More evidence that Loughner not 'crazy' or 'deranged'

I realize I just told Ernie that you are too fucking stupid to waste my time re-explaining things to you, but I'll try again: I have not attributed Loughner's actions to wingnut hate speech. I have only pushed back on the notion that "He's deranged - rhetoric had NOTHING to do with it!!!11!"

Of course, you are welcome to go find a post of mine that blames Poor Sarah. Maybe that fruitless search will keep you busy all day, preventing you from polluting the board with your putrid brain droppings for at least today.

Now fuck off.
no, you fuck off, because you have done just that and several people here in this thread have SEEN it
so i will not waste MY time jumping through your stupid fucking HOOPS to prove it

Now run along. You have quite a bit of fucking off to do!
no, thats you
now fuck off
You truly are a dumbass.

Again, I reject your cheap and obvious effort to distort what I have said, dipshit.

Many folks of conservative political inclination here at USMB have most assuredly denied that there is ANY evidence to support the left-wing generated canard to the effect that any right-wing political discourse had anything to do with Jared Loughner's behavior.

You can try to rephrase that all you wish, but your lies are powerless to alter the substance, you lying twat.

Loughner MAY have been crazy.

Loughner did what he did for reasons that YOU sure as hell do not know.

YOU sure as hell have absolutely NO evidence of any kind that he ever so much as heard a Rush radio broadcast or one by Beck, etc.

With the possible exception of medical and psychological experts attending to the fuckwad, nobody has any idea (yet) what did motivate Loughner.
So, are you claiming that Rightwingers all over USMB haven't been saying that violent rhetoric from the Right had nothing to do with it?

It's really a simple question. Either they have or they haven't. Pick one.

My position has been explained very clearly. Your inability to grasp the import of basic English is entirely on you.

As I noted before SOME conservative folks here at USMB have argued (perhaps with something less than precision and clarity) that because Loughner might have been crazy, it is ridiculous to say that any right wing political discourse is likely to have motivated him. And, more importantly, there remains exactly zero evidence that any right wing poitical discourse motivated him. In facvt, there's no evidence out there that he ever listened to guys like Beck or Rush or even to Gov. Palin.

So your pointless is not only illogical, it is baseless.

You are making no point. If some conservative guy somewhere has argued that Hitler was actually a nice guy, that is NOT something which anyone with integrity could fairly or logically attribute to all (or most) other conservatives.

You remain an abject fail, Simpleholic.

It's amazing how literate and semi-civil you can be when you are backpedaling. Interesting.

So, you are saying that yes, conservatives here at USMB did argue that "rhetoric had nothing to do with it because he's a deranged gunman" but they are in fact wrong. OK, I can respect that answer.

Now maybe we can await evaluation by experts to determine if he is actually insane, and if rhetoric actually had anything to do with it. Will you accept their findings? :)
If you say so.
No perp walk for Palin, Skippy. Sorry. Not gonna happen, no matter how badly you want it to.
Trolling and grasping on a Sunday afternoon. Not a good use of your time. Why don't you go down to the commissary and fill your cart with more taxpayer-subsidized Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, and Ho-Hos.
Poor Synth. All he got for Fitzmas was a secretary. No BUSHROVECHENEY.

Would you mind moving off the graves of the people killed in Tuscon? People who wouldn't stoop to using the bodies as political ammunition would like to lay some flowers.
So, are you claiming that Rightwingers all over USMB haven't been saying that violent rhetoric from the Right had nothing to do with it?

It's really a simple question. Either they have or they haven't. Pick one.

My position has been explained very clearly. Your inability to grasp the import of basic English is entirely on you.

As I noted before SOME conservative folks here at USMB have argued (perhaps with something less than precision and clarity) that because Loughner might have been crazy, it is ridiculous to say that any right wing political discourse is likely to have motivated him. And, more importantly, there remains exactly zero evidence that any right wing poitical discourse motivated him. In facvt, there's no evidence out there that he ever listened to guys like Beck or Rush or even to Gov. Palin.

So your pointless is not only illogical, it is baseless.

You are making no point. If some conservative guy somewhere has argued that Hitler was actually a nice guy, that is NOT something which anyone with integrity could fairly or logically attribute to all (or most) other conservatives.

You remain an abject fail, Simpleholic.

It's amazing how literate and semi-civil you can be when you are backpedaling. Interesting.

