More good news on the Climate Change front

The levels of man created GHGs in the atmosphere continues to climb. The alpine glaciers and continental ice caps continue to melt. The oceans continue to warm. But nothing is connected.

The science is clear, the attempts at denial are numerous, and when reality demonstrates the price of that denial, it will be far to late to retrieve what we had.

Repent! Repent! The end is near!
How does forcing us all to live like serfs freezing in the dark "leaving a habital planet?"

It doesn't. So why are you attempting to do that? We're not. We're the ones planning ahead for when the fossil fuels are gone. If we followed your "do nothing" plan, we'd all be left shivering in the dark.

AGW is a con, a farce, a huge swindle. That's all it has ever been.

Does the emotional satisfaction you get from getting those accolades from your fellow cultists make up for all that humiliation coming your way from normal people? For your sake, I hope so, because it's not going to get any less humiliating for denier cult members. When they start screaming that light bulbs are totalitarianism, normal people just twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.

ROFL! You're not including yourself when you refer to "normal people," are you?
Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.
You Global Warming wingnuts want absolute Government control of the People.

First, No. No one wants that. But how is changing your lightbulb or any other Global Warming solution "total control"?

That is Totalitarianism. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman, just build your Ark and leave us alone. You make your own decisions. I won't force you in any way. That's the difference between you and I. You have the freedom to choose how you want to deal with your Global Warming Boogeyman. Just don't try to force your agenda on others by way of Government oppression.

I'll ask again...What Govt Oppression?

Time for you wingnuts to build your Arks and then go away. I won't stop you. You're free to make your own decisions. We certainly don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So stop trying to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

See what happens when you say things you dont understand? You cant even explain your own words.

What Govt Oppression? What Totalitarianism? How? Examples....Go!
I agree with you, but you cannot deny that there are some people who are using the issue of global warming only as a way to claim more money and power.

I hear this often so I'll ask: Is your paranoia about Climate Science strickly based on some people being able to make money from it or is it the science? Are people not supposed to make money ONLY in this field for it to be "valid" in your eyes?

Not when they are making that money from a total scam. The left always screams about money being transferred from the poor to the rich, what do you think carbon credits would have done?

Paranoia is too strong a word, very leery of people who use real issues to further their own agenda would be better.

That is the element that worries me. People who push for "carbon tax credits" as a way to curb global warming will meet my full opposition. And I will never side with anyone who thinks the US should pay other countries to help with their pollution, treating the US as though we are the sole bad guy in this issue.

We're not the only bad guys and I agree other countries need to step up but why play a game of chicken because another country wants too? Like "Hey I'm not going to do anything about pollution or global warming because Billy isnt doing anything! Not Fair!

The US is doing something about pollution and global warming, here, in our own country. If another country wants to do something about themselves then fine, but I will fight any attempt to get the US to pay for their problems. We simply don't have the money.

I don't care what people believe as far as the climate. You can be a "cultist" or a "denier", that's your right to believe what you want. It's when one side or the other starts pushing for dangerous legislation that I care.

What "dangerous legislation" are you referring too? Light bulbs? Frankly you should care because people can believe what they want but there is only TRUE or FALSE. What they are doing is believing something is false based on nothing and dismissing science for assumptions, logical leaps and innuendo WHILE the problem continues.

Aren't you doing the same thing by ignoring the fact that the US has been doing something for over 40 years now? And the left doesn't help their own cause much. Allowing the EPA to label a naturally occurring gas, one that is essential for all life on the planet, as a pollutant only pushes people away.

To put it another way: Firefighters have determined the house is on fire but there is a group of people stopping the fire from being put out because they want to know how much the chief gets or because they suspect the Firefighters want to control fire itself.

When asked "how?" the crowd goes: You cant deny that someone wants to benefit from putting out this fire.

Like...what? :lol:

Horrible analogy. The damage from a fire is quick and can be obviously viewed by anyone who isn't blind. And putting out the fire won't hurt the business down the road, carbon tax credits would have.
Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.

Is the woods part of the globe you think?
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

It has already gone much farther than that. Obama is getting ready to implement regulations that will shut down all the coal fired power plants in the country. That will drive the cost of electric power sky high and put thosands of coal miners out of work. Thousands of other people will lose their jobs when higher electricity prices cause corporations to cut back their work forces to cut costs.

Note that baseline. Emissions from US power plants have already fallen roughly 15 percent between 2005 and 2013 — in part because of the recession, and in part because cheap natural gas has edged out dirtier coal power in the past decade.

So this rule would effectively aim to cut power plant emissions 17 percent between now and 2030.

Electricity prices: The EPA estimates that US retail electricity prices will increase roughly 4 percent to 7 percent by 2020, mainly because natural gas will get more expensive as it's more widely used. (A lot depends on what options electric utilities use to reduce emissions.)

But will Americans pay more overall? That's less clear. The EPA argues that greater energy efficiency will actually reduce the average household electricity bill by about 8 percent in 2030. In other words, electricity will be a bit more expensive, but we'll be using it more efficiently.

