake as it is accusing CNN of being given the OPs video headline is accusing CNN of planting a panelist. Agreed?
Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
one of 2 things had to happen:

1) CNN planted the guy
2) CNN vets no one and that's a huge issue for a panel like this

take your pick.
Well there is no evidence that they planted the guy so it’s likely something like you number 2 example. So this thread is as fake as it is accusing CNN of being given the OPs video headline is accusing CNN of planting a panelist. Agreed?
fair point. so let's do some digging.

from the interview:

CAMEROTA: Jeremy, what do you regret about your vote?

MONTANEZ: In my mind and the way I look at [Trump] now, I think he’s a monster. I think he’s a bigot. I think that he’s doing a lot of things to ruin people’s lives. Um, I don’t think that he ha- -- I think that he’s taking this country in the wrong direction and it’s a terrifying time for me.

CAMEROTA: Was there a moment that turned you?

MONTANEZ: It was when I heard about what was going on on the Southern border.

CAMEROTA: What part did you object to?

MONTANTEZ: Uh, the family separation, and the children in cages.
any and all cages that were pictured were during obamas term. why did CNN not correct this?
'This is who we are': The US has a history of putting families in cages, and it didn't start with Trump

we have no pics of trump puttings kids in cages. we have no pics of trump separating families, only the time "representative" shot where the mother was photoshopped out of the pic when in the real world she was about a foot away. so for CNN to not correct this "person" is contributing to fake news. otherwise, show me documented proof trump put kids in cages. we've got it for obama but that no one seems to care about.

those "we can you can't" scenarios sure do get frustrating.

later he says:
“Why do I believe he’s racist? Look what happened in Puerto Rico.[Trump] said: oh, they want to just, uh, cry and, you know -- they needed help. Just because they’re not white-skinned, he doesn’t want to go down there and help them out?”

this is an opinion to be sure. trump did go help puerto rico.
Terms of Service Violation

much like "the children" puerto rico was used as a tool against trump and the usual suspects of media outlets all hung tough to say trump failed in this. but bloomberg of all sites interviewed someone who did this for a long time and he says trump didn't screw this up. so we're again hitting an area the press WANTS you to believe - that trump screwed up. where is the objective reporting as this article wasn't easy to find among the "slate" and VOX/CNN articles designed to make trump seem like he did. if this isn't "fake" or working to tell people what to think, then yes we would seriously disagree there.

so back to what jeremy said - that people were not helped because trump was racist - where is the proof this was the reason? you want proof CNN knew he was a trump hater, great. fair call in this discussion. my guess would be its next to the proof that trump is racist.

now - when did puerto rico and the mexican border happen? he says he only started regretting his decision about trump when the families were being separated but yet, look at the racism he's accused of in PR - how much BEFORE the taken kids did this happen?

CNN is letting him use each and every liberal talking about to reinforce them - it would seem. otherwise any credible "news" agent would stop the speculation and accusations, yet CNN never did.

so good question about "isn't the OP fake news" then and maybe. but it still means that CNN knew and didn't care, or found out later and still don't care cause they've yet to retract a thing or correct him on his talking points.
Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
one of 2 things had to happen:

1) CNN planted the guy
2) CNN vets no one and that's a huge issue for a panel like this

take your pick.
Well there is no evidence that they planted the guy so it’s likely something like you number 2 example. So this thread is as fake as it is accusing CNN of being given the OPs video headline is accusing CNN of planting a panelist. Agreed?
fair point. so let's do some digging.

from the interview:

CAMEROTA: Jeremy, what do you regret about your vote?

MONTANEZ: In my mind and the way I look at [Trump] now, I think he’s a monster. I think he’s a bigot. I think that he’s doing a lot of things to ruin people’s lives. Um, I don’t think that he ha- -- I think that he’s taking this country in the wrong direction and it’s a terrifying time for me.

CAMEROTA: Was there a moment that turned you?

MONTANEZ: It was when I heard about what was going on on the Southern border.

CAMEROTA: What part did you object to?

