More evidence that the Chinese communist economy is collapsing


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

The chinese auto market is in free fall

Without massive government subsidies new cars are not selling

This is a consequence of the Fauci-Xi Covid 19 policy of lockdowns and chinese graft and corruption in the housing market

Globalist America haters better reset their clock for the expected date that china will surpass the United States
This has been declared countless times over the last 30 years. The only way Chinas economy collapses: Western nations remove their manufacturing from China and Western citizens stop buying Made in China products. This isn't going to happen. China knows that all of the manufacturing it took from the West is like an oil pipeline that keeps us beholden to them. Don't blame them for their rise. It will continue.
This has been declared countless times over the last 30 years. The only way Chinas economy collapses: Western nations remove their manufacturing from China and Western citizens stop buying Made in China products. This isn't going to happen. China knows that all of the manufacturing it took from the West is like an oil pipeline that keeps us beholden to them. Don't blame them for their rise. It will continue.

China is collapsing because they have too few children to replace their old people.

That is going to drive the CCP into some rash acts I fear.
Western nations remove their manufacturing from China and Western citizens stop buying Made in China products.
You did not watch the video

Imports and exports to and from china are falling

And western companies are relocating to other countries
You did not watch the video

Imports and exports to and from china are falling

And western companies are relocating to other countries

They just need to accelerate their abandonment of china

The chinese auto market is in free fall

Without massive government subsidies new cars are not selling

This is a consequence of the Fauci-Xi Covid 19 policy of lockdowns and chinese graft and corruption in the housing market

Globalist America haters better reset their clock for the expected date that china will surpass the United States

Hitler caused the German government to spend more money than it had. In fact, he insisted that they recklessly spend money and forbad the government to pass a budget so that people would not be alarmed

The reason? It was either world conquest or economic destruction.

He basically burned all their bridges so that there was no going back.

It's nothing we have not seen before.
What about Ivanka's chinese patents?
What about them? They are worthless since she closed her businesses when she took the job in the White House.

Ivanka Trump is closing down her fashion business to focus on her White House role
When will Xiden's daughter in law stop getting checks from the CCP? For whatever business a school guidance counselor does for the CCP.

The Biden family members who received money from this account included: o Hallie Biden, who received two separate payments totaling $35,000 in 2017; o James Brian Biden Sr. (James Biden); o Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden); and o A bank account identified as an unknown “Biden.” The Committee is continuing to investigate the identity of this account holder.
What about them? They are worthless since she closed her businesses when she took the job in the White House.

Ivanka Trump is closing down her fashion business to focus on her White House role
When will Xiden's daughter in law stop getting checks from the CCP? For whatever business a school guidance counselor does for the CCP.

The Biden family members who received money from this account included: o Hallie Biden, who received two separate payments totaling $35,000 in 2017; o James Brian Biden Sr. (James Biden); o Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden); and o A bank account identified as an unknown “Biden.” The Committee is continuing to investigate the identity of this account holder.

"The brand’s secretive Chinese supply chains have been the subject of some controversy. A year ago Monday, three men working for China Labor Watch, a New York-based non-profit group, were arrested while investigating labor abuses at Ivanka Trump suppliers in China. After thirty days in detention, they were released on bail, but continue to live under police surveillance."

and I don't recall any of you folks outraged about the arrests of these patriots....probably because you are full of shit....

"The brand’s secretive Chinese supply chains have been the subject of some controversy. A year ago Monday, three men working for China Labor Watch, a New York-based non-profit group, were arrested while investigating labor abuses at Ivanka Trump suppliers in China. After thirty days in detention, they were released on bail, but continue to live under police surveillance."

and I don't recall any of you folks outraged about the arrests of these patriots....probably because you are full of shit....
Hey Dembot...ever look at dates on articles before you post? Damn you are a moron...your story was posted BEFORE she shut down the businesses....
Hey Dembot...ever look at dates on articles before you post? Damn you are a moron...your story was posted BEFORE she shut down the businesses....
This occurred AFTER she was in the WH.....and still is occurring....

Couple that with the 2 billion her husband received from the Saudis along with his assistance in helping the Saudis get away with murdering a US journalist....

So yes, you are full of shit....but you are a that is par for the course....
This occurred AFTER she was in the WH.....and still is occurring....

Couple that with the 2 billion her husband received from the Saudis along with his assistance in helping the Saudis get away with murdering a US journalist....

So yes, you are full of shit....but you are a that is par for the course....
Yes, she shut her business down AFTER she entered the WH, nobody suggested otherwise...your FALSE post to the NBC article I posted, just highlights how you dembots can't read beyond a headline.

As far as what she's done since she left the White House, so what? People have to make a living. Once people leave Govt they you know, can work. Geez.

and I love the racist remark at the end. you do your Demaklan proud.
Korea, Japan and China uniting into allies would be the force in the world. A couple of other Eastern Asia nations are doing well with others up and coming. Using resources to build those nations up means game over for the Western nations. As it is, China within the decades will be the richest nation in the world y GDP however with a huge population.
Wow, could you imagine if that were actually true (on both counts).
what was xiden doing with all the stolen classified material and other govs property, that he’s been taking since his time as a Senator? why were the chinese paying his daughter in law a school counselor?

Ivanka used to have a very successful fashion line, and products were made in china, she closed those businesses down when she started working at the white house, to focus on her new job and avoid conflicts

that’s what the opposite of corruption looks like

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