So, you are saying that yes, conservatives here at USMB did argue that "rhetoric had nothing to do with it because he's a deranged gunman" but they are in fact wrong. OK, I can respect that answer.

Now maybe we can await evaluation by experts to determine if he is actually insane, and if rhetoric actually had anything to do with it. Will you accept their findings? :)
you lie again
most people, both conservatives and liberals have said there is no evidence of any connection to any of the rhetoric you morons keep calling violent
I realize I just told Ernie that you are too fucking stupid to waste my time re-explaining things to you, but I'll try again: I have not attributed Loughner's actions to wingnut hate speech. I have only pushed back on the notion that "He's deranged - rhetoric had NOTHING to do with it!!!11!"

Of course, you are welcome to go find a post of mine that blames Poor Sarah. Maybe that fruitless search will keep you busy all day, preventing you from polluting the board with your putrid brain droppings for at least today.

Now fuck off.

You position is that rhetoric had nothing to do with it, but you still push back against the idea that rhetoric had nothing to do with it.:cuckoo:
No. Why haven't you read for yourself?

My position is that it has yet to be determined. The wingnut position is that "rhetoric had nothing to do with it - he's a deranged gunmen".

How many more times will I need to explain this to you 'smart conservatives'? Give me a number, so I can plan for a time when you all will finally get it.

Funny thing about me, I used to advocate against violence in video games because it was blatantly obvious that violent video games contributed to violence in society. Fortunately I also happen to be intelligent, and when numerous studies came out that provided evidence that there is no conclusive link between the tow I accepted that I was wrong. If there is no link between violent video games, which are demonstratively violent, do not lead to violence, then it already has been demonstrated that there is no real link between a bunch of political pundits on both sides using rhetoric and any violence that also happens.

In case you lack the ability to comprehend my point here, your position is already proven to be wrong, just like the position I has is wrong. I do not need to wait while some idiots develop a conspiracy to link Laughner to anyone else. If you want to run around as a conspiracy nut in an attempt to prove something that has been demonstrated to be wrong, feel free, just do not expect intelligent people to humor your delusions just because you are afraid of reality.

You are crazy, and that is all that anyone needs to know about you and this subject.
Sane or insane people can be influenced by rhetoric.

Just sayin...
only if they actually see or hear it

Let'em keep going with that argument DiveCon. You know just like they know that his friends has reported that he listen to Anti Flag the anti government group. If listening to something will cause you to start shooting people at least blame something that has been reported that he has listen to.
One of his favorite authors is Ayn Rand.

Sane or insane people can be influenced by rhetoric.

Just sayin...
only if they actually see or hear it
:lol: Most crazy people can see and hear. :cuckoo:

Just because Raving Insanity can see and hear, she generalizes that to all of her fellow crazy loons.


Meanwhile, back here in reality, there's still no evidence that Jared Loughner paid any attention at all (or so much as even listened to) Rush or Beck or Gov. Palin, etc.
only if they actually see or hear it
:lol: Most crazy people can see and hear. :cuckoo:

Just because Raving Insanity can see and hear, she generalizes that to all of her fellow crazy loons.


Meanwhile, back here in reality, there's still no evidence that Jared Loughner paid any attention at all (or so much as even listened to) Rush or Beck or Gov. Palin, etc.
I never said he did...quit frothing at the mouth, it's clouding your mind...oh, wait.
:lol: Most crazy people can see and hear. :cuckoo:

Just because Raving Insanity can see and hear, she generalizes that to all of her fellow crazy loons.


Meanwhile, back here in reality, there's still no evidence that Jared Loughner paid any attention at all (or so much as even listened to) Rush or Beck or Gov. Palin, etc.
I never said he did...quit frothing at the mouth, it's clouding your mind...oh, wait.

Perhaps YOU didn't say it (and I didn't say YOU did, fuckwit), but many of your fellow looney liberoidals have said it.

What YOU did just finish saying, though, suggests that you can speak for crazy people. As a crazy loon yourself, perhaps you can.

What are they listening to and seeing, you transparently dishonest moron, since you are so busy telling us that they CAN see and hear?

Fuckwits like you debate just to hear yourselves talk. You remain a void.
only if they actually see or hear it

Let'em keep going with that argument DiveCon. You know just like they know that his friends has reported that he listen to Anti Flag the anti government group. If listening to something will cause you to start shooting people at least blame something that has been reported that he has listen to.
One of his favorite authors is Ayn Rand.


