More nonsense..protesting against Barrycare is 'terrorism'

seems like it is very uncommon in recent History to use a presidents full middle name...

John F Kennedy

Lyndon B Johnson

Richard M Nixon

Ronald Reagan ....don't know his middle?

George H W Bush

William j Clinton, Bill Clinton

George W Bush

John Fitzgerald Kennedy - used often especially in ceremonial and historical occasions

Ditto for Lyndon Baines Johnson

Ronald WILSON Reagan but for some reason the Wilson was very rarely used, not because there was anything wrong with it. It was probably because Reagan was already very well known when he was elected and the "Wilson" just didn't go with the name.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a well known name to just about everybody--even when the Democrats mocked him from the House floor as George Herbert Hoover Bush. . . .

And certainly William Jefferson Clinton was a commonly used name even though his full name was William Jefferson Blyth Clinton.

And George Walker Bush was not anywhere nearly as common as the "W" but it was used.

But with or without middle names, it was not considered disrespectful to call any President by his full name.

Until Obama.

Very true....

But if people were HONEST about WHY they are using his middle name, it is NOT out of respect, it is NOT because it was used for other presidents, but it IS FOR NEGATIVE REASONS (to associate Barak with Saddam Hussein, a muslim we executed) know it, they know it, I know it.

THIS is why there is sensitivity to it....To pretend or to act like this is NOT the CASE is just more politicking from the right wing, again in my opinion.

I won't deny that there is some of that. But it didn't have to be. If HE had been proud of his name and used it matter of factly and routinely, instead of he and Michelle making a big deal over it, the impact of any intended slur would have been blunted and eventually that sort of thing would have looked and felt lame to everybody.

Certainly King Hussein of Jordan is not ashamed of his name nor does anybody imply any kind of slur when they use it.
YouTube - Clyburn: Health Care Opponents Aiding Terrorism

These corporate stooges are losing what little minds they have left.

The rightwingdomestOfascist is the biggest threat to national security since All CIA DUH and weapons of mass destruction and we can not wait for the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud .we must be preemptive..shock and awe.. hit em with mass arrest and indefinite detention at tea party's, gun and monster truck shows across the are either with us...or your with the terrorist
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy - used often especially in ceremonial and historical occasions

Ditto for Lyndon Baines Johnson

Ronald WILSON Reagan but for some reason the Wilson was very rarely used, not because there was anything wrong with it. It was probably because Reagan was already very well known when he was elected and the "Wilson" just didn't go with the name.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a well known name to just about everybody--even when the Democrats mocked him from the House floor as George Herbert Hoover Bush. . . .

And certainly William Jefferson Clinton was a commonly used name even though his full name was William Jefferson Blyth Clinton.

And George Walker Bush was not anywhere nearly as common as the "W" but it was used.

But with or without middle names, it was not considered disrespectful to call any President by his full name.

Until Obama.

Very true....

But if people were HONEST about WHY they are using his middle name, it is NOT out of respect, it is NOT because it was used for other presidents, but it IS FOR NEGATIVE REASONS (to associate Barak with Saddam Hussein, a muslim we executed) know it, they know it, I know it.

THIS is why there is sensitivity to it....To pretend or to act like this is NOT the CASE is just more politicking from the right wing, again in my opinion.

I won't deny that there is some of that. But it didn't have to be. If HE had been proud of his name and used it matter of factly and routinely, instead of he and Michelle making a big deal over it, the impact of any intended slur would have been blunted and eventually that sort of thing would have looked and felt lame to everybody.

Certainly King Hussein of Jordan is not ashamed of his name nor does anybody imply any kind of slur when they use it.

king hussein is a muslim.

king hussein's country is not in the middle of 2 wars in muslim countries.

obama is not being called by his middle name in reverence for king hussein....

facts are facts and out of disrespect this name is used and not out of respect....end of story, with me!!! I know what i know....

people can continue to do such, we live in the land of the free....but i just can't sit here and defend it or pretend like it is being touted by the right, for a reason of respect as with using other president's full middle names...

i just won't be made to feel like it is my fault or obama's fault for those on the right being jerks over this....they are the jerks...i call it as i see it...

