More evidence CRT is poisoning our children.

And don't even bother coming in here demanding I explain CRT. The proof of its poison has been documented countless times on here via videos, such as this one, and links.

1. Erase actual history
2. Remove all dissenting opinions from the lexicon.
3. Teach kids the new history.
4. Enjoy your new population that is as brainwashed as North Koreans.
5. Profit

reminds me of when you went to townhall meetings and cried about nonexistent death panels in the ACA.
Youre just proving their point for them.

Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?
Teaching children to hate themselves and their country over it isn't "history".
It's actively teaching racism against white people.
Hmm, by giving facts to include a POV of another scholar it is an attempt to prove that whites are not the superior race? No surprise.
No, by saying "whiteness" is bad, and all whites are racist.

That is teaching racism. And only shitty, no-account, low-class sorry fucks teach that to children, or make excuses for those that do.

Like you, for instance. :45:
There is a huge difference between teaching U.S. History and CRT.

CRT is Graduate School Education.

U.S. History is a class in Public School.
The OP mentioned proof. Where is it ? Its just neo nazi bullshit designed to scare stupid people. IE trumpers.
conservatives are not nazis ... you however are a socialist .

You sound confused.
Nazis were an oligarchy of the military, banks, aristocrats, and corporations.
And that is who supports conservatism in the US.
Progressives want to make things more fair, while conservatives want to retain unfair advantages.

Socialism is simply where you get more public control so you can vote over things that effect you life, instead of having them dictated by the wealthy elite.
what is fair?? is it fair to take from one person that worked hard for what they have and give it to someone that refuses to work to provide for themselves??

cause thats what the progs want to do,,

I have never seen people who do not want to work who are poor.
The poor have to work constantly, much harder than the wealthy do.
They are recycling metal, doing their own car repairs, buying and selling on craigslist, etc.
It is only the wealthy who can just let their investments pay them dividends while they relax or travel.
The system started unfair, with slavery, and is still unfair, with tax advantages to the wealthy, landlords owning what they did not make, inherited wealth passed from one generation to the next, etc.
Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?
Teaching children to hate themselves and their country over it isn't "history".
The truth will set you free

Knowing the whole story makes you stronger
The OP mentioned proof. Where is it ? Its just neo nazi bullshit designed to scare stupid people. IE trumpers.
conservatives are not nazis ... you however are a socialist .

You sound confused.
Nazis were an oligarchy of the military, banks, aristocrats, and corporations.
And that is who supports conservatism in the US.
Progressives want to make things more fair, while conservatives want to retain unfair advantages.

Socialism is simply where you get more public control so you can vote over things that effect you life, instead of having them dictated by the wealthy elite.
That's fucking hilarious considering corporate America is banning everything in conservative states. Banning actual conservative speech. Canceling other conservative elites.

You aren't too bright
.<sob>. But….but…….Think about the Children!
What will happen if they learn blacks have had it bad in this country?

They will HATE America!

View attachment 510658

View attachment 510697

You don't think the children were being taught before CRT that slavery existed in the United States prior to the Civil War and that slavery was bad so we fought to end it?

You're an idiot!



Very true

So why are your panties in tangles over Critical Race Theory?
Jim Crow
Terrorist attacks against black families
Genocide against Native Americans

Shhhhh……Don’t tell the children
Very true

So why are your panties in tangles over Critical Race Theory?

Fine. You want critical race theory taught in the class room do it in college.

If you want it taught prior to that then on line video cameras need to be installed throughout the school, the teachers wear bodycams while teaching, and the parent is allowed to withdraw their child from school with full voucher at any time they are not satisfied with the education.


There is a huge difference between teaching U.S. History and CRT.

CRT is Graduate School Education.

U.S. History is a class in Public School.

So kids need to be lied toiThe truth is American History

There is a huge difference between teaching U.S. History and CRT.

CRT is Graduate School Education.

U.S. History is a class in Public School.

So kids need to be lied to

Are you saying that Slavery was NOT real?

That Slaves be 3/5 a person, it is in the U.S. Constitution.

The Trail of Tears is very much a party of American History.

The Japanese-Americans were interned, simply for being Japanese-American.

U.S. History IS NOT just some Boston Silver Smith Riding around yelling, "The Lobsters are Coming....The Lobsters are Coming"...yelling the "British are Coming" would have more than stupid, the Colonists were in British.

Denying the truth does not change the truth.

And don't even bother coming in here demanding I explain CRT. The proof of its poison has been documented countless times on here via videos, such as this one, and links.

1. Erase actual history
2. Remove all dissenting opinions from the lexicon.
3. Teach kids the new history.
4. Enjoy your new population that is as brainwashed as North Koreans.
5. Profit


CRT is a Post Grad, Master's Level, PhD level course.

Stop lying.

it shouldnt be taught at all ! slavery and Jim Crow is already covered in American history . CRT is nothing more than divisive marxist propaganda .

Why is teaching American history racist?

Maybe because much of it WAS racist

teach reading Writing and arithmetic ! stop wasting time telling kids they are born racist ! and dont try to deny crt teaches that .. man ! you are one weak wimp ! do you have young kids or grand kids in school ? have they called you a racist and a white supremacist yet ?

You forgot about Jesus

He never lived. He is not real. Fuck the myth.
Shitty moonbat cartoon that used to be on the back page of crappy urban entertainment weeklies.....whooopie

View attachment 510660
OMG! :ack-1:

Its CRT!
Don’t you DARE teach children about our past
It's not "teaching children about the past" and you know it, asshole.

But race was a huge factor in our history, so how to you teach that to children otherwise?
Like the Tulsa massacre or the Tuskegee experiment?

Slavery is a huge part of U.S. History, a very ugly history. Ignoring that history will NOT make it go away. The genocide of Native Americans is very real. Japanese-American interned during WWII. The Trail of Tears.

This is history.
Teaching nihilism and self-loathing isn't teaching history, fool.

Ignoring Slavery, is NOT Nihilism or self-loathing, it out and racism.
CRT is the classic "red herring." Ask a Leftist about it and s/he will say that it is simply a different approach to history; ask a Conservative and s/he will say it's the end of Western Civilization.

Without a consensus definition, such comments are meaningless.

The fact is, CRT is a Leftist excuse for Black peoples' failures, ignoring 150 years of progress in racial assimilation. But ain't no white racist dictating Black reproductive (and other) anti-social behavior or passing out the genes.
I love it when these David Duke wanna-be's think their pseudo-intellectual approach to spewing their racist propaganda actually works.

What this joker does is ignore 150 of Jim Crow laws AFTER the slavery was officially ended and the Confederacy LOST the Civil war, or the subsequent Civil Rights laws that had to be passed less than 60 years ago to reaffirm black folk's rights as citizens. But of course, let's ignore biker gangs, the Mafia, the crystal meth epidemic, yearly documented cases of red lining, innocent black folk getting killed by cops or incarcerated for years, and the FACT that the majority of welfare recipients in this country are single parent white women. Nope, it's all black people's fault according to our alt-right friends.

To quote President Obama, "GIVE ME A BREAK!"
Very true

So why are your panties in tangles over Critical Race Theory?
View attachment 510839

Fine. You want critical race theory taught in the class room do it in college.

If you want it taught prior to that then on line video cameras need to be installed throughout the school, the teachers wear bodycams while teaching, and the parent is allowed to withdraw their child from school with full voucher at any time they are not satisfied with the education.




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