MONTANTEZ: Uh, the family separation, and the children in cages.
any and all cages that were pictured were during obamas term. why did CNN not correct this?
'This is who we are': The US has a history of putting families in cages, and it didn't start with Trump

we have no pics of trump puttings kids in cages. we have no pics of trump separating families, only the time "representative" shot where the mother was photoshopped out of the pic when in the real world she was about a foot away. so for CNN to not correct this "person" is contributing to fake news. otherwise, show me documented proof trump put kids in cages. we've got it for obama but that no one seems to care about.

those "we can you can't" scenarios sure do get frustrating.

later he says:
“Why do I believe he’s racist? Look what happened in Puerto Rico.[Trump] said: oh, they want to just, uh, cry and, you know -- they needed help. Just because they’re not white-skinned, he doesn’t want to go down there and help them out?”

this is an opinion to be sure. trump did go help puerto rico.
Terms of Service Violation

much like "the children" puerto rico was used as a tool against trump and the usual suspects of media outlets all hung tough to say trump failed in this. but bloomberg of all sites interviewed someone who did this for a long time and he says trump didn't screw this up. so we're again hitting an area the press WANTS you to believe - that trump screwed up. where is the objective reporting as this article wasn't easy to find among the "slate" and VOX/CNN articles designed to make trump seem like he did. if this isn't "fake" or working to tell people what to think, then yes we would seriously disagree there.

so back to what jeremy said - that people were not helped because trump was racist - where is the proof this was the reason? you want proof CNN knew he was a trump hater, great. fair call in this discussion. my guess would be its next to the proof that trump is racist.

now - when did puerto rico and the mexican border happen? he says he only started regretting his decision about trump when the families were being separated but yet, look at the racism he's accused of in PR - how much BEFORE the taken kids did this happen?

CNN is letting him use each and every liberal talking about to reinforce them - it would seem. otherwise any credible "news" agent would stop the speculation and accusations, yet CNN never did.

so good question about "isn't the OP fake news" then and maybe. but it still means that CNN knew and didn't care, or found out later and still don't care cause they've yet to retract a thing or correct him on his talking points.
You might find this an interesting read, written by another member in that panel....

Arthur Schaper - MAGA vs. CNN: How Trump Supporters Debated Trump Regretters, Then Came Together Afterwards

Here is the key section:

Despite his strong views against Trump during the panel, Jeremey Montanez and I became friends. He shared why he had voted for Trump. He does hold conservative views. Like many Americans, he is outraged about illegal immigration. A proud American, he is pro-life and believes in welfare-to-work programs. What soured him about Trump? One of his best friends had shamed and slammed Jeremy for his recent criticism of the president. It was a personal matter that bled into the political arena. Montanez acknowledged that much of his anger toward the president now came from his broken friendship.

After talking for a few more hours, Jeremy resumed his support for the president all over again! We even visited Trump Tower together. Fortunately for us, we ran into Bianca and Damani at the Trump Tower restaurant on the ground floor! We had so much to celebrate together, and we welcomed Jeremy at our table. Then another fortuitous moment followed: Eric Trump was also dining at the restaurant, and all of us got a selfie with him!

Despite the liberal media’s ongoing attempts to foster conflict among Americans, especially among former and current Trump supporters, the president and his supporters have continued to encourage dialogue, ongoing discussions which can bring Americans together. As Jeremy shared in our meeting after the panel: “I will admit that he [President Trump] has brought me together with these people, and I went on CNN because of him, so thank you, Mr. President.”
There is also a leaked outtake of them telling the panelists what to say.

It's just plain fake news, period!
Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
one of 2 things had to happen:

1) CNN planted the guy
2) CNN vets no one and that's a huge issue for a panel like this

take your pick.
Well there is no evidence that they planted the guy so it’s likely something like you number 2 example. So this thread is as fake as it is accusing CNN of being given the OPs video headline is accusing CNN of planting a panelist. Agreed?
fair point. so let's do some digging.

from the interview:

CAMEROTA: Jeremy, what do you regret about your vote?

MONTANEZ: In my mind and the way I look at [Trump] now, I think he’s a monster. I think he’s a bigot. I think that he’s doing a lot of things to ruin people’s lives. Um, I don’t think that he ha- -- I think that he’s taking this country in the wrong direction and it’s a terrifying time for me.

CAMEROTA: Was there a moment that turned you?

MONTANEZ: It was when I heard about what was going on on the Southern border.

CAMEROTA: What part did you object to?