This will end badly. And it is all the Democrats fault. They have started something they may soon regret.
Not according to Barry.

Once again, instead of leading the nation he was busy mocking the opposition.

He really is president of only half the country, he makes zero effort to reach out to the other side, outside of his bogus meeting followed by attacks when he gets in front of friendly crowds.

welcome to the club! NOW you know how much it sucks! I felt that way the 8 years of though i had no representation and that he was president for only republicans, half the country!

i can feel the frustration and helplessness you are feeling and going through....:( truly!

BUT you are only on year one....wait till it becomes year 8 of it.... you will feel as though 20 years of your life has been taken away from the 8 years of fret and worry...

i don't envy you at this point....i'll say that much!
This will end badly. And it is all the Democrats fault. They have started something they may soon regret.
Not according to Barry.

Once again, instead of leading the nation he was busy mocking the opposition.

He really is president of only half the country, he makes zero effort to reach out to the other side, outside of his bogus meeting followed by attacks when he gets in front of friendly crowds.

Remember how the left wing media compared Obama to Lincoln? :lol::lol::lol:

To anyone who thinks this assclown is even fit to clean Lincoln's shoes should go read the Gettysburg address.

*For the lefties: I use that comparison because it was given at a time of huge divide within our nation (note: 'our' nation - not yours or mine). What Lincoln did was to try and draw the South back in - he united the nation again. I can't find any record of Lincoln or his supporters saying 'I won'. Just sayin.
This will end badly. And it is all the Democrats fault. They have started something they may soon regret.
Not according to Barry.

Once again, instead of leading the nation he was busy mocking the opposition.

He really is president of only half the country, he makes zero effort to reach out to the other side, outside of his bogus meeting followed by attacks when he gets in front of friendly crowds.

welcome to the club! NOW you know how much it sucks! I felt that way the 8 years of though i had no representation and that he was president for only republicans, half the country!

i can feel the frustration and helplessness you are feeling and going through....:( truly!

BUT you are only on year one....wait till it becomes year 8 of it.... you will feel as though 20 years of your life has been taken away from the 8 years of fret and worry...

i don't envy you at this point....i'll say that much!

Can I just point out, for the record, that some of us took it for 8 years under Bush, and we're taking another 4 from Obama.

And, I'm prepared to bet that there are more of us than there are of either of 'you people'.
Has the MSM reported any of the statements from tea party organizations denouncing violence and hateful rhetoric? Of course not. They prefer to create the illusion that a few crazies represent the whole. Sorry care. You'll have to watch Hannity if you want to hear it,

Calling people terrorists makes them mad. And that's exactly what they want. It makes for better sound bites on TV. Which Alinsky rule is that?
You are sounding like one of them now... careful comrade.. careful
seems like it is very uncommon in recent History to use a presidents full middle name...

John F Kennedy

Lyndon B Johnson

Richard M Nixon

Ronald Reagan ....don't know his middle?

George H W Bush

William j Clinton, Bill Clinton

George W Bush

John Fitzgerald Kennedy - used often especially in ceremonial and historical occasions

Ditto for Lyndon Baines Johnson

Ronald WILSON Reagan but for some reason the Wilson was very rarely used, not because there was anything wrong with it. It was probably because Reagan was already very well known when he was elected and the "Wilson" just didn't go with the name.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a well known name to just about everybody--even when the Democrats mocked him from the House floor as George Herbert Hoover Bush. . . .

And certainly William Jefferson Clinton was a commonly used name even though his full name was William Jefferson Blyth Clinton.

And George Walker Bush was not anywhere nearly as common as the "W" but it was used.

But with or without middle names, it was not considered disrespectful to call any President by his full name.

Until Obama.

Very true....

