More normal people with guns, more criminals getting shot during criminal attacks….good.

Um, okay... that made no sense. CONSERVATIVES practiced institutional racism. They just all migrated to the GOP in the 1960's.

Everyone should be treated equally and have the same protection of law. This isn't a complicated concept.
Um, okay. Another of your ''... because I say so'' claims.

Sidestepping the history of your democrat ''Party of Slavery'' doesn't change that history. How little the ''Party of Slavery'' has changed.

Democrats now call Tim Scott an ''oreo'', Clarence Thomas is an ''Uncle Tom'' per democrats. The ''Party of Slavery Racist Attacks'' is just a Cult of self-hating retrogrades.
Nope, that's exactly what happened.

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the South Defected to the Republicans.

Imagine that.
The south defected? Thats terrible. Cults will often attempt to make the lives of their defectors a living hell.

Defecting from ''The Party of Slavery'' still has the result of the Democrat Cult attempting to make the lives of even perceived defectors a living hell. Just ask Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas, among others.
This is the type of situation that the anti-gun fetishists would not want to be covered.

AKRON, Ohio — A suspected robber believed to armed with a knife was scared off by a restaurant owner who pulled a handgun on the man, according to police.

Police say they believe the masked suspect is responsible for the armed robbery of another bar later that same night.
The south defected? Thats terrible. Cults will often attempt to make the lives of their defectors a living hell.

Defecting from ''The Party of Slavery'' still has the result of the Democrat Cult attempting to make the lives of even perceived defectors a living hell. Just ask Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas, among others.
What is the percentage makeup of blacks in the current Congress compared to the Democratic side?
Um, okay... that made no sense. CONSERVATIVES practiced institutional racism. They just all migrated to the GOP in the 1960's.

Everyone should be treated equally and have the same protection of law. This isn't a complicated concept.

That is a lie....the racists never left the democrat party....

Perhaps it was the Nixon’s Southern Strategy. That does seem to be a more common explanation these days than the Dixiecrats. But Nixon’s Southern Strategy never actually happened. He did not campaign in the Deep South, but on the outskirts of the South. His strategy was the Sunbelt Strategy, which went from parts of Florida to California. Much of the south was outside where he actually campaigned.
On August 23, 2018, The Hill, published an opinion piece by Dinesh D’Souza, The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’ which stated:

Nixon recognized the South was changing. It was becoming more industrialized, with many northerners moving to the Sunbelt. Nixon’s focus, Phillips writes, was on the non-racist, upwardly-mobile, largely urban voters of the Outer or Peripheral South. Nixon won these voters, and he lost the Deep South, which went to Democratic segregationist George Wallace.
In 1968, Nixon did not take a single state considered Deep South. Segregationist, George Wallace, took the Deep South. Hubert Humphry, the Democrats’ nominee, took Texas. This map shows just how well Nixon’s strategy worked and exactly who the Deep South voted for.

Reagan is claimed to have used a continuation of Nixon’s Southern Strategy that never was. For Reagan, considering the states he won, it was more of an American strategy, beating Carter 489 electoral votes to 49.
Every claim Democrats make about the parties switching is not based on truth. Divisiveness and propaganda are the only things the D
emocrats have, and it continues to be very effective.

When did the Parties Switch on Civil Rights?
Sidestepping the history of your democrat ''Party of Slavery'' doesn't change that history. How little the ''Party of Slavery'' has changed.

Sure it has. It was a conservative party all the way up until FDR. If you read a history book, you'd know this. The last conservative elements left after the Civil Rights Act was signed by LBJ.

That is a lie....the racists never left the democrat party....

Nope, they just started calling themselves "Republicans". I think they called themselves "Reagan Democrats" for a while, but really, that slab of voters left the Democrats with Nixon. But Nixon Democrat doesn't sound as cool.

AKRON, Ohio — A suspected robber believed to armed with a knife was scared off by a restaurant owner who pulled a handgun on the man, according to police.

Police say they believe the masked suspect is responsible for the armed robbery of another bar later that same night.

So the robbery just happened somewhere else. No crime was prevented.
Sure it has. It was a conservative party all the way up until FDR. If you read a history book, you'd know this. The last conservative elements left after the Civil Rights Act was signed by LBJ.

Nope, they just started calling themselves "Republicans". I think they called themselves "Reagan Democrats" for a while, but really, that slab of voters left the Democrats with Nixon. But Nixon Democrat doesn't sound as cool.

So the robbery just happened somewhere else. No crime was prevented.
The ''Party of Slavery'' was a conservative party? That's a remarkable bit of comedy.

I'll be sure to generously tip the waitresses if you're performing your comedy act this week.

It was the Republicans (called the ‘Party of Lincoln’) who attrracted Southern Democrats (you called them "defectors", earlier), known as “Dixiecrats,”

"So the robbery just happened somewhere else. No crime was prevented."

See if you can find a way to follow a logical progression of ideas. An armed restaurant owner prevented a crime from occurring. The criminal, your hero, went on to commit a crime against a victim who was unable to protect him/herself.

A crime was prevented. An armed individual at his restaurant prevented a robbery. Do I need to further a'splain this to you?
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Are you some kind of special retard where you can't process concepts beyond talking points you heard on hate radio?
I see you're angry and emotive and thus retreat to juvenie name-calling.

Were you able to understand that a crime was prevented when a restaurant owner was able to, you know, prevent a crime?

We call that a logical progression of connected ideas.
that is not the question, the question is why white democrats think it is ok to attack black republicans with racial attacks.
Sure, it's the question and its very clear that you don't want to answer it, nor can you explain it.

BTW questioning a black republic pol over policy is not a racial attack. It's you protecting them by using race.
Sure, it's the question and its very clear that you don't want to answer it, nor can you explain it.

BTW questioning a black republic pol over policy is not a racial attack. It's you protecting them by using race.
LOL the dems call them Uncle Tim or Uncle Tom or publish racist cartoons. sure thing they question their positions.
Sure, it's the question and its very clear that you don't want to answer it, nor can you explain it.

BTW questioning a black republic pol over policy is not a racial attack. It's you protecting them by using race.
Where was the questioning over policy?


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