More normal people with guns, more criminals getting shot during criminal attacks….good.

I’m betting this teacher was a Groomer and the shooter did the right thing. Anything else is just fake news.

What you don't understand because you are a blind fanatic....the school had 3 separate warnings that day that that student had a gun at the school and did nothing to deal with it...

In the hours before a 6-year-old boy shot his first-grade teacher in Virginia this month, school leaders were warned three times that the boy might have a gun, a lawyer for the teacher said on Wednesday, including requests from employees to search the boy’s pockets and a report from another child who said that the boy had shown him the gun at recess.

What you don't understand because you are a blind fanatic....the school had 3 separate warnings that day that that student had a gun at the school and did nothing to deal with it...

In the hours before a 6-year-old boy shot his first-grade teacher in Virginia this month, school leaders were warned three times that the boy might have a gun, a lawyer for the teacher said on Wednesday, including requests from employees to search the boy’s pockets and a report from another child who said that the boy had shown him the gun at recess.

Not my point. The kid shot a Groomer and should be congratulated. Guns don’t do bad things. And people with guns are good.
Clarification isn't reversal.

One case of what? A gun being used to murder someone in the house?

Happens all the time. Like that Mormon Twit who anihilated his whole family last month.

OR this guy who killed his wife and kids

Gun in the home, 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Still the truth you don't like.
/-----/ Fake News.

36. Isn't a gun in the home 43 times more likely to kill a friend or loved-one than be used against an intruder?​

It was actually an intruder versus a non-intruder. Nevertheless, it was
a misrepresentation of a meaningless comparison from a limited and poorly done study. This study was performed over a 6 year period in one single county in the USA.
As this study is was done in just one county, that makes its results useless for saying what happens anywhere else. Scientists and researchers call this "a sample size of one".

The comparison is meaningless because it is an apples vs oranges
comparison. 37 of the 43 are suicides, 4.6 are classified as criminal
homicides, and 1.3 were classified as accidents.[36]

Kellermann and Reay, the authors of the study have stated themselves
that "cases in which burglars or intruders are wounded or frightened
away by the use or display of a firearm [and] cases in which would-be
intruders may have purposely avoided a house known to be armed.."[36]
should be included as a benefit. BUT, when they calculated their
comparison they did NOT include those cases. They therefore undercounted protection uses by at least 500 times.[37] If the purpose is to compare defensive uses verses misuse, all defensive uses should be counted, not just the 0.2% of time when a defensive use results in the death of an attacker.
You measure defensive uses by lives saved, not criminals
killed, after all, the purpose of self defense is to prevent or stop a
criminal attack, not kill the attacker.
If the criminal knows you have a gun in the house, that increases the chances he will break into the house when you are not there, steal the gun, and then use it for another crime.

Yep....accidents happen. That is why you have to teach people how to secure their guns safely away from children....

Let's compare...

45,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$217 Billion in economic losses related to guns.
Cops who are armed like soldiers and frequently shoot first and ask questions later because they don't know who is going to try to shoot themselves out of a traffic violation

The rest of the industrialized world doesn't live like this.

36. Isn't a gun in the home 43 times more likely to kill a friend or loved-one than be used against an intruder?​

It was actually an intruder versus a non-intruder. Nevertheless, it was
a misrepresentation of a meaningless comparison from a limited and poorly done study. This study was performed over a 6 year period in one single county in the USA.
As this study is was done in just one county, that makes its results useless for saying what happens anywhere else. Scientists and researchers call this "a sample size of one".

That's not true, either, Kellerman repeated his study in several other cities and got the same result.

45,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$217 Billion in economic losses related to guns.
Cops who are armed like soldiers and frequently shoot first and ask questions later because they don't know who is going to try to shoot themselves out of a traffic violation

The rest of the industrialized world doesn't live like this.
360,000,000 Americans, the numbers you are so paranoid about aren’t even rounding errors. If you want to cut those numbers, KEEP CRIMINALS LOCKED UP. Incarcerated criminals don’t commit gun crimes or kill anyone. My position is be a felon in simple possession of a gun, ten years, no possibility of parole. Use a gun in a crime, twenty years with no possibility of parole. Kill someone with a gun while committing a crime, either death penalty or Life Without the Possibility of Parole. Do that and gun crime drops to near zero.
360,000,000 Americans, the numbers you are so paranoid about aren’t even rounding errors. If you want to cut those numbers, KEEP CRIMINALS LOCKED UP. Incarcerated criminals don’t commit gun crimes or kill anyone. My position is be a felon in simple possession of a gun, ten years, no possibility of parole. Use a gun in a crime, twenty years with no possibility of parole. Kill someone with a gun while committing a crime, either death penalty or Life Without the Possibility of Parole. Do that and gun crime drops to near zero.

Hey, stupid, we've been over this one.

We already lock up 2 million people. More than any country in the world, even Communist China.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole.
We have 100 million Americans with police records.

We simply don't have room to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

And it doesn't solve the underlying problem that most gun deaths are suicides and domestic murders.
Hey, stupid, we've been over this one.

We already lock up 2 million people. More than any country in the world, even Communist China.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole.
We have 100 million Americans with police records.

We simply don't have room to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

And it doesn't solve the underlying problem that most gun deaths are suicides and domestic murders.

It isn't how many violent criminals are temporarily locked is how many times the democrats release the most violent, most dangerous criminals, over and over again......the very individuals doing almost 99% of all the shooting in democrat party controlled cities....

If the democrats keep letting them out, then they aren't locked doofus.
Hey, stupid, we've been over this one.

We already lock up 2 million people. More than any country in the world, even Communist China.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole.
We have 100 million Americans with police records.

We simply don't have room to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

And it doesn't solve the underlying problem that most gun deaths are suicides and domestic murders.

It isn't "merely having a gun," it is having a gun while they are robbing, beating, raping and murdering clod.
It isn't how many violent criminals are temporarily locked is how many times the democrats release the most violent, most dangerous criminals, over and over again......the very individuals doing almost 99% of all the shooting in democrat party controlled cities....

We've been over this, DickTiny. Shootings are up in the rural areas, too.

It isn't "merely having a gun," it is having a gun while they are robbing, beating, raping and murdering clod.
We already lock people up for that. We lock up 2 million people.
Locking people up isn't a solution.
Hey, stupid, we've been over this one.

We already lock up 2 million people. More than any country in the world, even Communist China.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole.
We have 100 million Americans with police records.

We simply don't have room to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

And it doesn't solve the underlying problem that most gun deaths are suicides and domestic murders.
To return the favor MORON, I'm talking about locking up people who are already banned from possessing guns. It's ILLEGAL for a felon to possess a firearm of any description. Locking up the small percentage of people who are violent criminal will cut all crime rates down and violent crime rates dramatically.
We've been over this, DickTiny. Shootings are up in the rural areas, too.

We already lock people up for that. We lock up 2 million people.
Locking people up isn't a solution.
And we don't lock people up for being in possession of a gun during a crime. The DAs allow them to plea-bargain gun charges to misdemeanors or choose not to prosecute them at all.
We've been over this, DickTiny. Shootings are up in the rural areas, too.

We already lock people up for that. We lock up 2 million people.
Locking people up isn't a solution.
Keeping recidivist criminals off the streets isn't a solution?

Maybe sensitivity training would be more effective. Not for the criminal, but for you. You can train in various ways of making excuses to the criminal for the mere fact of your existence.

In most any leftist Hell hole in this country, I'll stay with a cwp but you feel free to be the victim you so want to be.
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