More guns sure make us more safe.

What is a restraining order?
Prevents a crime before it happens

All a restraining order does is keep the person away from the person that filed it. There is no constitutional violation because you can't hang around an ex-girlfriends house or at her place of work.
All a restraining order does is keep the person away from the person that filed it. There is no constitutional violation because you can't hang around an ex-girlfriends house or at her place of work.
Nothing unconstitutional about taking guns for cause
What difference does it make what they find appealing? It's their own decision. Some people like fast cars, but buying one doesn't mean they'll be doing 180mph on the highway. They simply like the idea it's a fast car, the way it looks, and the uniqueness that they own one.
Thanks for conceding the point I made.

No, everybody who buys fast cars won't be speeding excessively, but a small number will.

And not everyone who buys an AR-15 will use it in a mass shooting, but a small number will.

The feel and the appearance of the AR-15 will motivate the killers because the weapon is intended for that purpose originally. Same as the fast car is intended for speeding.

However, always keep in mind that we're not talking about too many guns. We're talking about what motivates so many Americans to kill.

That, i've explained many times now.

Do you have any other explanations for the reason why gun slaughter of children in America is so far off the charts? Can you stick with 'children' explicitly?

Is it that school kids are the easiest kill?

Why do they want an easy kill and not a challenge?
Picture this: an armed thug sneaks into your home at night. He makes a little noise but it alerts you. You go to investigate and see him just before he sees you.

As he starts to raise his gun to you, you shoot him instead with your gun.

The gun has made you safer.



The End.

When you can get up to 1.2 million, get back to us.

What is the 1.2 million?

That is the number of times, on average, Americans use their legal guns each year to save lives....from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, and mass public shootings....

According to the Centers for Disease Control....

1.5 million times a year if you go by the Department of Justice numbers....

Lives saved......

Across the U.S.

the end.



The End.

Meanwhile, after they registered, banned and confiscated guns in Europe in the 1920s, in the 1930s the socialists then rounded up 15 million innocent men, women and children and murdered them.......not war dead...these were people rounded up, marched into forests and camps and murdered.....

in just 6 years.

Gun murder in the U.S for our entire 246 year history?

About 2,460,000

Can you tell which number is bigger....and why we will keep our guns, you twit.
When I was younger I loved switch blade knives, in fact I still have some. It doesn't mean I was going to join a gang or go out slitting throats. I just thought they were cool.
I would see that as a personality disorder.

You likely still think they are cool and not something that should be disapproved of because they're a weapon intended for only violence.

Similar to the intent of the AR.



The End.

And....this didn't get the 24/7 coverage you were hoping for........because the shooter is the wrong color kinda person.....

Too bad for were so hoping to dance on the bodies and smear their blood all over yourself....but the hispanic last name ruined that for you...
Nothing unconstitutional about taking guns for cause
Yes but is it wise to enrage further those who the gun should be taken from?

Most will quickly get another gun and they will be getting bad feelings at the same time.

The discussion on America's culture of continuous wars is really all that is still missing here.
the socialists then rounded up 15 million innocent men, women and children and murdered them.......not war dead...these were people rounded up, marched into forests and camps and murdered.....
I had not seen that number before in that context.
Can the poster, 2aguy, provide the forum some vetting?
A credible informed source?
I had not seen that number before in that context.
Can the poster, 2aguy, provide the forum some vetting?
A credible informed source?
He's only trying to avoid the issue of America's mass shootings.

Of which he contends that there are 3 or 4 this year already.

The sooner you agree with him, the sooner he's forced to move on to the topic.
I would see that as a personality disorder.

You likely still think they are cool and not something that should be disapproved of because they're a weapon intended for only violence.

Similar to the intent of the AR.

Actually I only use it to open up boxes and packages when it's close by. How is it a personality disorder? It's no different than people that have unique stamps or baseball cards.

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