More normal people with guns, more criminals getting shot during criminal attacks….good.

you can post these all day long and it will never exceed the amount of times guns are used for defense,,,

again, the FBI says it happens less than 200 times a year where someone is killed.

Now, if you want to talk about non-lethal DGU's, that number fluctuates anywhere between 60,000 according the FBI to 2.5 Million according to NRA wankers like Lott and Kleck.

I don't even really believe the FBI numbers.

Because you'd have to believe a gun fetishist finally gets himself a chance to shoot him a darky like Rittenhouse or Zimmerman, and he holds back 99.9% of the time. It's laughable.
who said you have to use them to defend against a violent crime,, just showing it or the criminal knowing its there stops the crime, and that number could be in the ,millions per yr

No, it just means the criminal changes his plan.

If you show it to him, he just commits a crime against someone else.
If he thinks there's a gun in the house, he waits until he's sure no one is home to rob it and oh, shit, look, free gun!

Guns prevent no crimes.
again, the FBI says it happens less than 200 times a year where someone is killed.

Now, if you want to talk about non-lethal DGU's, that number fluctuates anywhere between 60,000 according the FBI to 2.5 Million according to NRA wankers like Lott and Kleck.

I don't even really believe the FBI numbers.

Because you'd have to believe a gun fetishist finally gets himself a chance to shoot him a darky like Rittenhouse or Zimmerman, and he holds back 99.9% of the time. It's laughable.
youre misrepresenting the numbers,, its a proven fact that millions of times a yr guns are used to stop crime,,
No, it just means the criminal changes his plan.

If you show it to him, he just commits a crime against someone else.
If he thinks there's a gun in the house, he waits until he's sure no one is home to rob it and oh, shit, look, free gun!

Guns prevent no crimes.
yeah because of a gun,, thats self defense with a gun,,,
who said you have to use them to defend against a violent crime,, just showing it or the criminal knowing its there stops the crime, and that number could be in the ,millions per yr
If the criminal knows you have a gun in the house, that increases the chances he will break into the house when you are not there, steal the gun, and then use it for another crime.
If the criminal knows you have a gun in the house, that increases the chances he will break into the house when you are not there, steal the gun, and then use it for another crime.
when that happens you let me know,, considering most if not all rural houses have guns they are the ;owest in home break ins,,

until then how about we stick to the topic at hand,,
when that happens you let me know,, considering most if not all rural houses have guns they are the ;owest in home break ins,,

That's because they are in remote areas.

I have a vacation home in Wisconsin. My dad didn't store his guns there because native Americans from the nearby reservation were breaking into these cabins looking for guns and booze.
No, it's probably not even in the thousands.

Not if the Criminal goes on to commit a crime elsewhere, which they would in that situation.
probably doesnt cut it and the stats are clear and been posted dozens of times so you know about them,,,

if the criminals moves on to another victim it just goes to show we need more guns out there
That's because they are in remote areas.

I have a vacation home in Wisconsin. My dad didn't store his guns there because native Americans from the nearby reservation were breaking into these cabins looking for guns and booze.
and criminals know they will not just get killed but their bodies dumped where no one will find them,,,,

give it up cupcake, you arent getting our guns,,,
Clarification isn't reversal.

One case of what? A gun being used to murder someone in the house?

Happens all the time. Like that Mormon Twit who anihilated his whole family last month.

OR this guy who killed his wife and kids

The smallest part of gun murder...vs. all the gang members shooting each other in democrat party cities after democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians let them out........

And it doesn't take a gun to murder your family, you idiot.
again, the FBI says it happens less than 200 times a year where someone is killed.

Now, if you want to talk about non-lethal DGU's, that number fluctuates anywhere between 60,000 according the FBI to 2.5 Million according to NRA wankers like Lott and Kleck.

I don't even really believe the FBI numbers.

Because you'd have to believe a gun fetishist finally gets himself a chance to shoot him a darky like Rittenhouse or Zimmerman, and he holds back 99.9% of the time. It's laughable. twit..... you know that most defensive gun use doesn't require shooting at the criminal....most are smart enough to run away or surrender and only about 235 are really stupid and keep attacking an armed victim....
It's pretty obvious why so many Leftists like JoeB131 here want total gun confiscation.
It's because they know the true evil nature of their kind, the lack of respect for human life, and they know they can't be trusted.
They erroneously assume everyone is like their kind.
probably doesnt cut it and the stats are clear and been posted dozens of times so you know about them,,,

if the criminals moves on to another victim it just goes to show we need more guns out there

If guns and prisons made us safer, we'd have the lowest murder and crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

and criminals know they will not just get killed but their bodies dumped where no one will find them,,,,

give it up cupcake, you arent getting our guns,,,

Eventually, this country will get sick of living with your fetish. Even sensible gun owners will say, "enough".

