More good news on the Climate Change front

And I note that you didnt read the rest of it and I'll name another bad guy right now and you still wont address my point.


There, now is that what you needed to address my point?
The numbers you're using don't appear to come from the link you provided. But the graph they provide shows a fairly clear upward trend even in the last 10 years.

The data I used was from the (7?) climate centers that compute average global temperature.

Those numbers came directly from the site.

Here's what I see:

Year, Anomaly, Rank
1998 0.67°C 132
1999 0.41°C 118
2000 0.49°C 122
2001 0.61°C 129
2002 0.57°C 126
2003 0.61°C 129
2004 0.47°C 120
2005 0.66°C 131
2006 0.54°C 124
2007 0.58°C 127
2008 0.48°C 121
2009 0.56°C 125
2010 0.72°C 134
2011 0.54°C 124
2012 0.68°C 133
2013 0.66°C 131
2014 0.74°C 135

Here is the plot I did. 1998 to 2014, 12 months, global land sea temperature. I am not getting anything like what you have even for the US

Not sure why the abnormally would change but I think you are doing a plot of time over more then 1998 to 2014 then just cutting out those dates.
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Since 2005? Wasn't that one of the hottest years in the US due to a very warm el Nino?

Sea Ice? What matters in Antarctica is the Ice trapped on land, and that is still melting into the sea. Fresh water freezes at a higher temperature than salt water. So I would be suprised if that is one of the reason there was an increase in the sea ice.

Antarctic ice is at record levels, not sure your concern.

Sea ice, which melts every year. In the meantime, the continental ice is decreasing by billions of tons yearly.

Measuring changes in Antarctic land ice mass has been a difficult process due to the ice
sheet's massive size and complexity. However, since the 1990s satellites have been launched that allow us to measure those changes. There are three entirely different approaches, and they all agree within their measurement uncertainties. The most recent estimate of land ice change that combines estimates from these three approaches reported (Shepherd and others, 2012) that between 1992 and 2011, the Antarctic Ice Sheets overall lost 1350 gigatonnes (Gt) or 1,350,000,000,000 tonnes into the oceans, at an average rate of 70 Gt per year (Gt/yr). Because a reduction in mass of 360 Gt/year represents an annual global-average sea level rise of 1 mm, these estimates equate to an increase in global-average sea levels by 0.19 mm/yr, or 1.9 mm per decade. Together with the land ice loss from Greenland, this represents about 30% of the observed global-average sea level rise over this period.
Sea ice yeah we see ice. We see record sea ice.

Derp Derp model derpa Derp predict derpa derpa see ice
Total horseshit. We should be looking into all alternative forms of energy. No one, even the oil companies, has ever said otherwise.

But until we find something that will power our millions of cars, trucks, buses, trains, and planes, we need oil. This country has plenty of untapped oil, its foolish not to use it.

Who is suggesting we abandon all oil usage today?

I think that "all" is a bit much but certainly much less is a goal. Now I assume you will come back asking how they are limiting the use. Well prices is how. Obama himself said that he wanted higher prices only not so quickly. Higher prices does one thing, reduces the use by the poor and the middle class. The rich they don't care at all.

Then you're saying that Obama is sticking it to the people he used to get to office? Yep, that is accurate!
My regards to the climate change issue?

that is the subject

I don't have one. I look at the subject like this.

Clean air and water is better than dirty air and water.
Not being dependent on a finite energy sources is better than being so dependent.

Therefore, I am in favor of policies that promote clean air and water....and that lead to the effective development of renewable energy sources. These things happen to be in line with what science is recommending we do to address climate change.

This reasoned approach only appears like an agenda to nutjobs who are hopelessly mired in the political echo chamber and see such positive things as a power grab.

Do you honestly believe that there are many people who are not in favor of clean air and clean water? The honest question is, are you in favor of cleaner air and cleaner water, if getting there is destructive to the economy and people's lives?

Do you honestly believe that many Americans support dependence on a finite source of energy? The honest question is, what is the best solution to the period between dependence upon oil, and adequate energy from renewable sources?

Pie in the sky sounds nice, but cannot be considered a reasoned approach to any problem. The difference between a dream and a goal, is a viable plan to get there.
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

In your opinion why did we need a different light bulb?
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

You Global Warming wingnuts want absolute Government control of the People. That is Totalitarianism. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman, just build your Ark and leave us alone. You make your own decisions. I won't force you in any way. That's the difference between you and I. You have the freedom to choose how you want to deal with your Global Warming Boogeyman. Just don't try to force your agenda on others by way of Government oppression.
global warming is not about the climate

it is about control

What, in your opinion, is their goal of this control? Is it, as I suspect, that they just need to be right? That they need to tell everyone what to do and what to think thus increasing their self worth? If there is an agenda what do you think it might be? Honestly not echo chamber BS.

Heaven forbid that the believers in GW want to leave a habitable planet for the next 100 generations. Heaven forbid. How dare they.

How does forcing us all to live like serfs freezing in the dark equate to "leaving a habital planet?"

AGW is a con, a farce, a huge swindle. That's all it has ever been.
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When you are not permitted to can cry about totalitarianism. I'll be there beside you. Until then.....please stop the hysterics. We elect our government representatives.

