More Leftist Lunacy- Sentencing of Tou Thao

HA HA. So a bunch of lying connivers gather up a list of a few hundred discrediters to discredit, and you that carries an ounce of weight ? On who they can hoodwink it might,
When did you stop critically thinking? Before or after 60?
NO, not all who examined the body of George Floyd found that he had been murdered by Chauvin. The offical medical examiner (Dr Baker) concluded no aspxiation. Dr Fowler concluded the same thing (death "undetermined") and testified to it in court.

Only the early "preliminary" examination did not detect the carotid hemorrhaging.
Baker found it eventually as well.
“Mr Floyd’s use of fentanyl did not cause the subdual or neck restraint,” Dr Baker testified last week. “His heart disease did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint.”

On Wednesday, Dr Fowler, the Maryland pathologist, said that the prolonged struggle between officers and Mr Floyd didn’t rule out a sudden cardiac arrest, as other medical experts have testified in this case previously.” Cardiac arrest is not absolutely irreversible and is not synonymous with person always passing away,” he said. “For instance in this case, official pronunciation of death was done in the hospital. Frankly, he was dead long before that, but the moment of death is not something you can easily document.”

He and a panel of forensic pathologists and other medical experts worked to reach this opinion, he added, while arguing a lack of bruising to the neck or back strengthened his analysis that heart problems were the prime culprit.
“Mr Floyd’s use of fentanyl did not cause the subdual or neck restraint,” Dr Baker testified last week. “His heart disease did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint.”

On Wednesday, Dr Fowler, the Maryland pathologist, said that the prolonged struggle between officers and Mr Floyd didn’t rule out a sudden cardiac arrest, as other medical experts have testified in this case previously.” Cardiac arrest is not absolutely irreversible and is not synonymous with person always passing away,” he said. “For instance in this case, official pronunciation of death was done in the hospital. Frankly, he was dead long before that, but the moment of death is not something you can easily document.”

He and a panel of forensic pathologists and other medical experts worked to reach this opinion, he added, while arguing a lack of bruising to the neck or back strengthened his analysis that heart problems were the prime culprit.
No, the moment of death was only video recorded.

Fowler is a fuckup. Just stop sourcing him.
Only the early "preliminary" examination did not detect the carotid hemorrhaging.
Baker found it eventually as well.
No, Baker was coerced by Mitchell, whose ruthlessness was confirmed when he said "neck compression has to be in the report."

His ruthlessness was also showed by him going after Dr David Fowler, who agreed with Dr Baker's original report that there was no asphixiation and the cause of death was "undetermined."
So what ? it;s an official court proceeding testimony.

Paule also filed a motion Wednesday asking the court to sanction prosecutors for allegedly failing to disclose information about the alleged coercion of a witness. Paule claimed that he Hennepin County medical examiner, Dr. Mark Baker, was coerced to include "neck compression" in his findings — and that prosecutors knew of it.

Paule wrote in his court filing that Baker initially said there was no physical evidence that Floyd died of asphyxiation. But after talking twice to Dr. Roger Mitchell – a former medical examiner in Washington, D.C. – he amended his findings to include neck compression as a factor, according to Paule.

Paule said that in one of the conversations, Mitchell called Baker and told him he was going to submit an opinion piece critical of Baker's findings to the Washington Post. When Baker released final autopsy findings June 1, they included neck compression, Paule wrote, and Mitchell never submitted his piece to the newspaper.

Mitchell, now chairman of the Department of Pathology at the Howard University College of Medicine, did not respond to a phone message left at the department Wednesday. A spokeswoman for Baker said they could not comment due to the pending case.

Paule also took aim at Mitchell's criticism of Dr. David Fowler, a key defense witness for Chauvin who testified that the former officer was not responsible for Floyd's death. After Mitchell and other doctors sent a letter to Maryland's attorney general, criticizing Fowler's conclusions, Maryland officials announced they would review all in-custody death reports during Fowler's tenure. Paule said Mitchell's accusations had a chilling effect on Thao's ability to find medical experts unafraid to testify on his behalf.

You are looking desperate and stupid.

Quit while your still behind.
You are looking desperate and stupid.

