More Evidence the "liberal media" is a Conservative Invention


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.
Ya. All those MSNBC cock suckers (excepting Madcow who prefers pussy) aren't really radical LIBs.
Get your head out of BOBO's asshole pal.
It's more sad than anything else candy. I just don't want to believe it, especially about drugging the women. I don't think there is any racial component to this just another nail in the coffin of personal conduct of famous people in this country.
Bill Cosby long ago stopped being a "Black Man," and transitioned into a Funny Guy who does a lot of good things.

Who happens to have African-American parents.
Anyone who thinks the media does not have a liberal agenda needs to have their head examined.Just look at this Ferguson, Mo. crap.
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.

They hate Cosby for telling it like it is when it comes to blacks in this country.
Fail thread...
Ahh yes, and here come they "Yeah but..." arguments. Pre-dict-able
Ahh yes, and here come they "Yeah but..." arguments. Pre-dict-able

Yeah, and if you would listen to some of those "Yeah but....arguments" you might learn a thing. But I"m sure you won't, instead you will remain inside your leftist idealism.

Most media range from far left to a little left, Fox is a stand-out because it is a little to the right.

As for Cosby, the media is doing their job (reporting it) because Cosby is a conservative black man, and therefore he must be removed from a position of authority. Same thing with Ben Carson, Hermann Cain, Clarence Thomas, et al.
Ahh yes, and here come they "Yeah but..." arguments. Pre-dict-able
No 'yeah but' about it. In addition to the salaciousness of the story, Cosby's message conflicts with the lefty trash talk about the significance of fathers. Plus this plays into the 'woman victim' theme which is all over media recently in the promotion of the presidential aspirations of H.R. (Hillary Rodham) Haldeman and Elizabeth 'Two Dogs Fucking' Warren.
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.
So one case ONE and you use that as an example for all others,right ?
Ahh yes, and here come they "Yeah but..." arguments. Pre-dict-able

Yeah, and if you would listen to some of those "Yeah but....arguments" you might learn a thing. But I"m sure you won't, instead you will remain inside your leftist idealism.

Most media range from far left to a little left, Fox is a stand-out because it is a little to the right.

As for Cosby, the media is doing their job (reporting it) because Cosby is a conservative black man, and therefore he must be removed from a position of authority. Same thing with Ben Carson, Hermann Cain, Clarence Thomas, et al.

Cosby is conservative?

He lives in Hollywood. Check
Was a television star in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's. Check
During the 70's he had an all black animated cast on Saturday morning (only work he could get). Check
During the 80's and 90's The cast was mostly black, what few whites were routinely lampooned. Check
During the series that bore his name, his grandkids were named Winne and Nelson after the Mandelas.

The "liberal media" nonsense is now just a crutch you guys hurl out there whenever one of your guys disappoint. In politics, don't get me wrong, both sides use tools and a tool is fine as long as you don't use it too often. "Liberal media" is now surpassed the "tool" phase and is now your favorite crutch and a fix-all for whatever episode doesn't go your way.

Likely there will be rioting and unrest in the streets in Missouri tonight. Let me know when someone yells "conservative media" in hopes of explaining the showing of black youths smashing windows.
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.
So one case ONE and you use that as an example for all others,right ?'s just a "current event". you think Obama's approval ratings would be at 37% if he were a media darling?
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.
So one case ONE and you use that as an example for all others,right ?'s just a "current event". you think Obama's approval ratings would be at 37% if he were a media darling?
He was until he just got to be a big liability,all rats will flee a sinking ship before it sinks completely.
Ahh yes, and here come they "Yeah but..." arguments. Pre-dict-able

Yeah, and if you would listen to some of those "Yeah but....arguments" you might learn a thing. But I"m sure you won't, instead you will remain inside your leftist idealism.

Most media range from far left to a little left, Fox is a stand-out because it is a little to the right.

As for Cosby, the media is doing their job (reporting it) because Cosby is a conservative black man, and therefore he must be removed from a position of authority. Same thing with Ben Carson, Hermann Cain, Clarence Thomas, et al.

Cosby is conservative?

He lives in Hollywood. Check
Was a television star in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's. Check
During the 70's he had an all black animated cast on Saturday morning (only work he could get). Check
During the 80's and 90's The cast was mostly black, what few whites were routinely lampooned. Check
During the series that bore his name, his grandkids were named Winne and Nelson after the Mandelas.

The "liberal media" nonsense is now just a crutch you guys hurl out there whenever one of your guys disappoint. In politics, don't get me wrong, both sides use tools and a tool is fine as long as you don't use it too often. "Liberal media" is now surpassed the "tool" phase and is now your favorite crutch and a fix-all for whatever episode doesn't go your way.

Likely there will be rioting and unrest in the streets in Missouri tonight. Let me know when someone yells "conservative media" in hopes of explaining the showing of black youths smashing windows.

Thank you for proving me right....your ideology prevents you from learning.

The liberal media will certainly show some looting, but they will put it in the context of "a repressed people demonstrating against the verdict exonerating a WHITE police officer who shot an unarmed BLACK child". They won't put it in the context of a 300 pound violent MAN attacked a police officer and wound up getting shot.

Want another example? Did you hear about the two men who were arrested while trying to purchase bomb making materials near Ferguson? Have you heard their names? If you have, then have you heard the names that they have gone by for the last few years? I'll give you a hint, they are Muslim names.
Bill Cosby.

Here is not only an elderly man getting raked over the coals in the media for alleged sexual assaults. But as you know is an elderly black man.

I thought that the conventional wisdom was that you can't attack a black man because you get branded as a racist.

Since the allegations are (in some cases) 30 years old, there is no physical evidence that has come to light, and one of the many accuser's (who have gained traction timing) can be called into question, one can scarcely see any media bias in this case.
So one case ONE and you use that as an example for all others,right ?'s just a "current event". you think Obama's approval ratings would be at 37% if he were a media darling?
His approval rate would be near 20% if he were NOT a media darling.

That being said, at least MOST of America is starting to wake up. But you're still sleeping in....

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