More Hilarious Witnesses Speak Out Against False Accusers

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Best one of all is about Julie Swetnick. Her ex-boyfriend is on record saying that Julie had told him on multiple occasions that she liked orgies and sex with multiple men. Julie was a popular girl in college. Can someone say, "Bimbo Eruption"?

Ford's old boyfriend testified that Ford lied about coaching people to pass lie detector tests.

But best of all is that The Desperate DemNazi Smear Campaign is backfiring on them both with Women, and with Races in States for Senate Seats they had hoped to win. 70% of women believe that Ford lied. And women KNOW when another woman is lying, trust me.

Democrat opposition to Kavanaugh increasingly frantic: Varney

These late developments -- a former boyfriend of accuser Dr. Christine Ford -- contradicts her sworn testimony. He says she did indeed help a friend prepare for a polygraph test. She never expressed a fear of flying or enclosed spaces.

Dennis Ketterer has come forward. He had a relationship with another accuser, Julie Swetnick. She had told him she enjoyed sex with multiple men. She started in high school. She never mentioned rape, gang rape or sexual assault.

The credibility of Kavanaugh's accusers is eroding, and the Republicans are on it.

Chuck Grassley is demanding Ford’s lawyers release information about the polygraph test. He suggests Ford was "less than truthful" in her sworn testimony. Mitch McConnell has had enough. Vote, he say

Now to the connection with the midterm elections. Could it be that the treatment of Kavanaugh by the Democrat mob is swinging votes to the GOP?

The Republican candidate for the Senate in North Dakota is 10 points ahead of the sitting Democrat.

In Indiana, the Republican is 2 points ahead of the sitting Democrat.

In Texas, Ted Cruz has stretched his lead to 9 points.

And in Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn is ahead by 3.

Personally, what I would like to see is a repudiation of the Democrats' smear campaign. Because, if we allow the destruction of Judge Kavanaugh and his family, we all lose.
kinda sucks when your only move when your screaming doesn't work is to scream louder.

kinda sucks when your only move when your screaming doesn't work is to scream louder.

It will be interesting to see The Left Tard reaction if they release The FBI Report to The Public.

I also thing Ford should be brought up on Perjury Charges.

This whole stunt could actually cause The GOP to gain seats in The Senate.

Tks for your excellent OP Mr. Tree! Might U have any thoughts on Dr. Ford's role at Stanford University; I know it's only loosely germaine to your OP but it does give some contextual basis for the real Dr. ford and not the squeaky, naive 'valley girl' persona that we all saw. These witnesses speaking out know the real person, the accomplished and professional individual that we did not see... My post on the issue of 'gate keeper' for recruits & her brother & father's careers got cast into the oblivion of conspiracy theories; is that where it belongs, in your opinion?
Tks for your excellent OP Mr. Tree! Might U have any thoughts on Dr. Ford's role at Stanford University; I know it's only loosely germaine to your OP but it does give some contextual basis for the real Dr. ford and not the squeaky, naive 'valley girl' persona that we all saw. These witnesses speaking out know the real person, the accomplished and professional individual that we did not see... My post on the issue of 'gate keeper' for recruits & her brother & father's careers got cast into the oblivion of conspiracy theories; is that where it belongs, in your opinion?

Thank you for your fine compliments.

From everything I have read, she has family ties to The CIA. I believe (just a hunch) she knows avowed Trump Hater, John Brennan.

I also listened to a talk radio program on WKNR in Akron Ohio, in which an employee at Stanford who works with her, said "That is not Dr. Ford's Voice. She is much more aggressive and assertive. In fact she has earned the nick name of barracuda at Standford for how aggressive and in your face she is on a regular basis.

This woman, according to an Ex Boyfriend is a Polygraph Expert and has coached others on how to fraudulently pass a lie detector test. She remarked that she was asked to take a lie detector test, not in her home, but at a Hotel, and the test took 4 hours. She was only asked 2 questions.

She was not taking a lie detector test. She was being coached and she was rehearsing her lies. This woman did not FORGET ANYTHING. She remarked that "The event left an indelible mark on my hippocampus." Very strange statement. Most people who endure traumatic events recall every detail, including date, time, month, location, and who they were with, and even what song they heard on the radio.

She was intentionally vague, not because she forgot anything, but because she was lying about everything, and to be specific on any singular fact means that those facts can be investigated and verified or refuted.

She should be prosecuted because not one single thing she said could be independently verified and she refuses to give any additional evidence to help her case such as copies of her therapist notes, or a copy of "lie detector test"
next week it will be Bert and Ernie. but wouldnt u think they would of not complained?

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