Not sure if I have heard of this do you have a link?
Yet the evidence does provide clues into the mind of a man who even the staunchest partisans should be able to agree held muddled politics far outside the mainstream.

It seems clear based on Loughner's YouTube videos and MySpace page that he held a grudge against the U.S. government - and that he had had become obsessed with Giffords, the local embodiment of that government. Start with his reading list: As Mark Potok of the Souther Poverty Law Center notes, the central theme running through the books - Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm, Ayn Rand's We The Living - is "the individual versus the totalitarian state."
What Does Jared Lee Loughner Believe? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
...investigators examining Loughner's computer files and phone records have thus far found no evidence that he has a specific connection to any hate or fringe group.

The evidence also shows that Loughner rejected U.S. currency, apparently because it was not tied to gold or silver. He argued that he should not have to pay debts in currencies not backed by gold or silver and backed the creation of a new, alternate currency.

Opposition to currency not backed by silver or gold exists is particularly strong on the far-right antigovernment "Patriot" movement, as Potok notes; he writes that it is "linked to the core Patriot theory that the Federal Reserve is actually a private corporation run for the benefit of unnamed international bankers."

There are also components of Loughner's belief system that one could tie to the far left - his decision to "favorite" a YouTube video of a burning American flag, the inclusion of the Communist Manifesto on his reading list, his possible adherence to the 9/11 "truther" movement. Conservatives looking to label Loughner as liberal have also pointed to Tweets from one apparent former friend who wrote he had once been "very liberal" and added, "he was leftwing when I knew him in hs & college, 3 years ago. So he may have changed, who knows."

Ultimately, it seems illegitimate to tie Loughner to the mainstream right or mainstream left, as his beliefs were well within the realm of the fringe. Indeed, Loughner appears to have simply been a disturbed individual who lacked a coherent political philosophy other than a deep-seated anti-government sentiment.

He seemingly harbored a grudge against Giffords dating back to 2007, when he did not like how he was treated at an event held by the congresswoman.

What Does Jared Lee Loughner Believe? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
...investigators examining Loughner's computer files and phone records have thus far found no evidence that he has a specific connection to any hate or fringe group.

The evidence also shows that Loughner rejected U.S. currency, apparently because it was not tied to gold or silver. He argued that he should not have to pay debts in currencies not backed by gold or silver and backed the creation of a new, alternate currency.

Opposition to currency not backed by silver or gold exists is particularly strong on the far-right antigovernment "Patriot" movement, as Potok notes; he writes that it is "linked to the core Patriot theory that the Federal Reserve is actually a private corporation run for the benefit of unnamed international bankers."

There are also components of Loughner's belief system that one could tie to the far left - his decision to "favorite" a YouTube video of a burning American flag, the inclusion of the Communist Manifesto on his reading list, his possible adherence to the 9/11 "truther" movement. Conservatives looking to label Loughner as liberal have also pointed to Tweets from one apparent former friend who wrote he had once been "very liberal" and added, "he was leftwing when I knew him in hs & college, 3 years ago. So he may have changed, who knows."

Ultimately, it seems illegitimate to tie Loughner to the mainstream right or mainstream left, as his beliefs were well within the realm of the fringe. Indeed, Loughner appears to have simply been a disturbed individual who lacked a coherent political philosophy other than a deep-seated anti-government sentiment.

He seemingly harbored a grudge against Giffords dating back to 2007, when he did not like how he was treated at an event held by the congresswoman.
What Does Jared Lee Loughner Believe? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
that says it better
Meanwhile, back here in reality, there's still no evidence that Jared Loughner paid any attention at all (or so much as even listened to) Rush or Beck or Gov. Palin, etc.

Correct. There is no evidence that he did or did not listen to violent rhetoric from the Right.
Nope...but there is no doubt that the right engages in violent rhetoric.
Meanwhile, back here in reality, there's still no evidence that Jared Loughner paid any attention at all (or so much as even listened to) Rush or Beck or Gov. Palin, etc.

Correct. There is no evidence that he did or did not listen to violent rhetoric from the Right.
Nope...but there is no doubt that the right engages in violent rhetoric.

So does the left.

So what?

Sticks and stones, you moron hypocrite Skank.



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