More Guns, More Murder

Guns don't just go off. Someone must pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. And a gun has never saved a life, they only shoot bullets.

So, were you born with severe brain damage? Did you pick up a parasite?

Real story.

My ex was a crazy bitch. She was bad news all around. She was into drugs - meth - and associated with bad people. (I was incredibly naive/willfully ignorant at the time). While I would be off at school and work for 16 hours a day, she would be involved with bad people.

One night, one of her drug buddies kicked in our side door with machete in his hand, promising to hack her into bits, then come after me, then our 3 children.

I pulled my .44 revolver and forced him to drop the machete, and lay down until the cops showed up. When they got there 40 minutes later, they arrested him, then arrested me for brandishing a weapon in a rude and threatening manner.

I learned a few things that night. Guns save lives. Cops don't save lives and are part of the criminal element.

Now the reality is that you a partisan hack who knows you are lying - guns save lives all the time. You seek to end civil rights, as does your shameful party, so you lie.

But your lie is stupid - really stupid.

I don't buy that story, sounds like a load of bullshit.
I don't buy that story, sounds like a load of bullshit.

Guns don't just go off. Someone must pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. And a gun has never saved a life, they only shoot bullets.

So, were you born with severe brain damage? Did you pick up a parasite?

Real story.

My ex was a crazy bitch. She was bad news all around. She was into drugs - meth - and associated with bad people. (I was incredibly naive/willfully ignorant at the time). While I would be off at school and work for 16 hours a day, she would be involved with bad people.

One night, one of her drug buddies kicked in our side door with machete in his hand, promising to hack her into bits, then come after me, then our 3 children.

I pulled my .44 revolver and forced him to drop the machete, and lay down until the cops showed up. When they got there 40 minutes later, they arrested him, then arrested me for brandishing a weapon in a rude and threatening manner.

I learned a few things that night. Guns save lives. Cops don't save lives and are part of the criminal element.

Now the reality is that you a partisan hack who knows you are lying - guns save lives all the time. You seek to end civil rights, as does your shameful party, so you lie.

But your lie is stupid - really stupid.

BWAH HA HA HA HA! You married a sleazy bitch, now THAT is stupid. BWAH HA HA! Sleaze balls marry their own kind.
medical errors cause 195,000 deaths a year in the usa and liberals ar ok the healthcare reform legislation only spreads the wealth and doesn't address the issues. much like their gun control legislation. no issues addressed.
The largest study of gun violence in the United States, released Thursday afternoon, confirms a point that should be obvious: widespread American gun ownership is fueling America’s gun violence epidemic.


Let's a just look at two examples and explain how "more" guns are fueling gun violence epidemic

1- Isn't it a FACT that Sandy Hook Elementary was a GUN FREE ZONE? Was anyone able to stop the retarded son of bitch?

2- Isn't it a FACT that since 1965 Airplanes are GUN FREE ZONES. That none of the freemen inside the 09/11 aircraft could stop the sons of bitches?

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The largest study of gun violence in the United States, released Thursday afternoon, confirms a point that should be obvious: widespread American gun ownership is fueling America’s gun violence epidemic.

The study, by Professor Michael Siegel at Boston University and two coauthors, has been peer-reviewed and is forthcoming in the American Journal of Public Health. Siegel and his colleagues compiled data on firearm homicides from all 50 states from 1981-2010, the longest stretch of time ever studied in this fashion, and set about seeing whether they could find any relationship between changes in gun ownership and murder using guns over time.

Since we know that violent crime rates overall declined during that period of time, the authors used something called “fixed effect regression” to account for any national trend other than changes in gun ownership. They also employed the largest-ever number of statistical controls for other variables in this kind of gun study: “age, gender, race/ethnicity, urbanization, poverty, unemployment, income, education, income inequality, divorce rate, alcohol use, violent crime rate, nonviolent crime rate, hate crime rate, number of hunting licenses, age-adjusted nonfirearm homicide rate, incarceration rate,and suicide rate” were all accounted for.

No good data on national rates of gun ownership exist (partly because of the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress), so the authors used the percentage of suicides that involve a firearm (FS/S) as a proxy. The theory, backed up by a wealth of data, is that the more guns there are any in any one place, the higher the percentage of people who commit suicide with guns as opposed to other mechanisms will be.

With all this preliminary work in hand, the authors ran a series of regressions to see what effect the overall national decline in firearm ownership from 1981 to 2010 had on gun homicides. The result was staggering: “for each 1 percentage point increase in proportion of household gun ownership,” Siegel et al. found, “firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9″ percent. A one standard deviation change in firearm ownership shifted gun murders by a staggering 12.9 percent.

To put this in perspective, take the state of Mississippi. “All other factors being equal,” the authors write, “our model would predict that if the FS/S in Mississippi were 57.7% (the average for all states) instead of 76.8% (the highest of all states), its firearm homicide rate would be 17% lower.” Since 475 people were murdered with a gun in Mississippi in 2010, that drop in gun ownership would translate to 80 lives saved in that year alone.

Of course, the authors don’t find that rates of gun ownership explain all of America’s gun violence epidemic: race, economic inequality and generally violent areas all contribute to an area’s propensity for gun deaths, suggesting that broader social inequality, not gun ownership alone, contributes to the gun violence epidemic. Nevertheless, the fact that gun ownership mattered even when race and poverty were accounted for suggests that we can’t avoid talking about America’s fascination with guns when debating what to do about the roughly 11,000 Americans who are yearly murdered by gunfire.

Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder | ThinkProgress

Try more population = more murder. That's probably more likely.

Fifty percent of Switzerlands population own guns. They're not murdering each other.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
Try more population = more murder. That's probably more likely.

Fifty percent of Switzerlands population own guns. They're not murdering each other.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

Murder is declining - sharply,

The OP was lying. The study cited falsified data to get a result that meets the political agenda of those conducting the study.

It's a fraud, as are the "researchers" who published it.
After analyzing the state by state gun ownership rate vs the gun murder rate, it's quite obvious that those states with higher rates of gun ownership tend to have fewer gun related murders. This is only normal as criminals will hesitate to commit gun related crimes where chances of being shot are not in their favor.

I noticed that the District of Columbia with the lowest rate of gun ownership (3.6%), has the highest rate of gun murders (16.5%). I also noticed that Wyoming with the highest rate of gun ownership (59.7%) has one of the lowest rates of gun murders (0.9%).


Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guns don't just go off. Someone must pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. And a gun has never saved a life, they only shoot bullets.

So, were you born with severe brain damage? Did you pick up a parasite?

Real story.

My ex was a crazy bitch. She was bad news all around. She was into drugs - meth - and associated with bad people. (I was incredibly naive/willfully ignorant at the time). While I would be off at school and work for 16 hours a day, she would be involved with bad people.

One night, one of her drug buddies kicked in our side door with machete in his hand, promising to hack her into bits, then come after me, then our 3 children.

I pulled my .44 revolver and forced him to drop the machete, and lay down until the cops showed up. When they got there 40 minutes later, they arrested him, then arrested me for brandishing a weapon in a rude and threatening manner.

I learned a few things that night. Guns save lives. Cops don't save lives and are part of the criminal element.

Now the reality is that you a partisan hack who knows you are lying - guns save lives all the time. You seek to end civil rights, as does your shameful party, so you lie.

But your lie is stupid - really stupid.

Bravo! B R A V O ! !

(Where did you live when this happened?)
Guns don't just go off. Someone must pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. And a gun has never saved a life, they only shoot bullets.

Wow. Good to see that you are at least teachable. Guns are a tool. They aren't the problem. Getting rid of them will solve nothing. Take away hammers and someone will figure out a way to drive nails. The problem is people. That's what you have to fix. Taking guns away will not keep a mentally unstable person from killing another. They will just find another tool. For instance.....

Girl, 11, Suffered 40 Stab Wounds; 14-Year-Old Half-Sister Charged With Murder « CBS Chicago


The problem is that those who advocate to disarm the citizenry, are the same one's advocating against that human responsibility is the sustaining element of human rights.

Anyone looking for the answer to this 'problem', need look no further than the INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT, that by removing from the equation, the Population Centers which have been governed by the Ideological Left for a generation or more, the United States becomes the safest place on earth. And this with no close second.

Therefore it becomes clear to the objective observer that "The Problem = The Ideological Left".

But common sense requires that such would be the case, given that the Ideological Left is comprised solely of Children and Fools.
Try more population = more murder. That's probably more likely.

Fifty percent of Switzerlands population own guns. They're not murdering each other.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

Murder is declining - sharply,

The OP was lying. The study cited falsified data to get a result that meets the political agenda of those conducting the study.

It's a fraud, as are the "researchers" who published it.

The "Study" was composed by Socialists.

Socialism rests in Relativism.

Relativism rejects Objectivity.

Objectivity is essential to truth, trust, morality and justice.

Now the objective observer will recognize that where objectivity is not applied, there can be no recognition of truth and, where truth is not possible, there is no basis to establish trust, therefore morality is impossible and absent morality, justice cannot be served.

The Problem is not guns. The Problem is the presence of the Ideological Left and, the problem is never more severe, than where the Ideological Left is found to exist in human governance.
Guns don't just go off. Someone must pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. And a gun has never saved a life, they only shoot bullets.

So, were you born with severe brain damage? Did you pick up a parasite?

Real story.

My ex was a crazy bitch. She was bad news all around. She was into drugs - meth - and associated with bad people. (I was incredibly naive/willfully ignorant at the time). While I would be off at school and work for 16 hours a day, she would be involved with bad people.

One night, one of her drug buddies kicked in our side door with machete in his hand, promising to hack her into bits, then come after me, then our 3 children.

I pulled my .44 revolver and forced him to drop the machete, and lay down until the cops showed up. When they got there 40 minutes later, they arrested him, then arrested me for brandishing a weapon in a rude and threatening manner.

I learned a few things that night. Guns save lives. Cops don't save lives and are part of the criminal element.

Now the reality is that you a partisan hack who knows you are lying - guns save lives all the time. You seek to end civil rights, as does your shameful party, so you lie.

But your lie is stupid - really stupid.

Bravo! B R A V O ! !

(Where did you live when this happened?)

Azusa, CA.
The largest study of gun violence in the United States, released Thursday afternoon, confirms a point that should be obvious: widespread American gun ownership is fueling America’s gun violence epidemic.


Let's a just look at two examples and explain how "more" guns are fueling gun violence epidemic

1- Isn't it a FACT that Sandy Hook Elementary was a GUN FREE ZONE? Was anyone able to stop the retarded son of bitch?

2- Isn't it a FACT that since 1965 Airplanes are GUN FREE ZONES. That none of the freemen inside the 09/11 aircraft could stop the sons of bitches?


Yo hangover, answer the fucking questions even when in so doing your premise is destroyed.


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