More IRS Lawlessness

Cognition, sonny boy. I noted that story was from October of last year.

I also noted in the October 2013 article "The House Ways and Means Committee, in the course of its investigation of the IRS’s handling of applications for tax-exemption from conservative groups, has identified the IRS employee responsible..."

It's June 2014 now, and we have the benefit of a Federal court ruling (which I linked earlier, and provided excerpts) with the names now.

Der. Is all this going too fast for you?
According to todays report he is claiming the fifth.........would seem rather unnecessary if conduit was known.....
Guy is still claiming the fifth how was said person who leaked the info ID'd......and why then does he still need to plead the fifth?
What's your freaking point??

What does it have to do with anything you seem to be so wound up about?

Do you even know what your own argument is by now?

These are the facts, (to which I will note I will add a correction - I stated a Form 990 earlier, it was a Schedule B):

"In 2011, the IRS supplied a man named Matthew Meisel a copy of of NOM’s 2008 Schedule B, which lists donors who have given $5,000 or more to the organization during the period covered, and he provided it to the Human Rights Campaign the following year, leading to publicity about donors.

Schedule B is among the tax records that are publicly available to those who request them, but under law, the donor names are supposed to be redacted.

The IRS employee who handled the request did not redact them, but agency officials argued it was merely an oversight, not an act of gross negligence or malice, and that the employee had no acquaintance with Meisel, nor any knowledge of NOM’s mission or HRC’s.

Judge Cacheris agreed with the IRS explanation, writing that the available evidence points to the disclosure being accidental, and “NOM has produced no evidence from which a reasonable juror could conclude otherwise.”

He added, “NOM’s argument that the disclosure was intentional because the Schedule B was given to a ‘known political activist’ and ‘altered to obscure its internal IRS markings’ is similarly unfounded,” and that “the record is equally deficient concerning NOM’s assertion of gross negligence.”

NOM may be able to recover “actual damages,” that is, legal fees associated with the disclosure."

Court: NOM Can't Claim Punitive Damages in IRS Disclosure Suit |
the point is he is protecting someone and the usual " it was some low level schmuck" has been tried and found wanting alrdy by IRS very recently.........The fact he is claiming the fifth puts the lie to your story.......
Stuff it dude.

The Reagan appointed judged looked it over and said Nyet! Wrongo bongo.

So take it down the road.

The fun part of this for NOM though is...

the 50,000 might help them pay the 50,000 Ethics slap from Maine that came down last month

Oh no it won't/


They think they don't have to abide by silly little Ethics/

AUGUSTA –– Maine’s ethics commission voted unanimously Wednesday to impose a $50,250 fine on the nation’s leading organization opposing gay marriage, in a ruling that could affect the way nonprofit organizations attempt to influence Maine elections.

Maine ethics panel slaps record fine on National Organization for Marriage - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
What else could he do...........fact remains IRS defense story must not match the guy who received the info otherwise there would be no need for his fifth claim.
What else could he do...........fact remains IRS defense story must not match the guy who received the info otherwise there would be no need for his fifth claim.
You're reduced to incoherent babbling now.

You seem to be upset now a guy who used to work for Romney, who had no ties to an IRS employee, called and received Schedule B information, which must be disclosed by law on 501c4's, when requested - but by some nincompoop's error, came unredacted, (for which the IRS admitted error, and will now pay fine) --

and when caught in the tango, said former Romney employee, utilized his Constitutional Right - one of our sacred inalienable rights, given to us by our Founders.

Are you taking a moment to capture the breadth of your mishegoss?
why would he invoke the fifth in such a scenario you just described since he couldnt possibly be blamed for what IRS did......see the disconnect in your narrative,,,,,,,btw he claimed to have a conduit...which is much different than contacting some faceless bureaucrat with a paper request...

1. Wean yourself off the RW monkey-see blog go-rounds. Seriously.

2. This was a Civil case. Not a criminal case.

3. The NOM would almost quite literally sue their mother, if they had one. I'm not kidding. Look at their history of frivolous lawsuits. They get lucky from time to time. <this> Yes, In this case, they were wronged.

But they are a cancerous, vile and litigious scum, and it would be insane for anyone within a mile of their noose to not want to plead the Fifth with them (yes, pleading the 5th can also apply to Civil cases)

Speaking of nooses -- these are the kind of signs seen at NOM rallys:


Yes, actual sign. These are sick, unspooled, Talibanesque fuckheads.
what signs they have at their rally is not an excuse for lawlessness.....plead the fifth.......
Tax Hero

The IRS already challenges American perceptions of liberty and fun. After all, America was founded on a peoples' frustration with taxation without representation.

Taxes are the municipal version of tithes. They maintain an order regarding civil investments and social contracts. However, no one enjoys the tedium and bureaucracy associated with paying or filing taxes.

We often demonize the IRS in public talk and conversation, and this disclosure incident with marriage information reveals a social interest in formalizing procedures about taxation conveniences.

We could of course spin this IRS fiasco by suggesting that it promotes healthy dialogue about the representational rights of otherwise politically challenged groups.

We don't want statements like, "If you cheat on your taxes, you'll go to heaven."


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