This is true, though. If you want to draw nutters to a discussion....ask them to tell you what liberals think and want. For fucks all are a buch of weirdos.
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

In your opinion why did we need a different light bulb?

You're not going to make this about me. We got it and you are crying about it like its the end of the world....You are making a mountain out of a molehill and expect people to see it BUT you cant explain it
I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

It has already gone much farther than that. Obama is getting ready to implement regulations that will shut down all the coal fired power plants in the country. That will drive the cost of electric power sky high and put thosands of coal miners out of work. Thousands of other people will lose their jobs when higher electricity prices cause corporations to cut back their work forces to cut costs.
Antarctic ice is at record levels, not sure your concern.

Sea ice, which melts every year. In the meantime, the continental ice is decreasing by billions of tons yearly.

Measuring changes in Antarctic land ice mass has been a difficult process due to the ice
sheet's massive size and complexity. However, since the 1990s satellites have been launched that allow us to measure those changes. There are three entirely different approaches, and they all agree within their measurement uncertainties. The most recent estimate of land ice change that combines estimates from these three approaches reported (Shepherd and others, 2012) that between 1992 and 2011, the Antarctic Ice Sheets overall lost 1350 gigatonnes (Gt) or 1,350,000,000,000 tonnes into the oceans, at an average rate of 70 Gt per year (Gt/yr). Because a reduction in mass of 360 Gt/year represents an annual global-average sea level rise of 1 mm, these estimates equate to an increase in global-average sea levels by 0.19 mm/yr, or 1.9 mm per decade. Together with the land ice loss from Greenland, this represents about 30% of the observed global-average sea level rise over this period.
Sea ice yeah we see ice. We see record sea ice.

Derp Derp model derpa Derp predict derpa derpa see ice

Yeah, it is pretty humorous at this point. I just tell em to build their Arks and leave the rest of us alone. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman rather than the Government control freaks. I value my Freedom & Liberty more than i fear Global Warming.
Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

In your opinion why did we need a different light bulb?

You're not going to make this about me. We got it and you are crying about it like its the end of the world....You are making a mountain out of a molehill and expect people to see it BUT you cant explain it

We got it because morons like you supported it. This is about you and all your ilk. Leave the rest of us alone.
When you are not permitted to can cry about totalitarianism. I'll be there beside you. Until then.....please stop the hysterics. We elect our government representatives.

This is true, though. If you want to draw nutters to a discussion....ask them to tell you what liberals think and want. For fucks all are a buch of weirdos.

ROFL! Sorry, but voting is not the sole determination of freedom. It's just another form of tyranny. We are already not permitted to vote on most of the things that affect us, like Obamacare and the new EPA regulations Obama is ramming down our throats.
When you are not permitted to can cry about totalitarianism. I'll be there beside you. Until then.....please stop the hysterics. We elect our government representatives.

This is true, though. If you want to draw nutters to a discussion....ask them to tell you what liberals think and want. For fucks all are a buch of weirdos.

You Global Warming wingnuts need to build your Arks and then STFU. I value Freedom & Liberty more than i fear Global Warming.
How does forcing us all to live like serfs freezing in the dark "leaving a habital planet?"

It doesn't. So why are you attempting to do that? We're not. We're the ones planning ahead for when the fossil fuels are gone. If we followed your "do nothing" plan, we'd all be left shivering in the dark.

AGW is a con, a farce, a huge swindle. That's all it has ever been.

Does the emotional satisfaction you get from getting those accolades from your fellow cultists make up for all that humiliation coming your way from normal people? For your sake, I hope so, because it's not going to get any less humiliating for denier cult members. When they start screaming that light bulbs are totalitarianism, normal people just twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.
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I'm willing to take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. The alternative is much worse. I will not submit to Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman so much, just build an Ark and leave the rest of us alone. It's your call. We don't want your Totalitarianism.

Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

You Global Warming wingnuts want absolute Government control of the People.

First, No. No one wants that. But how is changing your lightbulb or any other Global Warming solution "total control"?

That is Totalitarianism. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman, just build your Ark and leave us alone. You make your own decisions. I won't force you in any way. That's the difference between you and I. You have the freedom to choose how you want to deal with your Global Warming Boogeyman. Just don't try to force your agenda on others by way of Government oppression.

I'll ask again...What Govt Oppression?
Calling a different light bulb Totalitarianism is a bit of a stretch is it not?

You Global Warming wingnuts want absolute Government control of the People.

First, No. No one wants that. But how is changing your lightbulb or any other Global Warming solution "total control"?

That is Totalitarianism. If you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman, just build your Ark and leave us alone. You make your own decisions. I won't force you in any way. That's the difference between you and I. You have the freedom to choose how you want to deal with your Global Warming Boogeyman. Just don't try to force your agenda on others by way of Government oppression.

I'll ask again...What Govt Oppression?

Time for you wingnuts to build your Arks and then go away. I won't stop you. You're free to make your own decisions. We certainly don't need more Government in our lives. We need less. So stop trying to force your agenda on the People by way of Government intimidation & force.

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