The smallest part of gun murder...vs. all the gang members shooting each other in democrat party cities after democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians let them out........

And it doesn't take a gun to murder your family, you idiot.

Most gun murders are people killing their family member, neighbors and acquaintances. According to the National Gang Task force, only 1800 - 2300 murders a year are "Gang-related".

  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually. twit..... you know that most defensive gun use doesn't require shooting at the criminal....most are smart enough to run away or surrender and only about 235 are really stupid and keep attacking an armed victim....
if you didn't have to kill him, he probably wasn't a threat. We also don't take into account all the times a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, but doesn't kill them that day.
If guns and prisons made us safer, we'd have the lowest murder and crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Eventually, this country will get sick of living with your fetish. Even sensible gun owners will say, "enough".

Most gun murders are people killing their family member, neighbors and acquaintances. According to the National Gang Task force, only 1800 - 2300 murders a year are "Gang-related".

  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.

if you didn't have to kill him, he probably wasn't a threat. We also don't take into account all the times a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, but doesn't kill them that day. dipshit.....

The Criminology of Firearms
The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

If guns and prisons made us safer, we'd have the lowest murder and crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Eventually, this country will get sick of living with your fetish. Even sensible gun owners will say, "enough".

Most gun murders are people killing their family member, neighbors and acquaintances. According to the National Gang Task force, only 1800 - 2300 murders a year are "Gang-related".

  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.

if you didn't have to kill him, he probably wasn't a threat. We also don't take into account all the times a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, but doesn't kill them that day.

According to the National Gang Task force, only 1800 - 2300 murders a year are "Gang-related".

This is, of course, wrong....again...

The truth....

Probably the best of a bad lot was the famous Arthur Kellermann study from 1993 in the New England Journal of Medicine. All the rest are even worse, but at least he controlled for a few possible confounding factors. But he withheld one crucial piece of information from his readers. He knew that virtually none of the people who had been murdered while having a gun in their home had actually been killed with the gun that belonged to someone in the home.

They were almost always killed by someone from outside the home, presumably using their own gun, brought in from outside the home.

So whether the victims had a gun of their own in the house had absolutely nothing to do with the event. And Kellermann withheld that information, and a lot of people noticed the problem right away.

There were even letters to the editor of the journal asking “what gives,” and he responded with a very evasive answer in his reply to the letters.
The problem became inadvertently evident a few years later when he did another study with overlapping samples, where it became evident that he did have that information, and he knew perfectly well that people are rarely murdered with a gun belonging to someone in their own household.

It’s not usually domestic violence when people are murdered in their home. Instead, it’s more likely to be something like a crack dealer sells drugs out of his own home, and a customer comes in and kills him because he wants to get the drugs and not pay for them. That’s a little more typical of people killed while having a gun in their own home, but, of course, the customer brought in his own gun to murder the dealer.

Gangs and Violence

Armstrong: Let’s turn to questions of where crime is coming from in our country. How much violent crime takes place in the subset of the population we would typically associate with the gang culture?

Kleck: In places like Chicago or Los Angeles, it’s a huge fraction of it. It varies enormously from place to place. It may well be that half or more of the gun homicides in those cities are gang related. But in most places in America, it’s a somewhat more modest fraction.

We don’t have national figures that are of any use. For what it’s worth, in the FBI uniform crime reports data, they do have a category for the circumstance in which the crime was committed. One possible box that local police can check in filling out the homicide reports for the FBI could indeed be for gang-related. But the problem is that the FBI forms require police to check just one circumstance. So if a guy belongs to a gang, and he was selling drugs, and he has a dispute with his customer over the price, and then they get into an argument and one shoots the other, that could go into any of three or four different categories, only one of which is gang-related. So those data are useless.

What we’re stuck with are local estimates, and, as I say, it varies enormously from one locality to another. It’s a huge percentage in a couple of cities. Chicago and Los Angeles have really bad street-gang problems. On the other hand, in Peoria it’s probably a relatively small fraction, certainly well under half.

Criminologist Gary Kleck on Guns, Crime, and Their Study - Ari Armstrong

Youtube interview.....

Kleck on anti-gun methods in research, talks about finding gun use

Good. Get those criminals.

Yep....accidents happen. That is why you have to teach people how to secure their guns safely away from children....

Let's compare...

600 million guns in private hands.

Over 22.5 million Americans can legally carry guns in public

Accidental gun deaths 2020


Accidental car deaths 2020


Accidental poisoning deaths 2020


Accidental falling deaths 2020


So...of the two, guns are less likely to cause an accidental death compared to being in a, I take it, you would be very strongly in favor in banning cars to save lives....right?

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