More oppression from government. Man fined 300/day for flying military flags

And you used to ask us all "what rights have we lost." Now look at you haha.

I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

So all we have to do is decide that free speech sounds or looks tacky (sign holding) and we can start handing out fines.... because a city decided to trample our first amendment right.

Glad to see you support fining protesters. Or are they different somehow?
If they break local laws I have no problem with them being fined.
And you used to ask us all "what rights have we lost." Now look at you haha.

I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

MY GOD I can't believe how stupid you are....

If a business "looks tacky", people won't GO THERE.

Fascist asshole sucking parasites like you want to regulate what "looks tacky"?
There aren't words strong enough since Sanskrit that I could use to tell you how hard you can go fuck yourself and the horse you rode out of hell on.

You "think" cities have rights? I suppose the collective farmers of North Korea have "rights too.

Fuck... how do morons like this survive childhood? We really need to get those child proof lids off the DRANO.
Aren't you cute.
I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

So all we have to do is decide that free speech sounds or looks tacky (sign holding) and we can start handing out fines.... because a city decided to trample our first amendment right.

Glad to see you support fining protesters. Or are they different somehow?
If they break local laws I have no problem with them being fined.

Laws that were created 2 YEARS AFTER he started flying his flags.
So all we have to do is decide that free speech sounds or looks tacky (sign holding) and we can start handing out fines.... because a city decided to trample our first amendment right.

Glad to see you support fining protesters. Or are they different somehow?

She had no problem with the lean to's, makeshift tents or sloppy hand made signs of the protestors who occupied SOMEONE ELSES PROPERTY in the middle of New York City.

That wasn't tacky but our military flags are....

Simply stunning how much of a hack so many are

Which just goes to show that "tackiness" is in the eye of the beholder, and certainly not grounds to violate private property rights.
You're right, it is in the eye of the beholder. And this beholder (the city) has a right to regulate business within their borders.
So all we have to do is decide that free speech sounds or looks tacky (sign holding) and we can start handing out fines.... because a city decided to trample our first amendment right.

Glad to see you support fining protesters. Or are they different somehow?
If they break local laws I have no problem with them being fined.

Laws that were created 2 YEARS AFTER he started flying his flags.

doesn't matter. If your city decides years after you blew up that last toilet with bad valve replacement that those types of valves aren't permitted then guess what?
Big Brother's pretty cool, hah? This is why more & more Citizens are beginning to fear and loathe their Government. It's very sad, especially considering our Founding fathers set things up to be the opposite. They wanted Government to fear and respect the People instead. They wanted them to feel that Revolution was always possible. Our Founding Fathers were Revolutionaries after all. Things are pretty bad right now. Government is just growing bigger and more intrusive by the day. I hope it can be reversed at some point. But i'm not too optimistic about that happening.
She had no problem with the lean to's, makeshift tents or sloppy hand made signs of the protestors who occupied SOMEONE ELSES PROPERTY in the middle of New York City.

That wasn't tacky but our military flags are....

Simply stunning how much of a hack so many are

Which just goes to show that "tackiness" is in the eye of the beholder, and certainly not grounds to violate private property rights.
You're right, it is in the eye of the beholder. And this beholder (the city) has a right to regulate business within their borders.

So you say. Except of course they made the ordinance after the fact. And that ordinance sure seems to violate his rights imo.

Course if those flags had obamas face on them im sure you would label this a "racist" ordinance by a bunch of old white city council men.

Your tactics are so shallow and pathetic
And you used to ask us all "what rights have we lost." Now look at you haha.

I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

He should have the right to display whatever the hell he wants to ON HIS PROPERTY. And how the fuck are military flags being displayed at a business that donates to military causes tacky?

out here in cant put up Temporary signs outside of your business to advertise a sale or a grand cant do it,they think it does not look good......but during election time, there are signs for every dam person running and all the propositions.......these things are everywhere,sometimes 20 on a street corner and it makes the area where they are at look like shit.....and after the Election they are there sometimes for about looking tacky.....its funny how the city allows that but not an owner putting one sign up on his property ............
Which just goes to show that "tackiness" is in the eye of the beholder, and certainly not grounds to violate private property rights.
You're right, it is in the eye of the beholder. And this beholder (the city) has a right to regulate business within their borders.

So you say. Except of course they made the ordinance after the fact. And that ordinance sure seems to violate his rights imo.

Course if those flags had obamas face on them im sure you would label this a "racist" ordinance by a bunch of old white city council men.

Your tactics are so shallow and pathetic
Actually, I think anyone that would fly a flag with Obama's face on it had a screw loose.
I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

He should have the right to display whatever the hell he wants to ON HIS PROPERTY. And how the fuck are military flags being displayed at a business that donates to military causes tacky?

out here in cant put up Temporary signs outside of your business to advertise a sale or a grand cant do it,they think it does not look good......but during election time, there are signs for every dam person running and all the propositions.......these things are everywhere,sometimes 20 on a street corner and it makes the area where they are at look like shit.....and after the Election they are there sometimes for about looking tacky.....its funny how the city allows that but not an owner putting one sign up on his property ............

