More normal people with guns, more criminals getting shot during criminal attacks….good.

Interesting fact today.

As a nation, we have had more mass shootings this year than days on the calender.

No...that is a lie........

We have had 3 mass public shootings this year.....2 by asian senior citizens, and one by a short black man.

Last year we had a total of 12....

12 individuals out of over 350 million......

74 total dead....

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100

Ladders kill 300 people a year.

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings, and even mass public shootings......

That factoid of from the Centers for Disease Control.....

Another fun fact?

In 6 years the Europeans murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.....after taking away people's guns....

Total gun murder in the U.S. over 246 years?

Around 2,460,000

The governments of the countries you love, murdered more people in 6 years than our criminals with guns have murdered in 246 years.....
One event where 4 or more people are shot.

Nope....that is a lie....

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:

    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.)
    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).

    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
    • ----------------------
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

wrong mass shootings are were 4 or more not counting the shooter were killed and does not include gangland shootings.
No, a mass murder would be 4 or more killed in a single event while a mass shooting is 4 or more wounded.
No, a mass murder would be 4 or more killed in a single event while a mass shooting is 4 or more wounded.

Nope......but thanks for making up new categories...........

obama lowered the number killed to define a mass public shooting to 3, not 4.

Did More Mass Shootings Take Place Under Obama Than Any Other President?

Moreover, in January 2013 a mandate for federal investigation of mass shootings authorized by President Obama changed the previous definition of what constitutes a “mass shooting” event by lowering the minimum number of victims from four to three, thereby increasing the number of such incidents so classified during President Obama’s second term.
Nope......but thanks for making up new categories...........

obama lowered the number killed to define a mass public shooting to 3, not 4.

Did More Mass Shootings Take Place Under Obama Than Any Other President?

Moreover, in January 2013 a mandate for federal investigation of mass shootings authorized by President Obama changed the previous definition of what constitutes a “mass shooting” event by lowering the minimum number of victims from four to three, thereby increasing the number of such incidents so classified during President Obama’s second term.
It's not me whose playing with loose defintions.

What is a mass shooting? There's no consensus definition, but here's what you should know
Sure, because you're for gun safety which is the ability to safety remove the gun from the incident to shoot again.

Oh....I get's Saturday are mixing your booze and your meds again....
When they have a violent criminal record a mile long and their being released will endanger keep them in coumty till trial.....but the democrats let them out which is why you have violent criminals commitimg gun murder as they are waitimg for trial on multiple other felonies and gun crimes.....and why it is so hard to get people to testify against them....

Okay, if you can honestly make that case, ask for remand. The problem is, that isn't how bail was being done in this country. Poor people who committed minor property crimes were being held for months or years in prison because they couldn't come up with bail, while people who actually were dangerous could make bail or get a bail bond.

the cops arrest them and the next day the witness seea them on the block........

and that is even before they get comvicted and sent to prison on reduces charges....that the democrat party prosecutor pled down

Snitches get stitches!

The reality is, we have already reached the saturation point on "lock them up". We lock up 2 million people. We have another 7 million on parole and 100 million with a police record. We can't lock them all up.

We can take away their guns. True, they can get another, and we take that away, too. Then we go after the guy who sold it to him.

Um, yeah. In typical leftist fashion, you played the race card. Let go of your self-hate. You may personally believe that your whiteness is a sin but why project your self-hate and failings on others?

The failing is people like you who see institutionalized racism every day and say, "Well, not my problem."
Okay, if you can honestly make that case, ask for remand. The problem is, that isn't how bail was being done in this country. Poor people who committed minor property crimes were being held for months or years in prison because they couldn't come up with bail, while people who actually were dangerous could make bail or get a bail bond.

Snitches get stitches!

The reality is, we have already reached the saturation point on "lock them up". We lock up 2 million people. We have another 7 million on parole and 100 million with a police record. We can't lock them all up.

We can take away their guns. True, they can get another, and we take that away, too. Then we go after the guy who sold it to him.

The failing is people like you who see institutionalized racism every day and say, "Well, not my problem."
Democrat SJW's see ''institutionalized racism'' every day because it's what they practice. The Democrat ''Party of Slavery'' has changed little in the last 150 years. The angry, self-hating left has just shifted its implementation as a hate group focused on blacks and now screeches ''institutionalized racism'' while focusing their self-hate with the white fragility doctrine, anti-Asian loathing, queer promoting, victimhood screeching and school aged child destroying doctrines.

Leftist "Social justice" ideology is little more than an institutionalized cult.
Democrat SJW's see ''institutionalized racism'' every day because it's what they practice.

Um, okay... that made no sense. CONSERVATIVES practiced institutional racism. They just all migrated to the GOP in the 1960's.

Everyone should be treated equally and have the same protection of law. This isn't a complicated concept.
Um, okay... that made no sense. CONSERVATIVES practiced institutional racism. They just all migrated to the GOP in the 1960's.

Everyone should be treated equally and have the same protection of law. This isn't a complicated concept.
That is another lie you tell it didnt happen.
Nope, that's exactly what happened.

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the South Defected to the Republicans.

Imagine that.
Didnt happen in state and local elections the South was still voting democrat heavy until the turn of the century

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