More Lies About Jan 6 - IG report says Jan. 6 organizers misled officials to get permit

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

"Basically she lied to all of us": IG report says Jan. 6 organizers misled officials to get permit​

I ask why? Why lie? What were they hoping to gain -- little Law Enforcement involvement in keeping people safe and keeping the Capitol and duly elected officials safe?

The report found that organizers from Women for America First failed to supply information about former President Donald Trump's likely attendance at the rally and hid information about the plans to march to the Capitol after the event, despite a clear request for that information from the National Park Service. While event planners repeatedly affirmed there were no plans to march, evidence reviewed by the OIG found that the organization expected Trump to call for one. "We asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us," the permit specialist told investigators, per the report, after being shown text messages from a WFAF representative stating plans for a march.

The report also concluded that the National Park Service lacked evidence of the event posing potential danger to deny permits to the event planners. Intelligence reports in the lead-up to the rally provided contradictory information about the chance of violence at the Capitol. "Groups with diametrically opposed beliefs and ideologies will both be present, and if these groups are allowed to come into close contact with each other, violence is almost certain," warned a late December intelligence report from the Park Police. A Jan. 5 communication between Capitol Police and Park Police, however, found the chance of a threat "highly improbable" and "remote."

"Basically she lied to all of us": IG report says Jan. 6 organizers misled officials to get permit​

I ask why? Why lie? What were they hoping to gain -- little Law Enforcement involvement in keeping people safe and keeping the Capitol and duly elected officials safe?

The report found that organizers from Women for America First failed to supply information about former President Donald Trump's likely attendance at the rally and hid information about the plans to march to the Capitol after the event, despite a clear request for that information from the National Park Service. While event planners repeatedly affirmed there were no plans to march, evidence reviewed by the OIG found that the organization expected Trump to call for one. "We asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us," the permit specialist told investigators, per the report, after being shown text messages from a WFAF representative stating plans for a march.

The report also concluded that the National Park Service lacked evidence of the event posing potential danger to deny permits to the event planners. Intelligence reports in the lead-up to the rally provided contradictory information about the chance of violence at the Capitol. "Groups with diametrically opposed beliefs and ideologies will both be present, and if these groups are allowed to come into close contact with each other, violence is almost certain," warned a late December intelligence report from the Park Police. A Jan. 5 communication between Capitol Police and Park Police, however, found the chance of a threat "highly improbable" and "remote."

is "womem for amdrica first" mrs thomas' teat on the right wing money machine?
How can we describe the attempt to turn the J6 demonstrations into an insurrection. Ridiculous, absurd, fantasy, childish, wishful thinking, desperate, corrupt....... The hopelessness of the Democrat party is starting to rise to the level of their total incompetence. Back to MAGA.

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