More Leftist Lunacy- Sentencing of Tou Thao

It is prevalent in 2023, but also in past years as well. Some instances noted in Post # 18.
Your waaahh about juries is irrelevant and outdated. This case wasn't decided in 2023 and even if it was crying about jury's is not an argument.
YOU are the DUPED. I said nothing about "heart disease, narrowed arteries and drug use" Those are all YOUR words , not mine, and they don't change anything I've said, all of which is enough to show that Thao is an innocent victim of liberal left hysteria, centered around fabricated notions of "police brutality", commonly, irresponsibly, and dangerously used by liberals for political purposes.

Your posting that Baker claimed Floyd's death to be a homicide, is not inconsistent to what I've said here. I already stated that Baker changed his report to aspixiation, BUT that was due to coercion from Dr Roger Mitchell,
which is why the charges should have been dropped. Should never have even gone to trial.

More lies. Where are the charges; either ethics or legal.

If anybody should be going to jail, it is Dr Roger Mitchell.
But he isn't so you must be wrong. Sucks to suck.
Your waaahh about juries is irrelevant and outdated. This case wasn't decided in 2023 and even if it was crying about jury's is not an argument.
I don't care what year it was, this thread is about the sentencing of Tuo Thoa which was this week.

If you think juries are all honest and accurate, you are living in a fantasy land. Juries have always been influenced by things other than the facts of a case, amd never more than over the past few years.
More lies. Where are the charges; either ethics or legal.

But he isn't so you must be wrong. Sucks to suck.
Where the charges are, isn't the relevant point. Do you actually think justice systems in America are all accurate and on the level ? What planet are you living on ?

And Oh, so Mitchell hasn't been charged, so that makes me wrong, huh ?
HA HA. You just admitted you are not really participating in this debate. Sheeesh! :icon_rolleyes:

And you used the word "lies" Yeah ? So you got something to show that something I said was a lie ? If so, let's hear it.
I don't care what year it was, this thread is about the sentencing of Tuo Thoa which was this week.

If you think juries are all honest and accurate, you are living in a fantasy land. Juries have always been influenced by things other than the facts of a case, amd never more than over the past few years.
Yawn, anti jury Russian like rhetoric.

Is that job? Undermine our justice system?

It's the system we have. If you don't like maybe move to a country with a better one? Not sure what to tell you except maybe stop crying.
Where the charges are, isn't the relevant point. Do you actually think justice systems in America are all accurate and on the level ? What planet are you living on ?

More anti legal system propaganda.

And Oh, so Mitchell hasn't been charged, so that makes me wrong, huh ?
HA HA. You just admitted you are not really participating in this debate. Sheeesh! :icon_rolleyes:

Yeah. Innocent until proven guilty. Remember? That is grade school level stuff.

And you used the word "lies" Yeah ? So you got something to show that something I said was a lie ? If so, let's hear it.
That baker was coerced by Mitchel. Are you new at this? Try to keep up.
Yawn, anti jury Russian like rhetoric.

Is that job? Undermine our justice system?

It's the system we have. If you don't like maybe move to a country with a better one? Not sure what to tell you except maybe stop crying.
I'll keep on reporting for the benefit of those of you who don't know the score.
More anti legal system propaganda.

Yeah. Innocent until proven guilty. Remember? That is grade school level stuff.

That baker was coerced by Mitchel. Are you new at this? Try to keep up.
It's not propaganda. It is simply REALITY for everyone, whether in denial, or objective.

Chauvin was not proven guilty. Trial was a sham.

Baker was coerced by Mitchell, yes. I posted that back in Post # 6. Chief of police was coerced too. That's the way politics controls our "justice" system Anything goes to avoid race riots.
It's not propaganda. It is simply REALITY for everyone, whether in denial, or objective.

Chauvin was not proven guilty. Trial was a sham.

Seems you are wrong. He is in jail. He is a murderer.

Baker was coerced by Mitchell, yes. I posted that back in Post # 6. Chief of police was coerced too. That's the way politics controls our "justice" system Anything goes to avoid race riots.
When Mitchel is convicted for coercing baker get back to me.

Your thoughts and feelings are not evidence.

Good luck.
No. They are meritless accusations that contradict under oath testimony.
The under oath testimony are lies that contradict the truth told in my links. Whole trial was based on lies, coerced by Dr Roger Mitchell.
Why isn't HE in jail ?
Answer: because Minneapolis is a blue city, run by lying liberals,

Floyd was NOT asphixiated, and both Chauvin and Thao are innocent. This country is a mess, and any cop in a blue city should quit, and move to a red city.
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Chauvin did NOT abuse George Floyd. That was proven by the medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, who reported there was no asphixiation to George Floyd, making the whole knee to the head or neck, irrelevant.

Baker was coerced by former Washington, D.C., medical examiner Dr. Roger Mitchell twice. After that, he changed his report from no asphixiation, to asphixiation. Charges should have been dropped. Should never have even gone to trial. You don't know what you're talking about.

Another politically motivated charge
Are there any crazier leftists, than leftist judges ? Whew! Here's a cop who was doing his job by stopping a marauding, menacing crowd from interfering with a police action, and the guy gets thrown in prison for 4 years + 9 months.

Are there any crazier conservtives than racist ones? Wow! Here's a racist one defending a cop who refused to stop a fellow cop from murdering a guy on the street by pushing back citizens asking them not to commit murder.
YOU are the DUPED. I said nothing about "heart disease, narrowed arteries and drug use" Those are all YOUR words , not mine, and they don't change anything I've said, all of which is enough to show that Thao is an innocent victim of liberal left hysteria, centered around fabricated notions of "police brutality", commonly, irresponsibly, and dangerously used by liberals for political purposes.

Your posting that Baker claimed Floyd's death to be a homicide, is not inconsistent to what I've said here. I already stated that Baker changed his report to aspixiation, BUT that was due to coercion from Dr Roger Mitchell,
which is why the charges should have been dropped. Should never have even gone to trial.

If anybody should be going to jail, it is Dr Roger Mitchell.
You can visit the cops in jail and tell them your stupid opinion.
Are there any crazier conservtives than racist ones? Wow! Here's a racist one defending a cop who refused to stop a fellow cop from murdering a guy on the street by pushing back citizens asking them not to commit murder.
It was not a murder. Medical examiner (Dr. Andrew Baker confirmed that).

Get the facts before posting.

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