Quit while your still behind.
YOU look that way - I posted 10 links proving what I said. A frame-up of 4 cops, by the race hustlers. Why do people want to consort with the bad guys ?
YOU look that way - I posted 10 links proving what I said. A frame-up of 4 cops, by the race hustlers. Why do people want to consort with the bad guys ?
Those links did t prove anything.

The evidence and testimony under oath did.

It's hilarious you are using the defenses lawyers statements as evidence. Derp derp.

Is that how they do it in Russia?
Those links did t prove anything.

The evidence and testimony under oath did.

It's hilarious you are using the defenses lawyers statements as evidence. Derp derp.

Is that how they do it in Russia?
Dr David Fowler. testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation. Cause of death was "undetermined"...
Told you that yesterday. Your oath balloon deflated yesterday
Dr David Fowler. testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation. Cause of death was "undetermined"...
Told you that yesterday. Your oath balloon deflated yesterday
And the jury didn’t believe him.

In fact, nobody did.
Dr David Fowler. testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation. Cause of death was "undetermined"...
Told you that yesterday. Your oath balloon deflated yesterday
So? Many more Dr.s agreed that he did and evidently the jury believed them.

Have you sent your evidence to the defense yet?
And the jury didn’t believe him.

In fact, nobody did.
Upon what do you base the claim >"nobody did" ?
Are you saying that they thought Baker was not coerced ?
So? Many more Dr.s agreed that he did and evidently the jury believed them.

Have you sent your evidence to the defense yet?
No point in sending evidence to a blue court in a blue city, in a blue state. The only thing that one can do with that horrid scenario, is move away ASAP.

And the worst thing is to be a cop in that locale. Never do that. Everyone on the Minneapolis Police force should quit, and move to a red city, red state.
“Mr Floyd’s use of fentanyl did not cause the subdual or neck restraint,” Dr Baker testified last week. “His heart disease did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint.”

On Wednesday, Dr Fowler, the Maryland pathologist, said that the prolonged struggle between officers and Mr Floyd didn’t rule out a sudden cardiac arrest, as other medical experts have testified in this case previously.” Cardiac arrest is not absolutely irreversible and is not synonymous with person always passing away,” he said. “For instance in this case, official pronunciation of death was done in the hospital. Frankly, he was dead long before that, but the moment of death is not something you can easily document.”

He and a panel of forensic pathologists and other medical experts worked to reach this opinion, he added, while arguing a lack of bruising to the neck or back strengthened his analysis that heart problems were the prime culprit.

That is silly since we saw the video of 3 cops all piled on top of Floyd, and he was yelling how hard it was to be able to breath with all that weight on him.
Nothing else matters.
The cops were deliberately making it hard to breath.
His ruthlessness was also showed by him going after Dr David Fowler, who agreed with Dr Baker's original report that there was no asphixiation and the cause of death was "undetermined."

When a cause of death is "undetermined", that is temporary.
They can always easily determine the cause of death.
And in the case of George Floyd, the coagulated blood in the carotid was absolute proof he was murdered by the shin across the neck.
Which police know is fatal and it is illegal.
Dr David Fowler. testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation. Cause of death was "undetermined"...
Told you that yesterday. Your oath balloon deflated yesterday

NO ONE "testified there was no evidence of asphyxiation".
That was just a preliminary note.
It was superseded by the actual autopsy.

Besides, we ALL saw the cause of death, and it clearly was a shin on Floyd's neck.
It did not have to "cause asphyxiation".
It could have caused brain death due to cutting off blood to the brain.
Upon what do you base the claim >"nobody did" ?
Are you saying that they thought Baker was not coerced ?

No point in sending evidence to a blue court in a blue city, in a blue state. The only thing that one can do with that horrid scenario, is move away ASAP.

And the worst thing is to be a cop in that locale. Never do that. Everyone on the Minneapolis Police force should quit, and move to a red city, red state.

A choke hold like a shin on the neck is illegal in all states.

Choke holds are not permitted
Choke holds are not permitted except as a measure of Deadly Force12. They are designed to reduce or stop the flow of blood to the brain and shall not be used unless it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to an employee or others1. The Department of Justice has announced written department-wide policies explicitly prohibiting the use of “chokeholds” and “carotid restraints” unless deadly force is authorized3. After the murder of George Floyd, many cities and states limited or banned the use of chokeholds4.

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