MONTANTEZ: Uh, the family separation, and the children in cages.
any and all cages that were pictured were during obamas term. why did CNN not correct this?
'This is who we are': The US has a history of putting families in cages, and it didn't start with Trump

we have no pics of trump puttings kids in cages. we have no pics of trump separating families, only the time "representative" shot where the mother was photoshopped out of the pic when in the real world she was about a foot away. so for CNN to not correct this "person" is contributing to fake news. otherwise, show me documented proof trump put kids in cages. we've got it for obama but that no one seems to care about.

those "we can you can't" scenarios sure do get frustrating.

later he says:
“Why do I believe he’s racist? Look what happened in Puerto Rico.[Trump] said: oh, they want to just, uh, cry and, you know -- they needed help. Just because they’re not white-skinned, he doesn’t want to go down there and help them out?”

this is an opinion to be sure. trump did go help puerto rico.
Terms of Service Violation

much like "the children" puerto rico was used as a tool against trump and the usual suspects of media outlets all hung tough to say trump failed in this. but bloomberg of all sites interviewed someone who did this for a long time and he says trump didn't screw this up. so we're again hitting an area the press WANTS you to believe - that trump screwed up. where is the objective reporting as this article wasn't easy to find among the "slate" and VOX/CNN articles designed to make trump seem like he did. if this isn't "fake" or working to tell people what to think, then yes we would seriously disagree there.

so back to what jeremy said - that people were not helped because trump was racist - where is the proof this was the reason? you want proof CNN knew he was a trump hater, great. fair call in this discussion. my guess would be its next to the proof that trump is racist.

now - when did puerto rico and the mexican border happen? he says he only started regretting his decision about trump when the families were being separated but yet, look at the racism he's accused of in PR - how much BEFORE the taken kids did this happen?

CNN is letting him use each and every liberal talking about to reinforce them - it would seem. otherwise any credible "news" agent would stop the speculation and accusations, yet CNN never did.

so good question about "isn't the OP fake news" then and maybe. but it still means that CNN knew and didn't care, or found out later and still don't care cause they've yet to retract a thing or correct him on his talking points.
You might find this an interesting read, written by another member in that panel....

Arthur Schaper - MAGA vs. CNN: How Trump Supporters Debated Trump Regretters, Then Came Together Afterwards

Here is the key section:

Despite his strong views against Trump during the panel, Jeremey Montanez and I became friends. He shared why he had voted for Trump. He does hold conservative views. Like many Americans, he is outraged about illegal immigration. A proud American, he is pro-life and believes in welfare-to-work programs. What soured him about Trump? One of his best friends had shamed and slammed Jeremy for his recent criticism of the president. It was a personal matter that bled into the political arena. Montanez acknowledged that much of his anger toward the president now came from his broken friendship.

After talking for a few more hours, Jeremy resumed his support for the president all over again! We even visited Trump Tower together. Fortunately for us, we ran into Bianca and Damani at the Trump Tower restaurant on the ground floor! We had so much to celebrate together, and we welcomed Jeremy at our table. Then another fortuitous moment followed: Eric Trump was also dining at the restaurant, and all of us got a selfie with him!

Despite the liberal media’s ongoing attempts to foster conflict among Americans, especially among former and current Trump supporters, the president and his supporters have continued to encourage dialogue, ongoing discussions which can bring Americans together. As Jeremy shared in our meeting after the panel: “I will admit that he [President Trump] has brought me together with these people, and I went on CNN because of him, so thank you, Mr. President.”
good information to be sure. doesn't change CNN letting him just spout incorrect talking points but CNN as far as i know has never stopped anyone from saying anything negative about trump, true or not.

people are human and these are certainly trying times for us to simply talk through issues. media fanning the flames either direction that all sides tend to do isn't helping.
There is also a leaked outtake of them telling the panelists what to say.

It's just plain fake news, period!
link? i don't put it past CNN but in the interest of fairness i'd like to research before going YEA! :)
Was there really evidence that CNN planted this guy?
one of 2 things had to happen:

1) CNN planted the guy
2) CNN vets no one and that's a huge issue for a panel like this

take your pick.
Well there is no evidence that they planted the guy so it’s likely something like you number 2 example. So this thread is as fake as it is accusing CNN of being given the OPs video headline is accusing CNN of planting a panelist. Agreed?
fair point. so let's do some digging.

from the interview:

CAMEROTA: Jeremy, what do you regret about your vote?

MONTANEZ: In my mind and the way I look at [Trump] now, I think he’s a monster. I think he’s a bigot. I think that he’s doing a lot of things to ruin people’s lives. Um, I don’t think that he ha- -- I think that he’s taking this country in the wrong direction and it’s a terrifying time for me.

CAMEROTA: Was there a moment that turned you?

MONTANEZ: It was when I heard about what was going on on the Southern border.

CAMEROTA: What part did you object to?

