More fake news by Rachel Maddow & MSNBC

Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
You heard a lot in 2 seconds. LOL
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Plenty claims. No links.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Plenty claims. No links.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
US Intelligence disagrees with you.
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Plenty claims. No links.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
US Intelligence disagrees with you.
You were told this by Matt Lauer and you believed it. LMFAO!!!

Orwell LIVES!!!
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.

She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.

Except the Intel community is in agreement that it is known and indeed happened.
intel says russia wanted trump to win - Google Search

Total thread fail.
Last edited:
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
US Intelligence disagrees with you.
You were told this by Matt Lauer and you believed it. LMFAO!!!

Orwell LIVES!!!
No, I assume you get your information from Breitbart.
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
US Intelligence disagrees with you.
You were told this by Matt Lauer and you believed it. LMFAO!!!

Orwell LIVES!!!
No, I assume you get your information from Breitbart. get your information from NPR and CNN...well known DNC news outlets. Why?
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Plenty claims. No links.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.

How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Last edited:
Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.
US Intelligence disagrees with you.
You were told this by Matt Lauer and you believed it. LMFAO!!!

Orwell LIVES!!!
No, I assume you get your information from Breitbart.

No wonder you are totally fn ignorant of what is going on.

Breitbart is Trump's own little propaganda outlet. You seriously didn't know that?
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
Russia not wanting Hillary is not fake news it's fact dumb shit.

And Russia and Breitbart were the ones dumping the fake news. Fox too. Trump exposed fox for their lies when he tweeted news he heard from them. You dumb fucks eat up fake news

See and yet you listed 0 of them, because you just stated propaganda and where did you hear that from that you repeat like a parrot? From Tabloid TV, MSNBC & CNN the same network that Brought you imaginary exclusives like "historical Jesus", fake news about
the James Osury, FAKE news about the shroud of Turin.
I bet you get your history from the history channel too.
None of these topics is important. Just like Hillary being under fire, Warren being an Indian and Monica weren't important lies. Not even conspiring with Russia is that big of a deal. But lying us into Iraq was bad
Russia was meddling before Trump even got the nomination. Maddow is as stupid as her audience

You fail at thought.

Nothing about Russia hacking before Trump nomination preclude them from meddling FOR Trump.

That's like saying that since Putin didn't like America and Clinton he therefore would have no interest in getting Trump elected.

After Trump won big cheeses in Russia were popping bottles publicly and privately. For right wingers to now claim they had no motive to help him is straight nuts.

They Looks distraught there not happy, and in this picture Putin and Hillary seem best buds.
View attachment 119989

That was before Putin figured she can't be bought off, before she called his election a farce and kicked his ass with sanctions for his Ukrainian adventures.

The attempts at equivalency here are LAUGHABLE. No American politician was quite as Russia friendly as Trump.
"Cant be bought off"

So why did she take 12.75 million dollars when she sold out 20% of US uranium.

You snow flakes are part of a snow job... And ignorant too boot.
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.

She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.

Except the Intel community is in agreement that it is known and indeed happened.
intel says russia wanted trump to win - Google Search

Total thread fail.

Ignorant leftard.. who the hell thinks a google search is "evidence"?

You probably believe in the fairy-tale called Man Made Global Warming too..
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Plenty claims. No links.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.

How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Another NPR listener.
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.

She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.

Except the Intel community is in agreement that it is known and indeed happened.
intel says russia wanted trump to win - Google Search

Total thread fail.

Ignorant leftard.. who the hell thinks a google search is "evidence"?

You probably believe in the fairy-tale called Man Made Global Warming too..

No, dope. The information contained within those articles is. But then again, none of you idiots can read past a grade school level.
Russia was meddling before Trump even got the nomination. Maddow is as stupid as her audience

You fail at thought.

Nothing about Russia hacking before Trump nomination preclude them from meddling FOR Trump.

That's like saying that since Putin didn't like America and Clinton he therefore would have no interest in getting Trump elected.

After Trump won big cheeses in Russia were popping bottles publicly and privately. For right wingers to now claim they had no motive to help him is straight nuts.

They Looks distraught there not happy, and in this picture Putin and Hillary seem best buds.
View attachment 119989

That was before Putin figured she can't be bought off, before she called his election a farce and kicked his ass with sanctions for his Ukrainian adventures.

The attempts at equivalency here are LAUGHABLE. No American politician was quite as Russia friendly as Trump.
"Cant be bought off"

So why did she take 12.75 million dollars when she sold out 20% of US uranium.

You snow flakes are part of a snow job... And ignorant too boot.

this bullshit again?

SHE did not take anything. Her FOUNDATION, out of which Clintons do not draw even a dime from, accepted a donation.

SHE also DID NOT SELL ANYTHING. An acquisition of private uranium business, by a company of which Russia owns major stake in was approved as not a threat to our security. Approved not unilaterally by Clinton, as you ignoramuses keep insinuating but by 8 agencies. This uranium CANNOT leave United States.

It's not impossible that there was some subtle backscratching, but the story is quite different from how it is characterized by the wingers.

Oh and of course NONE OF THIS accounts for Trump kissing Putin's ass since begging of times through today, NONE OF THIS can dispute that Clinton has stood up to Putin's charade elections and then put a nice big sanction boot up his ass for Ukranian meddling.
Last edited:
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Do you ever read your own words?
Plenty of Russian connection claims by conspiracy quacks, yet FBI, CIA, NSA and the investigative comittee say there are no found links.
"plenty claims, no links" Your words exactly.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.

How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Another NPR listener.

Another non-reply from a dumbass.
It doesn't pass the smell test that Putin preferred Trump over Hillary. Hillary was going to continue the Obama course, weakening the US military and reducing our presence around the world. She is also famous for the failed "reset" button, while Trump openly and repeatedly vowed to strengthen the US military. Which would a Putin prefer?

I think that Putin had dirt on everybody, and was spreading it around all over the place, trying to gain leverage over whomever won the election. One remembers questionable (read fake) garbage spewed about Trump as well as HIllary during the campaign.
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
The mainstream media has been meddling in our elections for decades. I think the FCC should pull their licenses.
All Russian Communications With The Trump Team Were Recorded.

Nothing was found. No charges, No indictments or even talk of it by any of those theee agencies.

The Investigation really in the end will center On Criminal Activity by Obama and Clinton.

Your are a cluless fabricator.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think that all conversations were recorded of people who where not even targets
The MSM, where libs get all their information, is flaming about Trump and Russian collusion and nothing is said about Obama surveilling the Trump team.

Lib Think:
1. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election (no proof required, just lots of MSM reporting suffices)
2. Obama surveilling Trump...that is so funny...the Great Obama would never do that. No MSM reporting means it is a non-story.

The making of dupes.

How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Another NPR listener.

Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else?

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