For context, it's worth noting that US residential electricity prices are currently near historic lows:

A guide to Obama's new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants - Vox
Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.

Translation: Acting responsibly is a pain in the ass and best left to other people.
Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.

Translation: Acting responsibly is a pain in the ass and best left to other people.

Like i said, you're free to go off the grid or build an Ark. That's your call. But you will not be allowed to force your agenda by way of Government intimidation and force. I never asked you to save me from the Global Warming Boogeyman. That's your little bugaboo, not mine. I don't need more Government in my life. I value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear Global Warming. So you run along and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave us alone.
I agree with you, but you cannot deny that there are some people who are using the issue of global warming only as a way to claim more money and power.

I hear this often so I'll ask: Is your paranoia about Climate Science strickly based on some people being able to make money from it or is it the science? Are people not supposed to make money ONLY in this field for it to be "valid" in your eyes?

Not when they are making that money from a total scam. The left always screams about money being transferred from the poor to the rich, what do you think carbon credits would have done?

Paranoia is too strong a word, very leery of people who use real issues to further their own agenda would be better.

The US is doing something about pollution and global warming, here, in our own country. If another country wants to do something about themselves then fine, but I will fight any attempt to get the US to pay for their problems. We simply don't have the money.

What "dangerous legislation" are you referring too? Light bulbs? Frankly you should care because people can believe what they want but there is only TRUE or FALSE. What they are doing is believing something is false based on nothing and dismissing science for assumptions, logical leaps and innuendo WHILE the problem continues.

Aren't you doing the same thing by ignoring the fact that the US has been doing something for over 40 years now? And the left doesn't help their own cause much. Allowing the EPA to label a naturally occurring gas, one that is essential for all life on the planet, as a pollutant only pushes people away.

To put it another way: Firefighters have determined the house is on fire but there is a group of people stopping the fire from being put out because they want to know how much the chief gets or because they suspect the Firefighters want to control fire itself.

When asked "how?" the crowd goes: You cant deny that someone wants to benefit from putting out this fire.

Like...what? :lol:

Horrible analogy. The damage from a fire is quick and can be obviously viewed by anyone who isn't blind. And putting out the fire won't hurt the business down the road, carbon tax credits would have.

So Global Warming science isnt real because Carbon Credits and stuff?

Forget the carbon credits I'm talking about the science and the earth and you're talking about money. I said I dont want to pay for other countries either but thats not a reason to calll Global Warming a scam
I hear this often so I'll ask: Is your paranoia about Climate Science strickly based on some people being able to make money from it or is it the science? Are people not supposed to make money ONLY in this field for it to be "valid" in your eyes?

Not when they are making that money from a total scam. The left always screams about money being transferred from the poor to the rich, what do you think carbon credits would have done?

Paranoia is too strong a word, very leery of people who use real issues to further their own agenda would be better.

The US is doing something about pollution and global warming, here, in our own country. If another country wants to do something about themselves then fine, but I will fight any attempt to get the US to pay for their problems. We simply don't have the money.

Aren't you doing the same thing by ignoring the fact that the US has been doing something for over 40 years now? And the left doesn't help their own cause much. Allowing the EPA to label a naturally occurring gas, one that is essential for all life on the planet, as a pollutant only pushes people away.

To put it another way: Firefighters have determined the house is on fire but there is a group of people stopping the fire from being put out because they want to know how much the chief gets or because they suspect the Firefighters want to control fire itself.

When asked "how?" the crowd goes: You cant deny that someone wants to benefit from putting out this fire.

Like...what? :lol:

Horrible analogy. The damage from a fire is quick and can be obviously viewed by anyone who isn't blind. And putting out the fire won't hurt the business down the road, carbon tax credits would have.

So Global Warming science isnt real because Carbon Credits and stuff?

Forget the carbon credits I'm talking about the science and the earth and you're talking about money. I said I dont want to pay for other countries either but thats not a reason to calll Global Warming a scam

Looks like you better get to building that Ark son. You should get right on that. But leave the rest of us alone. We don't want or need your saving. We don't want more Government in our lives. Capisce.
Not when they are making that money from a total scam. The left always screams about money being transferred from the poor to the rich, what do you think carbon credits would have done?

Paranoia is too strong a word, very leery of people who use real issues to further their own agenda would be better.

The US is doing something about pollution and global warming, here, in our own country. If another country wants to do something about themselves then fine, but I will fight any attempt to get the US to pay for their problems. We simply don't have the money.

Aren't you doing the same thing by ignoring the fact that the US has been doing something for over 40 years now? And the left doesn't help their own cause much. Allowing the EPA to label a naturally occurring gas, one that is essential for all life on the planet, as a pollutant only pushes people away.

Horrible analogy. The damage from a fire is quick and can be obviously viewed by anyone who isn't blind. And putting out the fire won't hurt the business down the road, carbon tax credits would have.

So Global Warming science isnt real because Carbon Credits and stuff?

