More guns sure make us more safe.

"More guns make us more safe."

Yeah, that's why we have by far the highest homicide rate of all developed nations.
Apparently that's only because you have the highest rate of mental illness of all the developed nations. Roughly 18 times the rate of the others it would seem. Because that's the argument I hear in regard to the firearm homicide rate, 'It's mental illness'.

The US is driving its citizens crazy...
Remember......Guns don't EVER hurt or kill anyone.

The spin will take place in. 3....2....1......go.

Well, without a gun how much damage can a person do compared to how much damage they can do with a gun?
Saying "guns don't kill people" is just childish. Clearly guns are part of the problem.

Let's see.

USA guns per 100 people = 120
USA gun homicides = 59 per 100,000 people.

Germany guns per 100 people = 30.95
Germany gun homicides = 0.06

UK guns per 100 people = 4.9
UK gun homicides = 0.02

Japan guns per 100 people = 0.25
Japan gun homicides = 0 per 100,000 people (or 1 gun homicide in 2017)

A direct correlation between more guns in the hands of civilians and the number of gun homicides. Wouldn't be the case if guns had no impact. But they do.
No, I'm sure an idiot like you thinks being utterly DEFENSELESS makes you more safe.
That's why the US needs more firearms than other developed nations, because its citizens are crazier. One has only to look at the freaks on this message bored.
A direct correlation between more guns in the hands of civilians and the number of gun homicides. Wouldn't be the case if guns had no impact. But they do.
No, no.
Citizen. Please.
It's crazy people. How many times do you have to be told the narrative?
That's why the US needs more firearms than other developed nations, because its citizens are crazier. One has only to look at the freaks on this message bored.

Coincidentally, we have more minorities, democrats and leftists than any other nation, too.



Come in Houston---- I'm beginning to see a pattern.
"More guns make us more safe."

Yeah, that's why we have by far the highest homicide rate of all developed nations.

The CDC estimated that Americans use their firearm for self-defense, to defend others or stop a crime over a million times a year. More guns do not make us more safe. More armed citizens and households make us more safe.
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More armed citizens and households make us more safe.
Lol. You have more armed citizens and households than just about any developed nation and are in more danger of being shot than in just about any developed nation.

You guys are barking mad.

Oh right.

That's why you have the firearms homicide rate you do, your citizens are being driven crazy.

My bad.
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Lol. You have more armed citizens and households than just about developed nation and are in more danger of being shot than in just about any developed nation.

You guys are barking mad.

Oh right.

That's why you have the firearms homicide rate you do, your citizens are being driven crazy.

My bad.

Only in crime infested democrat run hell holes.

The rest of the country is fine.
Lol. You have more armed citizens and households than just about any developed nation and are in more danger of being shot than in just about any developed nation.

You guys are barking mad.

Oh right.

That's why you have the firearms homicide rate you do, your citizens are being driven crazy.

My bad.

Most any developed nation in the world is not nearly as multi-cultured as ours. For instance over 50% of our murders in the US are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. No other developed country has that to deal with. So your comparison is apples and oranges.

You keep repeating the same line that we are driving our people crazy. Okay, how?
I guess that's in places where citizens are being driven more crazy...


What your chart lists are states, not cities. There are plenty of Democrat led cities in those red states and that's where the crime takes place.
Most any developed nation in the world is not nearly as multi-cultured as ours.
Bullshit. American ignorance of the world is surpassed only by its self delusion. Here's Australia as an example.
You keep repeating the same line that we are driving our people crazy. Okay, how?
You'd have to ask the 2A nutters of which you are one. They are the ones who keep saying the problem is mental illness.
Well, it appears that mental illness is 18 times greater than in the rest of the developed world.
Something in America must be driving them crazy. The gun culture, perhaps?
Maybe the endless war against the Blacks?
Blaming the Texas mall mass shooting on mental health issues obscures the real problem - Vox
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I guess that's in places where citizens are being driven more crazy...


Your red state lies are cute. The violence is from the blue cities within them. Cities that have been run by demofascists for decades.

An inconvenient truth for you lying boot lickers.

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