More liberal tolerance

I guess you can thank the union based education system for liberal ignorance. They learn how to put a condom on a banana and how to blame government when they run out of condoms but not much else. Liberals make a great show of tolerance (or pretend tolerance) for every ethnic culture and religious and sexual orientation including the jihad and dykes on bikes but they draw the line at Christianity and 2nd
amendment proponents.

When most Republicans realize they are communists (or fascists depending on economic theory) and most Democrats realize they are Communists (many of them are deluded to think the Founding Fathers would approve of them), this country will be a better place.

Democrats: Progressive? Yes
::::::::::::: Marxist? Yes
::::::::::::: Authoritarian? Yes
::::::::::::: Total sum? 3 + 4 + 5 = Communism

Republicans: Progressive? Yes
:::::::::::::: Marxist? Most of them
:::::::::::::: Authoritarian? Yes
:::::::::::::: Total Sum? 3 + 4 + 5 = Communism
:::::::::::::: Variants? 4 + 5 + 6 = Fascism

Since the United States is comprised of two parties competing on which groups to deny or disparage rights to, and which group to grant privileges to, I'd say that we are on the border of Fanaticism and Communism in that diagram, leaning towards the center of all 6 circles.

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This will get about as much play as Sean Penns kid going off calling a photographer a Fuc&ing Ni&&er or Kermit Gosnell, in other words, not much.
Look at all the conservatives, so desperately searching for any reason to declare their victimhood. Here, an individual no one heard of has hurt their widdle feewings, hence the victimhood orgy.

Tell you what, conservatives. If we admit that yes, you all really are the biggest victims to ever exist on planet earth, will you stop trying so hard to prove it?

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