More guns sure make us more safe.

"More guns make us more safe."

Yeah, that's why we have by far the highest homicide rate of all developed nations.

O.k. Math time…..

Europeans murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years, between 1939-1945. These are not casualties of the war, they were civilians rounded up by the socialists and murdered…..after the Europeans registered then banned and confiscated guns.

Over 1 million children were murdered.

15 million in 6 years.

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

And the vast majority of those murdered were not innocent people, they were criminals.

So…get out your pencils…….

15 million in 6 years.

2,460,000 in 246 years.

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to equal the number of people murdered by their governments in Europe?
Please show your work, as it will explain why Americans with guns saves lives….

Switzerland didn’t give up their guns……..and they too didn’t participate in the genocide and mass murder….
Bullshit. American ignorance of the world is surpassed only by its self delusion. Here's Australia as an example.

You'd have to ask the 2A nutters of which you are one. They are the ones who keep saying the problem is mental illness.
Well, it appears that mental illness is 18 times greater than in the rest of the developed world.
Something in America must be driving them crazy. The gun culture, perhaps?
Maybe the endless war against the Blacks?
Blaming the Texas mall mass shooting on mental health issues obscures the real problem - Vox

Are you really this fucking stupid…..

Young black males make up 7% of our population, but they commit well over 50% of all the murders……murdering mostly young black males…..

Blacks murder more whites than whites murder blacks..,,,,,

More whites own guns than blacks, but more blacks commit murder with guns…

Where in any of that is your stupid post even remotely true?
Apparently that's only because you have the highest rate of mental illness of all the developed nations. Roughly 18 times the rate of the others it would seem. Because that's the argument I hear in regard to the firearm homicide rate, 'It's mental illness'.

The US is driving its citizens crazy...


We had 12 mass public shootings in 2022……

12 people out of over 350,000,000

total murdered 74

99.99999% of our gun murder problem is a direct result of the democrat party and its policies….

1) they have attacked the police to the point they can’t or won’t stop criminals.

2) democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians refuse to keep violent criminals in jail and prison

3) the democrats erased our southern border with the Narco state of Mexico allowing the drug cartels and other criminals free access to our country

The democrat party is our problem and the cities they control where almost all of the gun murder takes place……

but you are too stupid to understand these issues…and your blind hatred of guns…..guns that are used 1.1 million times a year to save lives, according to the CDC…..makes you an irrational idiot….
I guess that's in places where citizens are being driven more crazy...


You are one of the idiots who keep pushing this lie…… have been shown over and over the truth, yet you keep lying to push your agenda……you are a vile asshole.

Every one of those states has cities and counties under the total control of the democrat party….and those cities and counties are where the gun murder happens… lying piece of crap.
Lol. You have more armed citizens and households than just about any developed nation and are in more danger of being shot than in just about any developed nation.

You guys are barking mad.

Oh right.

That's why you have the firearms homicide rate you do, your citizens are being driven crazy.

My bad.

No, we aren’t……..young black males in democrat party controlled cities are the ones in danger ……from other young black males……as a direct result of democrat party policies…..

but you refuse to understand the democrat party is the cause of our gun violence…
Most any developed nation in the world is not nearly as multi-cultured as ours. For instance over 50% of our murders in the US are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. No other developed country has that to deal with. So your comparison is apples and oranges.

You keep repeating the same line that we are driving our people crazy. Okay, how?

As I keep pointing out…….

Europe has finally reached the point where their welfare states have destroyed their nuclear families and now fatherless homes are creating the crime problem that the U.S. faced after the Great Society policies of the democrats wrecked our families…..the crime rates…and violence… Europe are increasing…..made even worse by their immigration p9licies…allowing males from 3rd world, war torn countries into their stable European countries….where those 3rd world males now control their illegal drug trade……and those 3rd world males like fully automatic rifles and grenades…and they are not afraid of European police….
They issue temporary restraining orders all the time based on testimony
You have your chance to make your case in court.
If you come off as a responsible gun owner , you will keep your guns

If you come off as the type of gun owner who will shoot a 16 year old black kid for knocking on your door or a guy who will shoot at a car while backing out your driveway, you will lose them

Is this a great country or what?
Telling a person to stay away and confiscating a persons property with no probable cause or evidence of any crime are 2 entirely different things
"More guns make us more safe."

Yeah, that's why we have by far the highest homicide rate of all developed nations.
The murder rate in this country is about what it was in 1950 and that was before that evil AR 15 was even available

All the thousands of gun laws passed since then have done nothing to lower the murder rate below what it was in 1950
Bullshit. American ignorance of the world is surpassed only by its self delusion. Here's Australia as an example.

You'd have to ask the 2A nutters of which you are one. They are the ones who keep saying the problem is mental illness.
Well, it appears that mental illness is 18 times greater than in the rest of the developed world.
Something in America must be driving them crazy. The gun culture, perhaps?
Maybe the endless war against the Blacks?
Blaming the Texas mall mass shooting on mental health issues obscures the real problem - Vox
Kind of like your ignorance of what it is actually like in this country.

I love the smell of irony in the morning.
Bullshit. American ignorance of the world is surpassed only by its self delusion. Here's Australia as an example.

You'd have to ask the 2A nutters of which you are one. They are the ones who keep saying the problem is mental illness.
Well, it appears that mental illness is 18 times greater than in the rest of the developed world.
Something in America must be driving them crazy. The gun culture, perhaps?
Maybe the endless war against the Blacks?
Blaming the Texas mall mass shooting on mental health issues obscures the real problem - Vox

Lots of BS in your first link only to prove my point. There are very few people of color in Australia which are the minorities that are the problem. We have very little problem with people from Asian, Jewish or middle-east communities. From a much more direct link:

Ethnic groupsEnglish 25.9%, Australian 25.4%, Irish 7.5%, Scottish 6.4%, Italian 3.3%, German 3.2%, Chinese 3.1%, Indian 1.4%, Greek 1.4%, Dutch 1.2%, other 15.8% (includes Australian Aboriginal .5%), unspecified 5.4% (2011 est.)

note: data represent self-identified ancestry, over a third of respondents reported two ancestries.

From time to time but most violent crime takes place in those cities.
Bigger Cities, more crimes.....FACT
Most of the Largest/Biggest Cities have a (D) mayor.
Are you putting these crimes ALL on the mayor?
There are plenty of mid-sized cities with (R) control that have just as much crime, per capita. But then you'll blame the Governor.
It's the MO of the RWI.
Caste Blame to others.
"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL."
Guess who said this ^^^^^^ ? Ok, trump did.
Bigger Cities, more crimes.....FACT
Most of the Largest/Biggest Cities have a (D) mayor.
Are you putting these crimes ALL on the mayor?
There are plenty of mid-sized cities with (R) control that have just as much crime, per capita. But then you'll blame the Governor.
It's the MO of the RWI.
Caste Blame to others.
"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL."
Guess who said this ^^^^^^ ? Ok, trump did.

No, we are putting the crime in the lap of the entire political Corps who run those cities.

You would think that after nearly a century of democrat rule that the plight of those who live there would be better.

But no, in ALL cases it is worse.
"The United States is a massive country both in population and land mass. With such a large, diverse population, statistics such as crime will vary from state to state. Read on to discover the ten most dangerous states in America based on violent crime rates..."

10 Most Dangerous States in the US​

  1. Alaska
  2. New Mexico
  3. Tennessee
  4. Arkansas
  5. Arizona
  6. Louisiana
  7. Missouri
  8. South Carolina
  9. South Dakota
  10. Michigan
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