More evidence that the Chinese communist economy is collapsing

what was xiden doing with all the stolen classified material and other govs property, that he’s been taking since his time as a Senator? why were the chinese paying his daughter in law a school counselor?

Ivanka used to have a very successful fashion line, and products were made in china, she closed those businesses down when she started working at the white house, to focus on her new job and avoid conflicts

that’s what the opposite of corruption looks like
Gee, who told you that she stopped doing business with the Chinese--or that the blob himself stopped?
nobody didn’t…i have no idea if Hallie, Hunter, joe or income xiden stopped

i suppose the house will find out that or the special prosecutor

i doubt they did. hunter said he’d stop doing foreign deals if his dad was president…we know that was a lie
Or if they started. Ivanka and your blob's deep ties to China are well documented.


1) yeah they ran major multi-national businesses....obviously they worked in China as well...this was going on well before they got into's not a secret....unlike what we are learning about the Xiden family.


Hunter Biden stepping down from Chinese firm, vows no foreign work if father wins in 2020

Hunter Biden still hasn’t divested from Chinese government-linked investment firm
Hunter Biden still appears to hold an ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked investment firm despite repeated pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties.

The troubled son of Joe Biden still holds a 10% equity stake in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, according to Chinese business records.

The Xiden's lied....Hunter's still doing business with foreign nationals, most noteworthy....CHINA.

The chinese auto market is in free fall

Without massive government subsidies new cars are not selling

This is a consequence of the Fauci-Xi Covid 19 policy of lockdowns and chinese graft and corruption in the housing market

Globalist America haters better reset their clock for the expected date that china will surpass the United States


So now the Chinese government policy handling this is Fauci policy, huh?
Like fighting over immigrants coming to the USA?
The quality - or lack of quality - matters

The barefoot illiterates flooding our border with mexico are not needed

They add nothing to our economy

So now the Chinese government policy handling this is Fauci policy, huh?
Fauci was strongly involved with the wuhan lab

And not coincidently he advocated the same failed policies in American that Xi used to bankrupt the chinese economy
Fauci was strongly involved with the wuhan lab

And not coincidently he advocated the same failed policies in American that Xi used to bankrupt the chinese economy
Our policies WERE NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO Xi's, silly one! You are way off base!
What about them? They are worthless since she closed her businesses when she took the job in the White House.

Ivanka Trump is closing down her fashion business to focus on her White House role
When will Xiden's daughter in law stop getting checks from the CCP? For whatever business a school guidance counselor does for the CCP.

The Biden family members who received money from this account included: o Hallie Biden, who received two separate payments totaling $35,000 in 2017; o James Brian Biden Sr. (James Biden); o Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden); and o A bank account identified as an unknown “Biden.” The Committee is continuing to investigate the identity of this account holder.
In 2018 Ivanka, who worked in the administration, shuttered due to negative consumer reaction to her father.

That was nearly two years after he won.

Biden's daughter in law's money via Hunter's company was when Biden was no longer in office.
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Our policies WERE NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO Xi's, silly one! You are way off base!
Fauci could not lock Americans inside their homes without basic necessities the way Xi did

So the doctor can appear to be less extreme than the communist dictator

But it wasnt for lack of trying
In 2018 Ivanka, who worked in the administration, shuttered due to negative consumer reaction to her father.

That was nearly two years after he won.

Biden's daughter in law's money via Hunter's company was when Biden was no longer in office.
The money didn't come from "Hunter's company" -hahahha...laughable....

Ivanka shut her businesses down....what business was Hallie involved in? the money to Hallie came from the Chinese in March of 2017...two months after Xiden left office...was this some of the stolen classified material? I don't know....
Worked? Nope.

Work with and for. Yes.
Correct they worked with the Chinese to develop properties, and make products for Nike, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon etc.

So what was Hallie doing for the Chinese? What business was she in?
The money didn't come from "Hunter's company" -hahahha...laughable....

Ivanka shut her businesses down....what business was Hallie involved in? the money to Hallie came from the Chinese in March of 2017...two months after Xiden left office...was this some of the stolen classified material? I don't know....
The man who wrote the checks to those family members that amounted to $95000 for all of them combined, out of over $1,000,000 in money spent via checks, is one of Hunter Biden's joint venture Business partners is what I have read on it... And read those checks to the Biden's for a total of $95k, was essentially Hunter distributing his money from an advance business deal with a Chinese Company to primarily pay business expenses of Hunter's, i.e. checks written to OWASKO and other bills for Companies he also owns....for near all of the million plus.
The man who wrote the checks to those family members that amounted to $95000 for all of them combined, out of over $1,000,000 in money spent via checks, is one of Hunter Biden's joint venture Business partners is what I have read on it... And read those checks to the Biden's for a total of $95k, was essentially Hunter distributing his money from an advance business deal with a Chinese Company to primarily pay business expenses of Hunter's, i.e. checks written to OWASKO and other bills for Companies he also owns....for near all of the million plus.

What are the Chinese buying from the xidens with those millions?

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