More Leftist Lunacy- Sentencing of Tou Thao

That is silly since we saw the video of 3 cops all piled on top of Floyd, and he was yelling how hard it was to be able to breath with all that weight on him.
Nothing else matters.
The cops were deliberately making it hard to breath.
FALSE! Nothing showed 3 cops piled on top of Floyd, and legitimate arrests are made every day with twice that many cops piled on somebody. If that's how many it takes to subdue a resisting suspect, then so be it.

Suspects have multiple cops on them all the time with no effect on the breathing of the suspect. If a suspect can talk, he can breathe. If can yell, his breathing is satsifactory.
When a cause of death is "undetermined", that is temporary.
They can always easily determine the cause of death.
And in the case of George Floyd, the coagulated blood in the carotid was absolute proof he was murdered by the shin across the neck.
Which police know is fatal and it is illegal.
You got photos of coagulated blood in the carotid ?
NO ONE "testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation".
That was just a preliminary note.
It was superseded by the actual autopsy.

Besides, we ALL saw the cause of death, and it clearly was a shin on Floyd's neck.
It did not have to "cause asphyxiation".
It could have caused brain death due to cutting off blood to the brain.
Fowler testified it.

The initial autopsy WAS the actraL utopsy.

The photos show Chauvin's leg on the head of Floyd. Other photos show the leg on the side of the neck. Neither of these would cause cutting off blood to the brin.
Upon what do you base the claim >"nobody did" ?
Are you saying that they thought Baker was not coerced ?

No point in sending evidence to a blue court in a blue city, in a blue state. The only thing that one can do with that horrid scenario, is move away ASAP.

More victim hood crying.

And the worst thing is to be a cop in that locale. Never do that. Everyone on the Minneapolis Police force should quit, and move to a red city, red state.
They are free to do that. That doesn't help your useless point though.

It more like a tantrum.
They are free to do that. That doesn't help your useless point though.

It more like a tantrum.
That you say that, shows that you are not abreast of what's going on here. Or you're actively trying to deny and dodge.

The under oath testimony are lies that contradict the truth told in my links. Whole trial was based on lies, coerced by Dr Roger Mitchell.
Why isn't HE in jail ?
Answer: because Minneapolis is a blue city, run by lying liberals,

Floyd was NOT asphixiated, and both Chauvin and Thao are innocent. This country is a mess, and any cop in a blue city should quit, and move to a red city.
Your tears are glorious.
More victim hood crying.

They are free to do that. That doesn't help your useless point though.

It more like a tantrum.
"Whhhhhaaaaa things arent going my way I'm gonna go cry on a message board and run a trial there and prove his innocence which will accomplish nothing Whaaaaa. If that doesnt work I"ll just call everyone a communist Whaaaaaa"-----Typical right wing nut job on here.
"Whhhhhaaaaa things arent going my way I'm gonna go cry on a message board and run a trial there and prove his innocence which will accomplish nothing Whaaaaa. If that doesnt work I"ll just call everyone a communist Whaaaaaa"-----Typical right wing nut job on here.
Waste of time and thread space.
Dude, derek chavin was convicted by a jury.

In regard to tao thao he waived his right for the judge to be the jury.
He shoudn't have even been talking to a judge or jury. Same with Chauvin. Should have got medal for holding the crowd back.

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