But if people were HONEST about WHY they are using his middle name, it is NOT out of respect, it is NOT because it was used for other presidents, but it IS FOR NEGATIVE REASONS (to associate Barak with Saddam Hussein, a muslim we executed) know it, they know it, I know it.

THIS is why there is sensitivity to it....To pretend or to act like this is NOT the CASE is just more politicking from the right wing, again in my opinion.

We didn't execute Saddam. The Iraqi people did. Let's try and be factually accurate.

For the record, it has never bothered me what Obama's name is, nor have I ever cared about his religion (or, to be accurate, the lack thereof), it is pathetic to tar someone because of their name, as it is pathetic to admire someone because of their name (as in with Clinton and his desperate attempt to link his name to Thomas Jefferson). It's politicing.... and I really dislike politicing.
This will end badly. And it is all the Democrats fault. They have started something they may soon regret.
Not according to Barry.

Once again, instead of leading the nation he was busy mocking the opposition.

He really is president of only half the country, he makes zero effort to reach out to the other side, outside of his bogus meeting followed by attacks when he gets in front of friendly crowds.

welcome to the club! NOW you know how much it sucks! I felt that way the 8 years of though i had no representation and that he was president for only republicans, half the country!

i can feel the frustration and helplessness you are feeling and going through....:( truly!

BUT you are only on year one....wait till it becomes year 8 of it.... you will feel as though 20 years of your life has been taken away from the 8 years of fret and worry...

i don't envy you at this point....i'll say that much!
NO president was ever as low class as Barry.

He pisses on the office every chance he gets and thinks he's president of teh Democrats, not the United States.

BTW, I didn't like or respect any of them in my lifetime either.
Has the MSM reported any of the statements from tea party organizations denouncing violence and hateful rhetoric? Of course not. They prefer to create the illusion that a few crazies represent the whole. Sorry care. You'll have to watch Hannity if you want to hear it,

Calling people terrorists makes them mad. And that's exactly what they want. It makes for better sound bites on TV. Which Alinsky rule is that?

It's almost like they want civil unrest.... like they are provoking people. :eusa_whistle: but, why? Why? Why would they do that?


...i can't figure out who's more stooooooooooooooooopid:...the 'left-wing liberal democrat' cheerleaders/parrots who think obomba is 'anti-war,' 'will bring the troops home,' etc....or the 'right-wing conservative republican' cheerleaders/parrots (like Foggy in NOLA) who think their stinking political heroes will ever/have ever 'cut spending, lower taxes,' etc.. :rolleyes:

...the rest of you, have a good day!..
[Emphasis added] First of all, morons assume they know the views of another. Moron.

Secondly, the words by the caller are not my words nor are they Limbaugh's. In fact, note Limbaugh says right now. Moron.

Libs simply cannot think properly, so it's not really your fault that you look like the moron you are.
[New emphasis added]
DittoTards are so STUPID, even when you highlight the key points, they still play dumb and fully expect no one to notice their dumb act. :cuckoo:
You think I listen to Rush? :lol:

What an idiot you are.
You are a certified card-carrying DittoTard.

You are rightly ashamed to admit it because I make you DittoTards eat your MessiahRushie's words. :rofl:
[New emphasis added]
DittoTards are so STUPID, even when you highlight the key points, they still play dumb and fully expect no one to notice their dumb act. :cuckoo:
You think I listen to Rush? :lol:

What an idiot you are.
You are a certified card-carrying DittoTard.

You are rightly ashamed to admit it because I make you DittoTards eat your MessiahRushie's words. :rofl:

You liberals are obsessed with Rush and Beck. Simply because we are like minded in some ways your claim cannot be proven that I nor Si, listens to Rush. If I did, I would not be ashamed to say so. Why? are you guys ashamed of your left wing media darlings? If not you should be.

I have never been a Rush fan. I think for myself. I simply love freedom and will defend it as long as there is breath in me
John Fitzgerald Kennedy - used often especially in ceremonial and historical occasions

Ditto for Lyndon Baines Johnson

Ronald WILSON Reagan but for some reason the Wilson was very rarely used, not because there was anything wrong with it. It was probably because Reagan was already very well known when he was elected and the "Wilson" just didn't go with the name.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a well known name to just about everybody--even when the Democrats mocked him from the House floor as George Herbert Hoover Bush. . . .