Somehow that's different. Go figure?
I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

He should have the right to display whatever the hell he wants to ON HIS PROPERTY. And how the fuck are military flags being displayed at a business that donates to military causes tacky?

out here in cant put up Temporary signs outside of your business to advertise a sale or a grand cant do it,they think it does not look good......but during election time, there are signs for every dam person running and all the propositions.......these things are everywhere,sometimes 20 on a street corner and it makes the area where they are at look like shit.....and after the Election they are there sometimes for about looking tacky.....its funny how the city allows that but not an owner putting one sign up on his property ............

Believe it or not, some municipalities do try to regulate sign placement but since it is a benefit to politicians that will probably never happen.

A Right of Way for Campaign Signs? | Campaigns & Elections
For years I put up yard signs when we were remodeling someone's home. Weatherby Lake police came by one day on a job and took my sign down and told me my company lettered trailer was a violation. Said I had to get a permit for public advertising. I told them the trailer c9ntained all our equipment. They didn't care. I didn't either. I lost my sign but never moved my trailer.

micro managing pricks
For years I put up yard signs when we were remodeling someone's home. Weatherby Lake police came by one day on a job and took my sign down and told me my company lettered trailer was a violation. Said I had to get a permit for public advertising. I told them the trailer c9ntained all our equipment. They didn't care. I didn't either. I lost my sign but never moved my trailer.

micro managing pricks

It's control. Big Government is all about control. They don't fear and respect the People anymore. Now it's the reverse. Many Citizens fear & loathe their Government at this point. Our Founding Fathers would be very disappointed.
He wants special treatment because they are military flags. Notice he wasn't whining about his other banner.

No, he simply wants his private property rights respected by the city government, and that happens to take the form of military flags.
Nah, he apparently doesn't have a problem not flying beer signs or welcome biker signs without a permit.

Flag flap has Holly Hill business owner 'Crazy' mad |

He wants special treatment for military flags. And he'll probably get it since this is in a very red part of Florida. Entitlement is what it is no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

Using your own property as you see fit is not an entitlement. An entitlement is being given something that you previously did not have, and this obviously does not fall under that category. That he may or may not be completely philosophically pure on the issue is irrelevant. The city has no right to say he can't fly his flags, or any other sign, flag, or what have you, on his own property. It's that simple, no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
She had no problem with the lean to's, makeshift tents or sloppy hand made signs of the protestors who occupied SOMEONE ELSES PROPERTY in the middle of New York City.

That wasn't tacky but our military flags are....

Simply stunning how much of a hack so many are

Which just goes to show that "tackiness" is in the eye of the beholder, and certainly not grounds to violate private property rights.
You're right, it is in the eye of the beholder. And this beholder (the city) has a right to regulate business within their borders.

And how far does this "right to regulate" extend?
No, he simply wants his private property rights respected by the city government, and that happens to take the form of military flags.
Nah, he apparently doesn't have a problem not flying beer signs or welcome biker signs without a permit.

Flag flap has Holly Hill business owner 'Crazy' mad |

He wants special treatment for military flags. And he'll probably get it since this is in a very red part of Florida. Entitlement is what it is no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

Using your own property as you see fit is not an entitlement. An entitlement is being given something that you previously did not have, and this obviously does not fall under that category. That he may or may not be completely philosophically pure on the issue is irrelevant. The city has no right to say he can't fly his flags, or any other sign, flag, or what have you, on his own property. It's that simple, no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

This reminds me of when the Nanny Staters got smoking in restaurants & bars banned. Imagine not being allowed to smoke in your own restaurant or bar? Here you are a good honest taxpaying Citizen, yet you're treated like a common criminal by your Government. I still don't get why Americans rolled over so easily on that one. It only encouraged Big Government Nanny Staters to go further. And now they're completely out of control. Can it be reversed? I just don't know.
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And you used to ask us all "what rights have we lost." Now look at you haha.

I don't ever recall having a right to operate a business and decorate it in a manner that looked tacky.

Why do you people hate the rights of cities to operate as they wish to operate?

He should have the right to display whatever the hell he wants to ON HIS PROPERTY. And how the fuck are military flags being displayed at a business that donates to military causes tacky?

On this one, I totally agree with you; display whatever you want on your own property. If you want to have cars parked in your lawn--YOUR LAWN--the government should have no opinion on it. Homeowners associations that you sign onto and deed restrictions are a different matter but governments should not have an opinion on it.
No, he simply wants his private property rights respected by the city government, and that happens to take the form of military flags.
Nah, he apparently doesn't have a problem not flying beer signs or welcome biker signs without a permit.

Flag flap has Holly Hill business owner 'Crazy' mad |

He wants special treatment for military flags. And he'll probably get it since this is in a very red part of Florida. Entitlement is what it is no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

Using your own property as you see fit is not an entitlement. An entitlement is being given something that you previously did not have, and this obviously does not fall under that category. That he may or may not be completely philosophically pure on the issue is irrelevant. The city has no right to say he can't fly his flags, or any other sign, flag, or what have you, on his own property. It's that simple, no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
Bull. Plenty of cities have regulations about what can and cannot be displayed by businesses. In fact I'd be willing to bet that ALL of them have such regulations.

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