Forget the carbon credits I'm talking about the science and the earth and you're talking about money. I said I dont want to pay for other countries either but thats not a reason to calll Global Warming a scam

Looks like you better get to building that Ark son. You should get right on that. But leave the rest of us alone. We don't want or need your saving. We don't want more Government in our lives. Capisce.

I'm just surprised you thought the woods wasnt part of the globe

Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.

Is the woods part of the globe you think?

Tells me everything I need to know about your logic
So Global Warming science isnt real because Carbon Credits and stuff?

Forget the carbon credits I'm talking about the science and the earth and you're talking about money. I said I dont want to pay for other countries either but thats not a reason to calll Global Warming a scam

Looks like you better get to building that Ark son. You should get right on that. But leave the rest of us alone. We don't want or need your saving. We don't want more Government in our lives. Capisce.

I'm just surprised you thought the woods wasnt part of the globe

Here, i'll sum it up for you Global Warming wingnuts. We don't want or need your saving. You wanna save the World and prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse, than so be it. That's your call. But you won't be allowed to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

You're free to go off the grid and live in the woods, or build an Ark. Just do what you think is best to save the World. I certainly won't stop you. Because that's what Freedom & Liberty is all about. We don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So you go on and fight your Global Warming Boogeyman. But leave the rest of us alone.

Is the woods part of the globe you think?

Tells me everything I need to know about your logic

Hey dipshit, put your money where your big mouth is. Just go off the grid, ride a bike, and build that Ark. Go fight your Global Warming Boogeyman and save the World. You're free to make your own decisions. No one's stopping you. But you're not gonna be allowed to your force your agenda on the rest of us. So put your money where that big mouth is, and grab a hammer. That Ark ain't gonna build itself. :)
Off the grid is part of the globe too dummy lol

You grab the hammer and nails yet? Look dipshit, that Ark ain't gonna build itself. The seas are rising, we're all gonna be dead soon. So what are you waiting for? Stop being lazy.
Off the grid is part of the globe too dummy lol

The concept and term 'Off the Grid' obviously escapes your pea brain. Now run along and fight your evil Global Warming Boogeyman. Should keep ya busy for awhile. Off ya go now. Bye bye. :)
Off the grid is part of the globe too dummy lol

The concept and term 'Off the Grid' obviously escapes your pea brain. Now run along and fight your evil Global Warming Boogeyman. Should keep ya busy for awhile. Off ya go now. Bye bye. :)

I've got a better idea. Why don't you build a coal fueled house? Make sure you keep all the pollution you create burning your coal on your property too.
I hear this often so I'll ask: Is your paranoia about Climate Science strickly based on some people being able to make money from it or is it the science? Are people not supposed to make money ONLY in this field for it to be "valid" in your eyes?

Not when they are making that money from a total scam. The left always screams about money being transferred from the poor to the rich, what do you think carbon credits would have done?

Paranoia is too strong a word, very leery of people who use real issues to further their own agenda would be better.

The US is doing something about pollution and global warming, here, in our own country. If another country wants to do something about themselves then fine, but I will fight any attempt to get the US to pay for their problems. We simply don't have the money.

Aren't you doing the same thing by ignoring the fact that the US has been doing something for over 40 years now? And the left doesn't help their own cause much. Allowing the EPA to label a naturally occurring gas, one that is essential for all life on the planet, as a pollutant only pushes people away.

To put it another way: Firefighters have determined the house is on fire but there is a group of people stopping the fire from being put out because they want to know how much the chief gets or because they suspect the Firefighters want to control fire itself.

When asked "how?" the crowd goes: You cant deny that someone wants to benefit from putting out this fire.

Like...what? :lol:

Horrible analogy. The damage from a fire is quick and can be obviously viewed by anyone who isn't blind. And putting out the fire won't hurt the business down the road, carbon tax credits would have.

So Global Warming science isnt real because Carbon Credits and stuff?

Forget the carbon credits I'm talking about the science and the earth and you're talking about money. I said I dont want to pay for other countries either but thats not a reason to calll Global Warming a scam

Exactly. You'll notice they all shut up when its pointed out that they're arguing about the solution method and not the actual issue of AGW. Fine, let's stop pretending global warming isn't real and start discussing how the best remedy it. That's when they disappear.
Looks like you better get to building that Ark son. You should get right on that. But leave the rest of us alone. We don't want or need your saving. We don't want more Government in our lives. Capisce.

I'm just surprised you thought the woods wasnt part of the globe

Is the woods part of the globe you think?

Tells me everything I need to know about your logic

Hey dipshit, put your money where your big mouth is. Just go off the grid, ride a bike, and build that Ark. Go fight your Global Warming Boogeyman and save the World. You're free to make your own decisions. No one's stopping you. But you're not gonna be allowed to your force your agenda on the rest of us. So put your money where that big mouth is, and grab a hammer. That Ark ain't gonna build itself. :)

Where will this ark go? Because unless said ark can travel in to space, it's still going to be affected by GLOBAL warming.

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