MONTANTEZ: Uh, the family separation, and the children in cages.
any and all cages that were pictured were during obamas term. why did CNN not correct this?
'This is who we are': The US has a history of putting families in cages, and it didn't start with Trump

we have no pics of trump puttings kids in cages. we have no pics of trump separating families, only the time "representative" shot where the mother was photoshopped out of the pic when in the real world she was about a foot away. so for CNN to not correct this "person" is contributing to fake news. otherwise, show me documented proof trump put kids in cages. we've got it for obama but that no one seems to care about.

those "we can you can't" scenarios sure do get frustrating.

later he says:
“Why do I believe he’s racist? Look what happened in Puerto Rico.[Trump] said: oh, they want to just, uh, cry and, you know -- they needed help. Just because they’re not white-skinned, he doesn’t want to go down there and help them out?”

this is an opinion to be sure. trump did go help puerto rico.
Terms of Service Violation

much like "the children" puerto rico was used as a tool against trump and the usual suspects of media outlets all hung tough to say trump failed in this. but bloomberg of all sites interviewed someone who did this for a long time and he says trump didn't screw this up. so we're again hitting an area the press WANTS you to believe - that trump screwed up. where is the objective reporting as this article wasn't easy to find among the "slate" and VOX/CNN articles designed to make trump seem like he did. if this isn't "fake" or working to tell people what to think, then yes we would seriously disagree there.

so back to what jeremy said - that people were not helped because trump was racist - where is the proof this was the reason? you want proof CNN knew he was a trump hater, great. fair call in this discussion. my guess would be its next to the proof that trump is racist.

now - when did puerto rico and the mexican border happen? he says he only started regretting his decision about trump when the families were being separated but yet, look at the racism he's accused of in PR - how much BEFORE the taken kids did this happen?

CNN is letting him use each and every liberal talking about to reinforce them - it would seem. otherwise any credible "news" agent would stop the speculation and accusations, yet CNN never did.

so good question about "isn't the OP fake news" then and maybe. but it still means that CNN knew and didn't care, or found out later and still don't care cause they've yet to retract a thing or correct him on his talking points.
You might find this an interesting read, written by another member in that panel....

Arthur Schaper - MAGA vs. CNN: How Trump Supporters Debated Trump Regretters, Then Came Together Afterwards

Here is the key section:

Despite his strong views against Trump during the panel, Jeremey Montanez and I became friends. He shared why he had voted for Trump. He does hold conservative views. Like many Americans, he is outraged about illegal immigration. A proud American, he is pro-life and believes in welfare-to-work programs. What soured him about Trump? One of his best friends had shamed and slammed Jeremy for his recent criticism of the president. It was a personal matter that bled into the political arena. Montanez acknowledged that much of his anger toward the president now came from his broken friendship.

After talking for a few more hours, Jeremy resumed his support for the president all over again! We even visited Trump Tower together. Fortunately for us, we ran into Bianca and Damani at the Trump Tower restaurant on the ground floor! We had so much to celebrate together, and we welcomed Jeremy at our table. Then another fortuitous moment followed: Eric Trump was also dining at the restaurant, and all of us got a selfie with him!

Despite the liberal media’s ongoing attempts to foster conflict among Americans, especially among former and current Trump supporters, the president and his supporters have continued to encourage dialogue, ongoing discussions which can bring Americans together. As Jeremy shared in our meeting after the panel: “I will admit that he [President Trump] has brought me together with these people, and I went on CNN because of him, so thank you, Mr. President.”
good information to be sure. doesn't change CNN letting him just spout incorrect talking points but CNN as far as i know has never stopped anyone from saying anything negative about trump, true or not.

people are human and these are certainly trying times for us to simply talk through issues. media fanning the flames either direction that all sides tend to do isn't helping.
Well that’s what cable news has turned into. The opinions and panelists are taking over and reporting the news is in the back seat. Drama and conflict bring ratings and they are companies in business to make money.
There is also a leaked outtake of them telling the panelists what to say.

It's just plain fake news, period!
link? i don't put it past CNN but in the interest of fairness i'd like to research before going YEA! :)

i hate CNN to be sure, but there is no proof this video isn't manipulated. we go from hillary saying this to a voice in the background saying this to us asking the question. that's a huge leap of faith to say it's all honest and true.
should we compare CNN's record with Fox News?
Yes an example of CNN setting up a fake panelist has been provided.

Your turn to post similar acts of rigged broadcasting by FOX.....your move.

Bet you don't come back with anything.
I am not the one special pleading and claiming CNN, is fakView attachment 210115e news.

Should we ask CNN why they interviewed people who did not vote for Trump?
Who really cares what CNN does or does not do anymore they left the barn a long time ago.
any other media, more credible?

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