And certainly William Jefferson Clinton was a commonly used name even though his full name was William Jefferson Blyth Clinton.

And George Walker Bush was not anywhere nearly as common as the "W" but it was used.

But with or without middle names, it was not considered disrespectful to call any President by his full name.

Until Obama.

Very true....

But if people were HONEST about WHY they are using his middle name, it is NOT out of respect, it is NOT because it was used for other presidents, but it IS FOR NEGATIVE REASONS (to associate Barak with Saddam Hussein, a muslim we executed) know it, they know it, I know it.

THIS is why there is sensitivity to it....To pretend or to act like this is NOT the CASE is just more politicking from the right wing, again in my opinion.

I won't deny that there is some of that. But it didn't have to be. If HE had been proud of his name and used it matter of factly and routinely, instead of he and Michelle making a big deal over it, the impact of any intended slur would have been blunted and eventually that sort of thing would have looked and felt lame to everybody.
Link please to that crap!

Typical CON$ervoFascist blame the victim BS.,

It was YOU CON$ who made a big deal out of of his middle name as a negative and also did everything to link his last name to Osama Bin Laden.

When anyone simply points out the calculated tactic you CON$ were using to brand him as a Muslim, you CON$ then accuse THEM of making a "big deal" of his name, muddying the waters. If you remember it was McCain who made the biggest and most public objection to the CON$ervoFascist tactic of using his name to make a Muslim out of Obama, thus amplifying the connection while pretending to object to it!
You think I listen to Rush? :lol:

What an idiot you are.
You are a certified card-carrying DittoTard.

You are rightly ashamed to admit it because I make you DittoTards eat your MessiahRushie's words. :rofl:

You liberals are obsessed with Rush and Beck. Simply because we are like minded in some ways your claim cannot be proven that I nor Si, listens to Rush. If I did, I would not be ashamed to say so. Why? are you guys ashamed of your left wing media darlings? If not you should be.

I have never been a Rush fan. I think for myself. I simply love freedom and will defend it as long as there is breath in me
There you go parroting the Stuttering LimpTard BS.

You are a SLAVE to his brainwashing and you have been PROGRAMMED to say you love freedom, as if those who do not agree with your programming are somehow against freedom. Just as you've been programmed to say you parrot your MessiahRushie's BS not because you have been brainwashed, but because HE agrees with YOU. :rofl:

In fact, according to Stuttering LimpTard, your very reply to my post proves I got it right! :lol:

August 26, 2008
RUSH: "When critics get it right, then you reply," and when you reply to something they've gotten right, it's evidence that the critic has gotten to you.
You are a certified card-carrying DittoTard.

You are rightly ashamed to admit it because I make you DittoTards eat your MessiahRushie's words. :rofl:

You liberals are obsessed with Rush and Beck. Simply because we are like minded in some ways your claim cannot be proven that I nor Si, listens to Rush. If I did, I would not be ashamed to say so. Why? are you guys ashamed of your left wing media darlings? If not you should be.

I have never been a Rush fan. I think for myself. I simply love freedom and will defend it as long as there is breath in me
There you go parroting the Stuttering LimpTard BS.

You are a SLAVE to his brainwashing and you have been PROGRAMMED to say you love freedom, as if those who do not agree with your programming are somehow against freedom. Just as you've been programmed to say you parrot your MessiahRushie's BS not because you have been brainwashed, but because HE agrees with YOU. :rofl:

In fact, according to Stuttering LimpTard, your very reply to my post proves I got it right! :lol:

August 26, 2008
RUSH: "When critics get it right, then you reply," and when you reply to something they've gotten right, it's evidence that the critic has gotten to you.

If you actually believe that, then you are a slave to the internet :cuckoo: And an idiot. Thanks for proving nothing more than that

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