More evidence CRT is poisoning our children.

And don't even bother coming in here demanding I explain CRT. The proof of its poison has been documented countless times on here via videos, such as this one, and links.

1. Erase actual history
2. Remove all dissenting opinions from the lexicon.
3. Teach kids the new history.
4. Enjoy your new population that is as brainwashed as North Koreans.
5. Profit

So what you’re saying is you still don’t know what critical race theory is but you know it’s wrong because Democrats support it.

Got it.

And don't even bother coming in here demanding I explain CRT. The proof of its poison has been documented countless times on here via videos, such as this one, and links.

1. Erase actual history
2. Remove all dissenting opinions from the lexicon.
3. Teach kids the new history.
4. Enjoy your new population that is as brainwashed as North Koreans.
5. Profit

If you were genuinely would volunteer at the school and teach the "actual" history.

You get all of your information from a you-tube loser who can't afford heat.... Perhaps a new way of teaching is called for.
Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?

Slavery is a huge part of U.S. History, a very ugly history. Ignoring that history will NOT make it go away. The genocide of Native Americans is very real. Japanese-American interned during WWII. The Trail of Tears.

This is history.
Teaching nihilism and self-loathing isn't teaching history, fool.

Ignoring Slavery, is NOT Nihilism or self-loathing, it out and racism.
Nobbody is ignoring slavery, shithead.
That Slaves be 3/5 a person, it is in the U.S. Constitution.

Slaves were not 3/5 of a person. They had no more rights than an animal.

The 3/5 counted for congressmen who voted to keep them slaves

Nice Twist
They were 3/5 of an individual because the northern states wanted it that way, you fucking ignoramuses.....It was a sanction used to limit the representation of the southern slave states in congress.

If sheer ignorance and stupidity were gold coin, you crackpots would be richer than Bezos.
That Slaves be 3/5 a person, it is in the U.S. Constitution.

Slaves were not 3/5 of a person. They had no more rights than an animal.

The 3/5 counted for congressmen who voted to keep them slaves

Nice Twist
They were 3/5 of an individual because the northern states wanted it that way, you fucking ignoramuses.....It was a sanction used to limit the representation of the southern slave states in congress.

If sheer ignorance and stupidity were gold coin, you crackpots would be richer than Bezos.
Southern states wanted it to be 100 percent even though they were legally property.
That 100 percent would have given the South MORE Congressmen. Congressmen who voted to enforce slavery
Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?
Try with the Truth which the left doesn't like.

Tulsa racist mobster hotel owner attacked police and whites trying to free a black rapist from prison killing several people. After the second attack that night, the cops and the white population went after the black mobsters area hunting down the MURDERERS burning them out of their hiding holes. The race pimps of course tried to rewrite history claiming that it was just white people that attacked a black area and that the black people didn't du nuffin claiming it was out of jealousy. The mobster leader fled the area going to our corrupt chicago where his descendents now with no shame demand reparations for him losing his businesses when burned out.

Tuskogee---where the government wanted to test antibiotics for syphillis ---a sexually transmitted disease which required a large number of infected like people in order to have a test group and a control group. They settled on the Tuskogee black men as they had a high incidence of infection from this disease...and were of the same sex and like age. The race pimps would later spin bullshit claiming that the government had infected these men with the disease which spread far and wide among the black communities who used these false claims as examples of the US government abusing them.

These would be excellent chances to educated people
1) That propaganda is alive and well even in america
2) That you need to research for yourself what really happened because the media lies
3) That STDs are also real----and that they should take precautions in stopping their spread.
4) The burning out of criminals was common in the early 1900's and earlier.
5) How stupid do you have to be to support CRIMINALS such as rapists?
Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?
Try with the Truth which the left doesn't like.

Tulsa racist mobster hotel owner attacked police and whites trying to free a black rapist from prison killing several people. After the second attack that night, the cops and the white population went after the black mobsters area hunting down the MURDERERS burning them out of their hiding holes. The race pimps of course tried to rewrite history claiming that it was just white people that attacked a black area and that the black people didn't du nuffin claiming it was out of jealousy. The mobster leader fled the area going to our corrupt chicago where his descendents now with no shame demand reparations for him losing his businesses when burned out.

Tuskogee---where the government wanted to test antibiotics for syphillis ---a sexually transmitted disease which required a large number of infected like people in order to have a test group and a control group. They settled on the Tuskogee black men as they had a high incidence of infection from this disease...and were of the same sex and like age. The race pimps would later spin bullshit claiming that the government had infected these men with the disease which spread far and wide among the black communities who used these false claims as examples of the US government abusing them.

These would be excellent chances to educated people
1) That propaganda is alive and well even in america
2) That you need to research for yourself what really happened because the media lies
3) That STDs are also real----and that they should take precautions in stopping their spread.
4) The burning out of criminals was common in the early 1900's and earlier.
5) How stupid do you have to be to support CRIMINALS such as rapists?

You mean to say that the the spoon-fed narratives given to us by the media-industrial complex and edumacation-industrial-complex don't tell the full stories of historical events?

Well, I'll be dipped!
That Slaves be 3/5 a person, it is in the U.S. Constitution.

Slaves were not 3/5 of a person. They had no more rights than an animal.

The 3/5 counted for congressmen who voted to keep them slaves

Nice Twist
Slaves did not get 3/5 of a vote or have 3/5 of legal protections
They had NONE

Women raped on the whim of a "Master". Sold on auction block. Families torn apart. Children sold.

Slavery is the curse of our Country.

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